
Almost noon now. The contractions are much more intense and closer together. Abbie said she feels like he’s moving down. She is doing great, of course, breathing through each time. Rocking seems to be the name of the game for this labor,  and not much back labor this time. We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.


Dr. J just came in and broke my water.  Contractions are about 2-3 minutes apart and about to.get stronger.  Despite that Dr. J almost forget we were here (long story)….he offered up anything to drink and small bites to eat.  Going natural rocks!  We’re watching Into the Woods before the contractions get too strong.  Pretty funny. 
At 4 cm.  Woohoo…

Here we go…

We’re checked.in and my faithful friend “the pit” has arrived and has started his job.  We had children visiting us or curled up on bed all night…combined.with excitement over meeting our Malachi, npt much sleep was had.
Oh, at about 4 cm dilated.


Malachi’s still cooking.  The grandparents have arrived.  And…my new stove has arrived!  Oh, wait, I didn’t tell ya’ll about that…look for it later.

Anyway, while we wait on Mr. Malachi to make it into this world (and our family) here’s a picture from the ultrasound on Monday.

This is a profile of his face.  The sonographer was quite impressed she got such a good picture so late in the pregnancy.  I bet it was because he was so high up!

Contractions are still coming but just aren’t close enough or regular enough to go in!


Could this be it?

Earlier this morning:  Woke up this morning to CeiRai crying about 2:30 am.  Soothed her back to sleep and made my customary trip to the bathroom.  When I tried to go back to sleep I had a really strong contraction…then another…I decided if I had two more, I’d get up and sit on the exercise ball which is way more comfy than laying down.  It’s 3:45 and contractions are about 5 minutes apart and 45 seconds to one minute long.  Could this be it?

10:00 am update:  It’s not entirely it…but we’re getting closer!  Around 4 or so, they fizzled out to 10 minutes apart but haven’t stopped.  That’s a good thing.  I tried to go to bed at 4:45 but a few minutes after Mark hopped in the shower at 5, Bryant got up.  So I rocked him and breathed and rocked him and texted my best friend who was up pretty close to six.  I put Bryant down at 6:30 and headed to take a shower.  I was finally able to grab a quick cat-nap on the couch.  Until the Distructo Duo came to let me know they were awake…that took about 5 to 10 minutes.

Thus began our day.  There are a few more indications that labor may come closer than Friday.  May being the key word.  You never can tell with labor pains.

As I told one of my dear friends…I really hope this is the real deal and soon because I don’t want to pull any more all-nighters until after he gets here!

AFTERNOON UPDATE:  My contractions are very strong but not anywhere close.  I liken them to early labor contractions…bearable but not worth getting all excited over.  I feel a bit funky and like he’s actually gotten lower (praying that’s so).  So, we’re still at home for now.  Mark, my knight in shining armor, came home early and whisked the kids away so I could sleep. I got a solid hour in and true to my daytime napping, once I’m awake, I’m awake.  Looks like an early bedtime tonight!


40 Weeks Plus Update

Going by the LMP (if you don’t know, don’t ask), Malachi should be here by now.  Of course, we all know my kids don’t follow medical terminology and are pretty snug in their environments.  They also come out big.  Well, really big.

Today I had what was termed a “biophysical profile.”  Basically, this means that I’m past due and they did an ultrasound to make sure baby was doing good.  Turns out, he’s doing great.  He’s quite comfy up in my belly.  He’s got room to stretch his legs…which he did during the ultrasound and my belly went sideways and the sonographer jumped as Malachi knocked the probe off of him (Yes, he knocked the probe off).  She was quite freaked out and I informed her that he does this.  All day.  It’s really interesting to watch my round tummy go completely to one side.  He’s also head down which is very nice to see.

And, true to my babes, he’s big.  Somewhere around 8 lbs 12 oz. to 9 lbs.  Don’t freak out now…my biggest two were 9 lbs 6 oz.  I could not imagine what size my kids would be if I had twins!

I’m still at 3 cm (at least he could tell this time) dilated.  Malachi is still really high up though…meaning he’s still disengaged.

We talked with Dr. J.  He gave us options. Because he’s that good of a doctor.  He was really okay, even without me mentioning it, to wait until next week to schedule an induction.  He was also okay with doing one this week.  Since I’m 3 cm, I’m, yet again, a good candidate for an induction.  Dr. J will not break my water unless his head is engaged.  In fact, Dr. J is pretty much all for avoiding an unnecessary c-section…have I ever mentioned how good of a doctor he is?

After Mark and I talked alone, Mark was more comfortable with going with the 9th for the induction.  I agreed with him and we are so ready to meet our little man.

Plus, Mark wins our family baby pool!
Plus, 3+9=12 and that’s really cool…3-9-12.  Yeah, we’re number nerds around here.  Now, if he was born on 3-6-12, that’d be really cool too.
