Ceili Rain at Nine Months!

She’s drinking from a cup, on her own!!
Eating Big Girl Food…she refuses baby food and wants only what we’re having…none of this ground up with a hand blender, nope.  She’ll take it in very small pieces or whole (Don’t worry, we were right there…it’s a pizza crust).
She’s also pushing herself up from laying down to sitting.  Despite being sick most of December, she’s still a great baby.  She isn’t crawling but prefers to either scoot on her bottom or roll around.  She is also enjoying walking holding onto hands…still a little shaky with this but enjoying it none the less.  She loves being up where she can see what’s going on and if she’s in a room with her brothers and sister and they leave, we all know about it!
Here’s her stats from her nine month check up:

 17 lbs 1 oz (20%)
27 1/4 inches long (40%)
17 1/2 inches head (60%)

Now, if you’re trying to compare…she’s dropped off in her weight and height (percentage wise)…but she’s proportionate.  Dr. B. is not concerned and, like I’ve been saying, said she was just petite and going to be a little smaller than her siblings.
On a sad note, Ceili Rain has pretty much weaned her self from nursing.  She started to drop and refuse (and I mean flailing arms and yelling when I tried) two feedings at the start of January and cut back to one feeding a couple of weeks ago and then has pretty much started sleeping until we all get up (7 am) and not really interested in nursing then (like a few sucks and then grins and laughs and looking around and then refusing to go back on).   I know a lot of it has to do with the pregnancy.  Because of my hormones my milk supply is changing and some women even have a decrease in milk.  The flavor can change as well.  I believe that is the cause of a lot of her disinterest.  Because she’s not quite a year and to prevent her from becoming anemic, we’ve had to switch to formula and give that to her during meal times.  Thankfully, she’s not really minded drinking that instead of water and has been guzzling it down the past few meals.  I’m very grateful that it’s only for two months.  I was praying we would make it to one year, but alas, God and Ceili Rain had other ideas!  Because she had such a dramatic drop at the beginning of December, I was prepared for her to stop nursing before a year.

Now, while we were there, Liam had his four month check up and shots.  Here’s his stats:

Weight:  36 lbs (50%)
Height:  39 1/2 inches (40%)

Believe it or not but he’s not small at all!  He’s actually tracking right on the growth curve.  Dr. B said that there are just so many obese kids that he looks small compared to them.

And, while we were there, I asked Dr. B to listen to Zoe.  She’s been hacking like a smoker for a little over a week and it gradually got worse two nights before we had to go to the doctor’s office.  Dr. B listened and heard the beginnings of pneumonia in her chest.  So, now Zoe’s on an antibiotic.  She’s doing much much better.

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