Ceili Rain’s One Month Old!

Ceili Rain and I had a talk about how we’d celebrate her one month birthday. She said it wasn’t about her but about Jesus and so she wanted to celebrate on Easter. It was a great day worshipping the risen Jesus and spending time with family. Good choice sweet girl! After worship, we took her home and took pictures under my only fully blooming azalea bush…her request.

She’s now smiling and started that little trick on Thursday. Getting her to do it more than two or three times is not happening right now so pictures will probably come later in the month.

“Oh bother! Why am I here on the ground.”
Slowly creeping…sneaking…here comes a big brother!


3 thoughts on “Ceili Rain’s One Month Old!

  1. Happy Birthday, granddaughter!! We didn’t forget about your birthday, just couldn’t remember to say it while we visited with you. we love you,
    Papa and Grandmere

  2. Did you get that outfit at the WeePeats consignment sale??? I think it was Preslee’s if you did!! I got if from my neighbor down the road!!
    It is soooo precious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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