Excuses, excuses

Yes, my full intention was to post more than once last week.  That failed miserably with activities every night and school every morning.  And then this happened Saturday night:

The little sensor thingy that tells the washing machine, “You full!  Stop adding water.”  stopped working.  And we noticed the overflow when the water was dripping from the ceiling.  There is very little damage to the wall/downstairs but upstairs is going to have a bit going on.  We lived with these fans, dehumidifiers and the noise for three nights.  See the clothes by the door, this is on account of amazing friends who are loaning me their washing machines to wash clothes.  We will be installing new bathroom floors, new carpet pad, and new laundry closet floors.  As well as some very  minor painting downstairs.  
Please don’t say this wouldn’t have happened had the washing machine been down stairs.  It could have. And the damage would have been just as bad (if not worse) downstairs because there are no drains in downstairs laundry rooms to scoot the water out.  Most of the water from the overflow did make it down the drain.  It was just a lot of water.
Oh, and Saturday I realized that Bryant was getting pink eye.  And Ceili Rain.  And Malachi.  By  Monday, Bryant was running a fever and by Tuesday Malachi started.  They have all had some runny noses but they’ve just gotten worse.
Then our Ginger dog had a seizure/anxiety attack or something on Monday night.  Mark and I think it might have been related to the loudness of the fans because she has been so skiddish around them…and well, she’s our mentally “unstable” dog.  What I’m saying is, she needs therapy.  And drugs.  Lots of drugs.  Bless her heart.  She’s been fine ever since and we kept her away from the fans on Tuesday so she was fine.
We’re praising God that the fans are gone and normal noise levels have resumed.  The dog is somewhat back to normal (her normal…not other dogs normal) and the kids eyes are on the mend.  
Anybody else have excuses for not doing something?!  I need some validation people.


Hi. My name is Abbie…

Just thought I would introduce myself.  It’s been super busy.  Two weeks ago, we were getting ready to go out of town and then we went out of town and then we came back and then I spent three days with my Lilla Rose business at a booth all.  day.  long.  And then we went to a church conference and then here we are two weeks later and I haven’t put a thing on the blog. 

Really, I though the last post was too epic to put anything for while. 

I’ll post some funnies from the kids.  As soon as I find them on facebook.

We are learning Psalm 119 in church.  We’re doing 8 verses a month (that’s one section a month).  And, to make it easier, we’re doing it in song.  And it does make it easier.  So much so that Ceili Rain, 3, has been walking around the house singing the first eight verses, aleph.  It just melts my heart ya’ll.  Here’s a link to a cd that we are playing over and over again in the van.
Ceili Rain, 3, continues to be a sweet MIT.  She is not only co-sleeping with her baby doll, but one night I caught her nursing in bed.  Crunchy mama indeed.
Malachi, at 10 months, can climb the stairs.  First time we’ve had a baby and stairs to contend with.  He has yet to prove that he can climb down the stairs.  I may die of a heart attack soon.
Next up is Liam (7). On the way home tonight we were listening to Adventures in Odyssey and it was talking about being bold for your faith. Liam kept saying, “I don’t think anyone wants to be bold. Nope, no one really wants to be bold.” We finally got him to stop talking long enough to ask him why he felt that way.

“I don’t think anyone wants to be bold. Because it means you don’t have any hair.”

Ceili Rain seems to have taken the majority of funnies this past month.  Here’s another.  I was getting a meal ready in the kitchen and Ceili Rain was in there as well.  Her siblings were up in the backyard or something.    This is what I heard as I worked:  

 “Duck, duck, duck, GOOSE!” She sighs (a big sigh), “I’m it again.”

And finally, I know almost everyone has seen the banana slicer reviews but have you seen the reviews for uranium ore?  


Seven Year Old Vs. The Dryer

Last week, one of my facebook posts went something like this, “twenty plus minutes to move clothes from the washer to the dryer. All because the five year old and seven year old are trying to figure out if the light in the dryer stays on when you close the door.”

