LGS 2013 (aka Little Garden Spot)

This year, our garden spot grew.  I told Mark I wanted one about twice the size as we had the first couple of years.  I have high hopes for this spot.  For one, we have an automatic sprinkler system.  That alone will probably save our poor plants.
We started from seed this year.  I had doubts when we planted them in the ground but our ever so patient Mark told me to wait and watch. And guess what?!  They grew!  Thanks to the beautiful blessing of rain every week in June, they are getting bigger and bigger.  I’m praying we start seeing fruit soon.  I know the kids will be thrilled with that.
Anyway, in April, Papa and Grandmere came up to help do our flood repairs.  Since they were coming up and have a truck, we begged for it’s use to get soil/compost from the Kricket Krap store.  Yes.  It’s really that and their cricket poo is world famous.  We didn’t get any but we did get some wonderful compost/soil that I think has helped our growing a lot this year.   I still need to put mulch over it.  That may be on our next year list. 

 Mark and Papa helped get us started and then quickly retreated inside to the air condition finish the bathroom floors.  At first, my blessed city kids freaked out when they realized there was cow poo in the mix (Poor Zoe was wearing her flip flops).  Slowly, but surely, they all got in to it and we eventually got the job done and the truck mostly rinsed out.


Farm Day

A friend in the neighborhood arranged for a field trip to a local farm.  This isn’t just any farm.  It’s a sustainable farm based off of Joel Salatin’s farm.  I’ve seen a farm that is run based on his teachings but it was fun to see one in our own area that was built that way.   The kids enjoyed it all.  Except for the stinky pigs. 
 Checking out the chicks.

 And the chickens.

After awhile, the kids took advantage of the big open fields and started running and playing.


Kids’ Day

April brought Spring Break for our area.  Spring Break also coincides with a major sporting event around here.  Our area has finally realized that this sporting even attracts families and people are looking for things to do in between events.  As a result, spring break was a week long chain of events.  We decided to just participate in one.  The Kids’ Day they had at a local park which ended with a concert and fireworks.  We went after Mark got off work and had nothing but fun the entire time! 

 Bouncing…who could resist?
 Malachi even enjoyed the bounce house.

 I’m not sure what Bryant was trying to get Ace to do but it’s pretty clear, Ace wasn’t budging.

Enjoying the music.  Waiting on the fireworks.


Family Pictures

 Waaay, back in April, Tracy braved the bugs to get pictures for us.  Our neighborhood has a creek with a trail that runs through it.  How cool is that?!  A couple of weeks before we did pictures, Tracy and I scoped out where would be the best place to wrangle the crew.  When we explored, there were no bugs.  But when we went.  There were bugs.  And a lot of them.

I think she managed to get some amazing pictures despite the attacks.



That one word describes how I’ve felt these past few days, weeks.  We have been blessed with family and friends who have prayed, rearranged schedules and texted and prayed in the middle of the night.  I’m just overwhelmed with the love that has been poured out on us in our time of grieving.
So, to all of you, we say thank you! 
Everything went well.  I am  up and about again.
And pretty soon life will be back to its normal, crazy, absolutely-wouldn’t-want-to miss-it self.
Thank you, again, for your prayers and notes and calls.  We have felt each prayer and cherish each heartfelt call and note.


