I know. I’m behind again. So sad. I’m still working hard. As evidenced by this room. The girls’ room. I gave Zoe control over it when we unpacked. But she soon realized that she needed a bit of help (okay, I told her she needed a bit of help). I took a Saturday in October and we spent two hours in this room. Two hours in one room…just organizing and rearranging.
We made it through though.
Ceili Rain has the bottom bunk. The girls’ bed was a Craigslist find. Mark and a friend from church headed out the night we closed on the house and picked up the bed. They took it to the new house in a down pour very similar to our move in day. On the way home, they saw a guy on a bike. He was trying to peddle home in the down pour. They had room in the van for the guy and his bike because the seats were all out. So, upon the suggestion of the friend, they picked him up. Mark and our friend said that this guy would not stop talking the whole trip. Apparently, his “motivation was in the tank” and he “used to be a cabby in Philadelphia” or somewhere like that.
And that has nothing to do with the girls’ room. I just thought I’d share.
Ceili Rain stuffs things around her bed. I have since scooted her bed to one side and will be getting a bookshelf for the other soon.
I know. I know. She did her best with what she had.
This is a before of the closet. The girls love American Girl dolls so having a walk-in closet was wonderful! They now have a place for the girls to “live.” And these girls typically live in a style of luxury.
One of the “sold me” parts of the house was the walk-in closets in two of the bedrooms.
This is the organized after picture. Ceili Rain was showing me where the girls were sleeping. We arranged it so they could get to each of the dolls. I moved the bookshelf in to the closet so they have more space for something I’ll show tomorrow.
I’m keeping their bed linens in this small hang up place.
I repainted their dresser before we moved. When we first purchased the dresser it was painted red. I repainted it with a castle on the front drawers but I knew Zoe was getting too old for that and the white flat paint that we used as a base was getting dingy. So, we found a bright pink, funky fabric, and pink spray paint. I dipped the fabric in fabric softener and smushed it on the drawers. The ends got frazzled and still are, so I hot glued ribbon around the edges. It won’t stay but we can swap it out easily when the girls get tired of the fabric.
I can see the floor! And two adorable and beautiful little girls.
Jumping for joy! Just had to throw this in there.
Boys walk-in closet. We mainly hang up church clothes in both rooms but having the walk-ins allows them to have play space and, we’ll have plenty of room to hang up “real” clothes when they get older. Josiah enjoys helping give tours. Okay, he enjoys photobombing.
Ties, colonial costumes, and backpacks. That’s what we store in the boys’ closet!
See. Tour photobomber. We have four boys in one room. Malachi has a separate room that will eventually double as a guest bedroom. For now, it’s all his until everyone comes in to play with his toys. His bedroom does not have a walk-in closet, is not finished, and really only contains his crib. Hence, I didn’t see a need to post the pictures right away. I’ll do that later.
I purchased over the door shoe organizers for the boys’ and girls’ rooms. This gives the girls plenty of space for their dolls and it keeps the boys’ shoes organized. We only keep Sunday shoes in their rooms since the rest are in the mud room so that gives extra storage for whatevers. The girls keep their few Barbie dolls in them and I’m not sure what else. The boys’ still haven’t figured out what to do with theirs. But Bryant was very upset this past Sunday when he couldn’t find his shoes (that were in the organizer).
You can head over to A Bowl Full of Lemons to see some better more organized kids’ spaces. We are continually working to stay organized and clean and right now, my goal is to have a place for everything. Making it look cute will come when I win the lottery that I don’t play later.