Soon after Josiah, the five year old, came downstairs and told me, “Mom the dryer light stays on when you close the door.”  That means either a five year old or seven year old made it in to the dryer and closed the door.  Despite being told not to.

Fast forward to Tuesday.  Another Laundry Day.  Liam’s laundry day job is to move the close from the washer to the dryer and from the dryer to our bedroom (where we all fold them at the end of the day).  Liam swaps the clothes and starts the dryer.  When it finishes, he went to check on them.  Still wet.  I thought that was odd since we had just purchased this “new to us” dryer and it had been running so smoothly for over three weeks.  I followed them upstairs to make sure they had it on the right setting.  They did.  We went about our business of morningness and in the afternoon I remembered the dryer and asked Liam to swap it.  He obliged but then quickly came down to tell me they were wet.  I trudged up the steps and investigated.  Sure enough, the clothes were very wet.  I started the dryer and it came on and was heating up, but when I opened the door, the clothes had not moved.  The drum belt was messed up.

I quickly called Mark and alerted him to our dilemma and then set to work to start drying the two loads that had been washed.  I was very grateful that our “mother’s helper” was there that morning. 

This is what we came up with:

We covered the entire upstairs in clotheslines.  At first, I couldn’t find rope so we went with the verse, “a cord of three strands is not easily broken…”  and twisted together three pieces of yarn.  While wandering around in our bedroom, I found rope.  Paracord to be precise.  Paracord, for those that aren’t hip and in to survival bracelets, is a super strong rope used to make survival bracelets.

So intricately woven were the clotheslines that the kids had to do some crazy obstacle moves to get to their rooms and the bathroom.  By the way, I ran the cords/string/yarn between doorways and tied them at the hinges.

So, I went to the boys room and used the paracord to make this:

After some activities that evening, we came home and Mark moved this clothesline set to our closet.  I didn’t get a picture of that but it was quite humorous.  I also took a load of clothes to Kristina’s to get dry.

So Mark took the dryer apart and found that the belt was not broken (thankfully).  It had just slipped off the drum.  He put it back on and we were back in the clothes drying business.

And Liam learned:  40 something pound seven year olds do not need to climb in to a dryer made for 12 pounds of clothes.


This Means War!

Ah, we’re now in to January! Aren’t ya’ll excited? Our January has been rather non-eventful. Until today. But I’ll tell you about that tomorrow.

Anyway, January 1st came upon us and I declared a battle of foam darts and generic “nerf” guns was in order. We stocked up. And Kristina made a mad dash for ammo and artillery and the war commenced. The kids quickly decided it would be adults against children. I do not think that was very fair since there were ten of them and three of us.  But it’s safe to say we all survived and no one broke a bone.

The kids strategizing!

Zoe and some other children decided they needed away to transport their ammo.  Zoe chose this lovely basket!  It’s all about how you accessorize, people.

I found this crew in a fall out shelter (aka the puppet theater in a corner of the playroom).  They were safe and sound and having their own little play time.

Bryant had his protective eye wear on.  Safety first.

Trying to get a non blurry picture of children on the attack is near to impossible.
Mr. J. attacking his own flesh and blood.  This is war…take no prisoners!
Liam in his makeshift fort.
In the thick of battle!
Laura told me, in passing, that this was an awesome time at our home!  Yeah, Mark and I know we’re the cool parents.*
*I hope ya’ll know I’m joking.  But it was a very fun afternoon of shooting one another.  Wait.  That didn’t sound right.


We really belong in the Zoo

After Edventure and Fudrucker’s, we headed out to the zoo Christmas lights.  We had never seen the lights but since we had the zoo membership we wanted to take advantage of it.
 Look!  We got them all in a picture!!!

 We didn’t have snow at Edventure but we did have it all around the zoo!  The kids were thrilled to see the tiny bubbles floating down.  We couldn’t really build a snowman but they could at least watch it fall.

 There was a lit up toy soldier.  Then five little soldiers had to get in line too.

