Blueberry picking is a favorite and requested event every year. Okay, the heat does produce quite a few grumblers but the reward of blueberries throughout the year to enjoy is well worth all the complaining and the thirty or so minutes of complaining.
This year, Emmie worked super hard to get the blueberries and to snack on them.
Tobin made friends with Ringo, the robot vacuum.
Building with Suspend. It’s a super fun game but also fun to just see how you can balance the sticks.
Malachi wanted to write a note to Papa when he heard that he was sick.
Mark’s birthday/father’s day present was the farewell concert of Third Day. Since nursing babies probably won’t enjoy loud concerts, he asked his college roommate. They had an absolute blast and got to catch up quite a bit on the drive to and from the concert. Lulu is scared of storms. There were quite a few in June.
Tobin got to work sanding the floors in the school room.
He was paid in cuddles.
And naps.
Best purchase of the swim season were these spray bottles.
White and a belly crawler…nope.
You’ll have to zoom in but that passenger seat kind of freaked me out before I realized it was a mask.
A stuffed Malachi stuffed with stuffed animals.
Smudge, the cat, he likes to visit this cat in the mirror. Every day.
Emmie cuddles never get old.
We love sno-balls!
Liam rescued a turtle that somehow wandered into our backyard.
A huge tower.
Funny story: The kids were playing with these and two little girls walked by with their dad. The girls slightly freaked out. I apologized to the dad but the dad just lost it laughing.
Emmie with her ballet teacher, Miss Mallory!
Emmie had her first ballet recital (and it happened to be on our wedding anniversary). She was beautiful and loved every second of it!
I think she fell in love with the stage!
I even got her hair up in a bun! Emmie takes ballet with a group called Steps of Grace. This is a great ballet group for ALL kiddos no matter their level of ability. What’s wonderful to me is that her ballet teacher is an occupational therapist and there are volunteers that work with the kids who are in school to be occupational therapists. Emmie has grown, no doubt, because of her ballet class and we look forward to the next year of dance!
Emmie is taking ballet this year. Not just any ballet. Her teacher is an occupational therapist and scoliosis warrior. It’s an amazing class designed to include special needs kiddos. We got to enjoy observing her class in November.
Showing off her new ballet shirt.
She runs in to each class and is always willing to engage her teachers and helpers. In short, Emmie loves it! Watching her dance, we could see such joy. This class has been a blessing to all of us.
Welcome home work for Baby Tobin (and Mama)!
Zoe had a rough month of testing. She took the SAT and PSAT for the first time. We celebrated with our favorite eat out place! I’m so proud of how hard she is working in her first year of high school.
She also got some great blue highlights.
Lulu and Tot welcomed Tobin with lots of sniffs and licks and made sure to cuddle up with me to protect us both.
Silas built Tobin his name in legos!
Emmie loves her bracelets.
Everyone enjoyed visiting Tobin while I recovered.
Emmie took a good nap on daddy during church.
Tobin’s first family outing. All twelve ventured to the library.
S’mores night!
Pumpkin carving
Scary face pancakes at IHOP are free on October 31st. We love free food. Especially when you can play with it.
Daddy took the kids and dogs for a walk.
March 30th brought a big Emmie Anniversary. It was a year ago March 30th that Emmie had her halo removed. We celebrated with our traditional cookie cake! It’s still so amazing to look back and see how far God has brought her in her NF journey already.
April 27th brought another anniversary. It’s been two years since Emmie had her first ever surgery (and the first surgery for any of our kids). I can’t believe it’s been two years since our NF journey became so much more than a mild case. But, we are so grateful that it has been two years watching her grow and get stronger as each day passes.
Once again…a cookie cake (that I whistfully changed from a three to a two).
I bring to you Emmie’s NF Walk 2017 Fundraiser.
We’re selling them for $10 each (plus shipping if needed) and will run the sale until June 30th. So, who is ready to show support for our pigtailed super hero?
If you want to grab a shirt, complete the contact form below. Let’s get this fundraising train started!
As Facebook is wont to do, an ad appeared in January that grabbed my attention. I totally succumbed to the click bait and fell in love. With my new found fondness, I created a LoveBook for Mark for Valentine’s Day. It was totally fun, unique, and completely us. Each page is a different reason I love Mark. Complete with my unruly and curly, frizzy hair and Mark’s beard. If you have a loved one who is difficult to buy for, this is just the thing! Mark loved it, by the way.
Emmie pregnant with a ball. Funny as it is, this was right before we found out I was pregnant. She cracked me up walking around with this ball under her shirt.
Born a fighter and cute!
Getting ready for a night at the theater. Our local college put on Camelot and four of the nine wanted to go see it. They all enjoyed it and only Malachi slept through the second half.
All kinds of cute.
Static Slide Hair times 3.
I took four of the kids to see Winter Jam this year. They occupied themselves in line by drawing in the sand.
Everyone enjoyed it but Silas fell asleep towards the end.
Speaking of falling asleep. She is precious when she crashes on me.
Zoe won the t-shirt design contest for her local AHG. They’ll be modifying it to work on an actual shirt but I thought she did an amazing job.
Two cute kiddos reading books. Note Emmie’s crossed leg to hold up her book!
This is what my house looks like when we come home from the library. They act like they don’t have two weeks to read all their books.
Emmie rocking her new outfit made by moi!
Mark took Zoe, Ace, and four of Zoe’s friends to cash in on her birthday gift….a trip to Mastermind Escape Games. They had a blast and escaped with five minutes to spare.