Aunt Yaya’s family was in-between houses during Christmas, so I made up a fun gift for the niece and nephew. Lots of fun goodies tucked in there. I know they are old teenagers but they can still have fun. I’m pretty certain I win the Crazy-Old-Aunt Award.
Double piggies…this girl!
Granddaddy’s hat is always fun to try on.
There is a Lego store just down from where Ge and Granddaddy live. A big one! We took the kids there the day before MRI day and we all had a blast.
You can create your own mini-figures. So, I made one of Emmie’s neurologist and one of her neurosurgeon. Next time we go, I’ll have to actually make them and buy them for the docs! Emmie loved this little table. Drawers ya’ll. Drawers full of Lego bricks everywhere!