He bit her finger off!

They had lights synced to music all over the place!  Very fun to watch.
Homeschoolers and their “friends.”


Off we go on an Edventure

This past year, I requested a ban on actual toys for the kids.  I know I’m mean.  But seriously, some of you did not see all these toys and such we moved.  So, Ge and Granddaddy gifted the kids with a membership to a children’s museum near them.  They also gave them a bunch of toys (I’m not a Scrooge, peeps).

Well, the museum has reciprocity to several museums across the nation.  One happens to be even closer and it’s one we’ve been to before.  We’ve always enjoyed it.

So, for Liam’s birthday celebration, he requested a trip to Edventure.  We happily obliged.  They had a special exhibit called Snowville.  The last time we had been to that exhibit they had fake snow.  We got the kids super excited this time that there would be snow indoors.  Well, we were wrong.  No snow this time.  But the day and the evening activity (more on that later) more than made up for it.

We were super excited to see all the wonderful improvements Edventure has made to their exhibits and the kids totally enjoyed themselves!

From grocery shopping…

 To peach pickin’ at the farm…

 Processing milk…

 Building things and operating “heavy” machinery…

 Scaling snowcapped mountains…
 Tubing in the “snow.”
 Shooting the luge…

 Is this not the funniest picture?
 A trip to the dentist…
 Dress ups and
 Human puppets (that’d be Malachi the “puppet” in the far corner of the picture)
 And no trip is not complete without braving exploring Eddy, the two story eleven year old boy (you can climb inside him and see what he had for lunch, etc).
After our Edventure trip, our real adventures didn’t end.  It was off to eat at Fudrucker’s (a real treat, especially with the amazing drink machine that I didn’t get a picture of) and then to…well, this post is long already and will just have to wait until tomorrow.


Happy Birthday Liam!

Yes, I know we’re almost at the end of January but a month behind is not too bad.

Liam turned 7 in December.  I can’t believe it.  I started blogging the summer after he was born so that means this blog is nearing 7 years.  Agghhh!

Anyway, my rambunctious passionate kid is growing up.  We still have our moments (days/weeks) but he is an amazing kid and we know God has big plans for this little man.

He requested a chocolate cake with blue icing and Hobbit Legos, no wait, Pirate Legos, no wait, Ninjago Legos…I finally found a fun pirate game with Legos.  That satisfied him.  And it fit with the blue icing.

He got to celebrate birthday early at Ge & Granddaddy’s when we traveled there for Christmas.  And he never complained about getting an extra present.

This year is going to be full of fun and challenges, I just know it (especially since it’s already started).  We continue to pray and seek God’s wisdom as we raise this little man who is so full of energy and life.


December Randomness

 Just a few more posts on our December journeys and we’re all done.  So, it’s time for some random cuteness of my kids.

Let me set the stage…Tracy’s in labor and I’m her friend-doula.  However, we committed to another friend’s son’s birthday party that very afternoon.  Mark comes home gets quick instructions and I leave.  And then he takes seven children to Chuck E Cheese with my friend Kristina.  Super dad of the year!  Especially since there was excitedness and smiles all over the place when I got home!
They are building the last house on our street and Bryant frequently has to sit down and watch the construction workers.  I love his thoughtful observations.

He yelled, “I Superman!”  That’s Malachi’s bib on Bryant’s back.  Backwards.

Ready for his first day on the job!  That shirt has a tie on it but Mr. M decided to keep his hands in front of it.  I thought the diaper matched exceedingly well.

Zoe has taken sewing lessons this past fall.  And she loved them!  She told me she would be able to help sew pj pants this year and she did an amazing job, from cutting them out to sewing them together!  She made three pairs.  She helped pass the time and saved me quite a bit of it as well.

We saw the UGA Accidentals in concert.  It was the Tuesday after Alabama barely beat them.  We all resisted wearing our Bama gear though.

Ceili Rain wanted to “wear” her baby and Bryant told me he was feeding Enoch (the Elephant).  My adorable MIT and DIT!