I’ve struggled with this post for several days.  I’ll probably write it and rewrite it but I’ve been laying awake in the early morning trying to figure out how to say what I have to say and so, I thought it would be best to just say it.
We found out June 7th that our newest Character to the bunch no longer has a heartbeat.
I know several women friends want to know the details.  I also know some of you may not want to know.  At this point, you may choose to read on or you can just leave.  Either way, please pray for us as we deal with this loss.
This came as a bit of a shock as I was still having morning sickness.  My belly was still growing.  I was still fatigued and extremely hungry.  There were no indications that anything was wrong with the baby at all.
So, for two weeks, I had old blood spotting and even passed some clots.  I wasn’t worried at all because I knew there was the hematoma.  I knew I was still having pregnancy symptoms and all that I passed was old. It also wasn’t much at all.  Maybe a tad bit a day.  And then it all stopped Monday.  The spotting that is.  The morning sickness and other first trimester symptoms were in full force.  I even got violently sick on Tuesday evening (around food all day…that was not fun).  To us, all these were good indications that the baby was doing great.  I silently prayed that the spotting was just from the hematoma (and I still think it was).
I never contacted my doctor because I didn’t think there was a reason to worry since it never changed to new blood.  Really, there was nothing that he could have done so that part doesn’t even matter.
We had a regular appointment scheduled for Friday so in we went.  Mark met me there from work.  I had dropped the kids off to play with their friends.  We were just going about our normal day.   When I mentioned the spotting to Nurse D she was worried I would need a rhogam shot.  I told her it wasn’t much and all the above information.  She tried to hear the baby’s heartbeat on the doppler.  We both thought we heard it at one point.  Dr. J came in and after he found out I had spotting and that we couldn’t hear the heartbeat, he wanted to do an ultrasound for our peace of mind and to check on the clot.
Mark and I still joked about whether the baby was a boy or girl while we waited patiently.
The regular sonographer was not there but J. was.  She had been our sonographer through several pregnancies including our first miscarriage.  When I got up on the table I almost got sick with morning sickness.
But then we saw our precious baby.  Formed just like every nine week old in utero.  Except I was ten weeks.  And we couldn’t see a heartbeat.  And he wasn’t moving.  Before the sonographer said anything, we knew. She was patient and kind and I knew she was praying for us.
What we do from here on out is our decision.  A decision we will make with much prayer.  Tears.  Research.  I don’t have to go back to see Dr. J for four more weeks, so truly, this is our decision what happens and when.
The hardest part is my body still thinks I’m pregnant.  Last Saturday morning saw the morning sickness start to dwindle.  Over the past week, it has gone away more.  My belly is still pregnant size although that is starting to slowly go away.  I’m spotting on and off but nothing to indicate the end is near.
Zoe and Ace were the only ones who seemed to truly understand what is going on.  Their hearts were broken.  I don’t think they understand that the baby is still inside of me.  And the rest of the kids just really haven’t got a clue what it means.  None of them have mentioned the baby.  I’m guessing there must be some level of understanding in each of them.
Yes, this is hard.  We long for our third Christmas baby.  To see those tiny hands and late nights and early morning snuggles.  Each day it is easier and by God’s amazing grace, His peace is pouring out on us.  I get a knot in my stomach every time I think about Christmas and not having a new baby in our arms.  But I also get great peace in reading God’s Word.  His promises untie that knot.  I know He has blessed me with seven amazing and beautiful children here and I cherish each hug and kiss even more now.
UPDATE:  I wrote this shorty after we found out about the baby.  Since then Mark and I have prayed and talked.  We both felt led to allow my body to do what it needed to to recognize that the pregnancy was no longer a pregnancy and then we agreed to have a procedure done.  Our decision was based on several factors (none of which were pressure from any one  In fact, I have had more pressure to carry on like normal and allow my body to miscarry normally).  With all that said, we are going in tomorrow and will have the procedure done.  My body is already working through the miscarriage and I regret not getting pain meds filled at this moment.  We continue to covet your prayers and are continually leaning on God through this.
The verses I have been clinging to are these:
Proverbs 16:1 “The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
Psalm 59:17 “O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God , are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.”


Elderly Multigravida and Baby Update

My silence can only mean one thing.  First trimester has caught up to me.  Okay, two.  We were traveling.

But now we’re done traveling and I’m finally listening to everyone and trying to take it easy while this little one cooks for a few more weeks.  Then the 2nd trimester energy and no nausea will take over.

We went to the doctor in May and baby looked great and was measuring right at the number of weeks I should be at.

Unfortunately, another wicked old subchorionic hematoma was there.

Yep, that blob down below baby and to the left is the hematoma.  It’s smaller than Malachi’s but I was ordered to take it easy.  So, what I heard was no roller coasters, no monster trucks, and definitely no gymnastics.  I haven’t been to the doctor in a few weeks but based on some issues I’m having, I think he really meant for me to take-it-easy.  No heavy lifting, no exercising…that kind of thing.  Baby seems to be fine based on the amount of nausea and extreme exhaustion I’m having.  We’ll see how it all goes down later this week.

On a funny note, as we were waiting to check out, I looked down at my check out slipped and gawked.  My diagnosis, “Elderly Multigravida.”  Translation:  I’m old and have had a lot of kids.  Mark thought it was quite hilarious.  Okay, so did I.  But surely, they could come up with a better term.  What happened to political correctness?


The Buddy System

I thought I would explain the signage from this post a bit more.  First a confession, I do enjoy reading and watching the Duggars.  I have no desire to be like them because they are who God has made them to be.  And, well, our families are not going to be the same.  Ever.  That’s just how God has made us.  So, please don’t ask me if I’m “aiming for a reality show,” or “trying to be the Duggars.”  We may joke that we’re competing with Mark’s brother and his family (We’ll win, we’re younger and started sooner ;), however, it’s not a competition.  We trust the Lord for our family and follow His lead.

