It all started with a plea from me to Mark to take a cruise. We have had a very busy, stressful spring and summer and I really wanted a chance to just get away with my love and relax and, well, just breathe deeply.
He agreed and we started looking.
And then I realized, a cruise means a formal night.
I like getting fancied up, but I believe the last time I truly did that was thirteen years ago. When I got married. Yeah.
Needless to say, I can’t quite fit in to my wedding gown anymore (hips + seven children…got it?). And I don’t think that is the formal they were talking about.
I have a beautiful formal dress but, again, it was from a time ago and I don’t have enough time to get back in to it.
The search was on. The dress was found. And I ordered it. I’m not quite at pre-pregnancy weight (for this last baby…the others added on their own weight too, don’t worry) so, obviously, it doesn’t fit. I knew this when I purchased it but because our cruise is not for a few months, I know I have some time to go to make it fit.
And now it’s on. The idea that brought the dress that is now bringing the weight loss.
I started, unofficially, last week. Which means, for four days I did T-tapp with Organs in Place and Half Frogs. I did not really change my eating habits because I knew that was coming this week.
So, my unofficial start brought 4 1/2 inches off my waist and down a pound.
Today starts 42 Days to Fit. I’ll do three days cardio, two days strength, and then two days T-tapp. All of that while following along with the suggestions in the book.
I’m looking forward to getting healthier. Not just because I want to fit in to a dress, but because I know that being healthy will help me to be a better mom and wife.
My first goal is the formal evening gown I purchased. After that…we’ll see.
I’ll try and post my progress each Monday. So, stay tuned. I’ll post before and after pictures after the 42 days are up.