Now both the DIT and MIT in their slings!



Ace is doing much better.  He was still complaining of soreness yesterday but I think he’s been putting away the sour candies because most of them are gone.  The swelling is almost completely gone.  Thus ends another adventure in our life.

And now for a new one.

I know you guys all think I’m pregnant.

I’m not.

Sorry to disappoint.

But I am now joining the league of at home consultant/moms.  A little over a year ago, I saw a review for these clips called Lilla Rose.  I thought they were gorgeous and just wanted to try one.

And I did.

And I loved it!

I purchased one for my niece and around Christmas last year, got another one for my nieces and one for Zoe.  When I saw that they had a home business program I was intrigued.  Unlike me, I waited and prayed (usually I just jump in with both feet).  I finally felt led to join in the fall but continued to wait until we got our ducks in a row from the move and starting school and…well, living.

But here it is January.   This week, I just decided to do it.

Let me tell you a tidbit about the clips and then to get more info or check out their fabulous sale going on now, pop on over there.

The main draw are the flexi clips.  These are figure 8 style clips that come in sizes from mini to extra large (for the people with lion’s mane thick/Crystal Gale length hair).  They can be used on drop buns, half up, and twists (french and a poofy twist) styles.  These clips really, truly serve both form and function.  They don’t cause a headache like the giant plastic claws and they stay put!

Lilla Rose also sells some adorable headbands, bobby pin holders, o-rings (for pony tails and half up hair styles), and sticks (for buns, etc).

And for today only, they are offering 15% off select styles of flexi clips.  They also have some o-rings, and bobbies on sale too.  So, hop on over and check out what we have to offer!

Please let me know if you are interested in hosting a party (online or in house) or just have questions.  I’d love to help.


Spit it Out!

I know that I am still in December with my posting but I wanted to share our day today.

My plan for the day (yeah, I know all you mamas and homeschooling mamas know where this is going): 
Finish at 11:30 (my instruction not their work)
Head to Wal-Mart for groceries for the rest of the month
Home to finish school and naptimes and supper

My day:
Everyone was slow to get up.  There was a missions conference that we attended on Monday and Tuesday night, so they were late nights which made for late mornings.  I anticipated that.  However, as everyone was slowly getting up and we were eating breakfast, Ace told me his neck hurt.  Ace is a bit dramatic over…well, everything.  So, at first, I thought he might have slept wrong and had that funky slept wrong feeling.  Nevertheless, I checked it out.  The right side of his neck near his jawbone and up on to his jawbone was swollen and very tender to the touch.

At that moment, I knew all plans were gone as he had to go see a doctor.  I can do snotty noses, fevers, weird rashes but swollen jaws were a new territory for me. 

We finished up breakfast and headed to the doctor.  Dr. B is off on Wednesdays but the oncall doc is just as good.  She thoroughly checked him out and declared that it is most likely a clogged salivary gland.  Yummy, no?!  She described it as a bit of saliva getting hard and clogging up the gland.  So, all the saliva is backing up causing irritation.  There are no signs of it being infected but we have a prescription waiting should it start getting red streaks or he gets a fever.

Her prescription:  Eat sour hard candies.  No joke.  He was actually told to eat sugary snacks.  And now I have six children who are quite jealous.  Apparently this is a rare phenomenan and the doctor had to actually write the diagnosis out.  My kids are weird.

We did our grocery trip and then headed to an impromptu birthday lunch for a friend and then home for naps and to resume our “normal” schedule.

This wasn’t an easy day and I was pretty bummed that our plans were changed and rearranged and now we have make up to do this week.  I chose not to pout and complain (outwardly), though. I try to look at our “interruptions” as the Lord speaking to us.  He gave us a little treat this day in that we got to have the unexpected lunch trip.  We even scored a sweet deal on a bakery cake for our friend.

I always say life is never boring around here.  Today totally proved that.  Now on to research clogged salivary glands…