Anyway, back to why I confessed.  Mrs. Duggar discusses the buddy system in one of her books.  I loved the idea and when Ceili Rain was born, it was perfect time to make a buddy system that worked for our family.  Big buddies help little buddies learn chores, buckle up, and stay safe in the parking lot, and when the little buddy is old enough, they help them get dressed.  Big buddies can change diapers if they want to learn but that is not a requirement.  Little buddies have to cooperate with big buddies and help their buddies with jurisdictions.  It makes life super easy when we can call out, “Grab your buddies!” and do a quick head count if we are out somewhere.

We also call “Ducks!” if we’re walking through somewhere we have to be single file or it’s very crowded.  Daddy duck is in the front, mommy duck in the back and the ducklings in the middle in no particular order.

Man, this post is full of rabbit trails.  Sorry.

So, Zoe and Ceili Rain are buddies.  Ace and Bryant are buddies.  Liam and Malachi are buddies.   And Josiah.

Well, he’s been my buddy. As soon as we brought Malachi home from the hospital, Josiah has made sweet remarks about how he didn’t have a buddy.  He never whined or complained.  Just in a matter of fact tone noted that he didn’t have a buddy yet.  We told him he had to pray about that and ask God to bring us another baby.

We just knew he would be thrilled to find out he had a buddy.  I forgot that Josiah isn’t big on expressing his emotions (he’s his daddy if ever any of these kids were).  But, I still wanted to get their reactions on film.  Tracy was great with it and did an amazing job.  And although Josiah didn’t hop up and down and yell and scream with excitement, he did carry around the announcement all day.  The next day he asked me where the paper was.    He also told me that he couldn’t sit by his buddy in the car (because he has to ride in the back).  This is about as excited as Josiah gets about anything.

I totally wouldn’t have it any other way.

And yet another rabbit trail, Big buddies do not immediately become big buddies.  They have to be seven years old and their little buddy has to be around 1 or so (usually walking independently and weaned) before they can take over full buddy duty.  In the in-between stage the Big Buddies love entertaining their little buddies and grabbing a diaper or burp cloth or paci when needed.


Goodbye Saturn, Hello Taurus

In March, amidst the flooding and such, we noticed Mark’s car was a bit more temperamental than it usually is.  It’s a ’97 Saturn that we’d had for well over 8 years.  It’s been a faithful car and Mark has truly driven it until it started falling apart and then some.  We had already replaced the transmission, and so when it started jumping between gears and when we backed up, we knew what the issue was.  A trip to the car doc confirmed it.  The transmission was about to go.  Mark listed it on Craigslist and within a week, it was sold.  I just really didn’t think we were going to be able to sell it that quickly!  The Lord truly provided.  

 In another area of the Lord’s provision, one of Mark’s co-workers had a spare car and allowed Mark to borrow it until he got another one.

We were quite surprised when we walked on to several lots, offered a set amount of cash and told that they couldn’t help us.  No one was really willing to help us when we were paying cash.  It became the same, “Well, if you finance, I can get you one for this amount of money.”  We had both determined to not go in to debt to purchase a car.

So, we were left on our own to search.  By the way, there are a ton of scams on Craigslist so ya’ll be careful when searching for a car there.  Big time scams.  The Lord protected us from those as well.

Mark finally found a car after about two weeks of looking and after having a friend who used to be a mechanic check it out.  He was sold.

Now, here’s the thing.  We were paying cash.  It was a Saturday when Mark decided to purchase it.  We do not use a brick and mortar bank (it’s an online bank).  There was no where to go to take out a money order and our bank only allowed a certain amount out at a time.  So, Mark went to the bank, dutifully, for several days, put some money down with the dealer and eventually, we had our car.  We found out later that our nontraditional bank will overnight cashier’s checks for a small fee (well, small compared to the cost of a car).

So, here is the car the Lord has blessed us with!

It’s a Ford Taurus.  I could talk about how cute it is and how great it runs and all that…but that’s boring.  The main reason I wanted to post this was to have a record of how the Lord has provided for us in so many ways…especially in March!


A Real Gem

We took a quick field trip in March to the Gem and Mineral show.  It was quite interesting and the kids really enjoyed seeing all the different types of rocks and minerals out there.  Ace, my budding geologist, was in heaven!

 The kids were able to do a gem dig outside for a very good price.  We got all sorts of gems and minerals.

They worked very hard to find them.  We were introduced to the Gem & Mineral clubs around here and are hoping to one day participate as a family.  I love seeing my kids find something they enjoy and pursue it!
