Emmie’s Cuteness in June

Just because I know there are grandparents who can’t get enough pictures of their grandkids.
Zoe has really enjoyed loving on baby sister. 

Miss J.  Future Cubbies teacher and expert baby holder! 
 Ace was so excited that he got her to sleep.
 Neighbor play date. L. is exactly a month older that Emmie.
I surrender!

I’m thinking.  I’m thinking.

Quick! Get pictures of her in smocked dresses before she outgrows them!

 Malachi:  Take picture me and Emmie.
 Trying to catch those first smiles…

She was quite amused at our efforts.
 Milk coma!
 Malachi says,”Emmie wants to see me.  I love Emmie.”  She is  now the first one to get his cuddles in the morning and the only one who gets his goodnight hugs.  I’m almost jealous.

The changing table is the best place to get some rockin’ smiles.


June Visitors Part 2

Papa and Grandmere came up to visit Josiah for his birthday.
 Emmie loved her hugs.

I had a project for Papa & Mark…extend our patio in the back with pavers.  They started to work on Friday and found this…
 Not just one.  A whole nest of mice.  Mark was gracious and moved them to the hill to be snake food safety.
Bryant thought he would help.  He’s holding the toy box down.  Sunny, the dog, was the supervisor.

 And of course, there were stories to be read!


June Visitors

Ge & Granddaddy came up in June to help celebrate our summer birthdays.  They also brought along some special guests, cousin Jacie and Aunt Yaya!  We were so thrilled they could come and not only meet Miss Emmie but also check out our crib.

 Ge got her birthday gift from us, a family and friends birthday calendar inspired by this pin.  She was super thrilled with it.  I can’t wait to make one for us too!  Hopefully, that will keep me from missing a birthday…nah.

 Aunt Yaya was super thrilled to love on her new niece.  They also share a birthday which means Emmie loves her Aunt Yaya even more!

 They trapped Granddaddy and “forced” him to read to them.  He looks like he’s suffering, no?

 Next up came trio playing time.  I think they were taking pictures.
 Jacie enjoyed snuggling with Ems too.
 Gift time!

 These kids are growing so much that I requested that Ge give them pjs for their birthdays.  She accepted the challenge!  They got some fun gifts too but these made this mama’s heart happy.  They wear mismatched pjs that usually are waaay too short and pjs are just something that I always forget to purchase when we do our clothes shopping.

 A truck for Malachi.  What a surprise!

 Bryant thought his trucks were pretty cool as well.
 Granddaddy stole Emmie from Jacie and Yaya for some quick cuddles and smiles.
 Caught some Ge and granddaughter cuddles.
 I love that smile on Ge’s face! 

You can’t really see Emmie’s shirt but it says, “I love my aunt.”    Such a great gift from Yaya and family.


Happy 7th Birthday, Josiah!

Josiah’s birthday fell on the same day as karate belt graduation.  Before we left for graduation, we sent Josiah on a scavenger hunt to find his birthday present.  He had a lot of helpers.

He has been asking for fish for several months now so his gift was an aquarium.  We picked out the fish the next day.

Papa & Grandmere came over for the morning to celebrate and take Josiah out to breakfast.

After graduation, we headed out to eat.  Birthday days mean the birthday child can pick out one place to eat out and what they would like to eat for either breakfast or supper.  Josiah chose to eat out at Steak & Shake which turned out to be a good deal due to their kids eat free policy.

That evening, we enjoyed some fun with friends as we dug in to the lego cake.  Now, before I show this cake, please note that this was the first time I had ever made marshmallow fondant and it was late and I was tired so it’s not the most awesome cake ever but he was happy with it.  When I finished decorating it, Mark woke up Josiah so he could see it in case it fell apart.  Thankfully, it held together and we enjoyed munching it that evening.

The cake was a vanilla cake with strawberry cream frosting.  And it was yummmy!

Then, after we were stuffed with cake and supper, Josiah opened gifts.  I love his faces!

He remains our little Mini Mark and is so much fun to watch grow.  He still loves trains and Legos are the latest craze as well.  I can’t wait to see how he grows this next year.



We participated in a Child Enrichment program at our local library about bubbles.  After reading a few books, the librarian had a fun craft for the kids and they made bubble makers.  She said they were safe and they couldn’t eat the soap.  Five minutes in, Bryant was spewing and sputtering as he has slurped up the bubbles had created in the cup.  All was good and they enjoyed these bubble makers for quite some time.


Orange Kiya!

Ace, Liam, and Josiah graduated to orange belts in June.  They have worked really hard and we can see a big improvement physically from January.  
 Waiting for graduation to begin.
 Demonstrating their smooth moves.
 Getting their new belts.

My new orange belts!


Free Shipping!

I know I haven’t shared too much about Lilla Rose on here but some times I just have to!  We have been selling Lilla Rose hair jewelry for about a year and half now.  It has been such a blessing.  When Mark was furloughed last year, we made just enough from doing two shows a month and home parties that we were able to supplement our income.  Lilla Rose provided spending money and then some for our cruise we took in October.  Now, we are hoping to use our Lilla Rose profit to participate in New Horizons for Children program where we will have an orphan from Easter Europe come over for several weeks in December in hopes of finding his or her family.

But then, in December last year, I took the whole month off and only bought gifts for family.  When Emmie was born, I did nothing for May and very little for June.  I was still considered a consultant but did not feel the pressure to purchase a ton of items or try to sell a ton.  There was no quota that had to be met.

Lilla Rose makes it easy to get started with a free website, tons of support and training as well as no monthly quotas.  You can sell as much or as little as you want (or just feed your Lilla Rose addiction).

And now, Lilla Rose is offering free shipping on enrollment kits!  You can get started with these awesome and unique hair jewelry for just $49.95.  Free shipping is until July 31st.  Contact me today to learn more or just head over to my website (Did I mention that they provide these for free?) and sign on up!


Two Months

Emmie turned two months this past weekend and we celebrated with a trip to the pool and a date night.  Then the next day we did this:
 She’s just playing possum.  Ya’ll don’t be fooled in to thinking she is actually asleep during the day.
 “Ha!  You really think I’m going to smile?!”
 “Alright, maybe a little teaser.”
“Ta da!  Satisfied now?!”
Our Emmie is growing and growing and getting smothered with love.  Seriously, I have to fight to get her to look at me because there are seven other little people who are trying to get her to smile.  I have never seen so much love poured out from siblings on to their little sibling.  It just melts this mama’s heart.  Of course, we all dearly love this little girl and I could not imagine our family without her.
She is obviously smiling now as seen by the evidence above.  She also sleeps anywhere from five or more hours a night.  Day time is usually short spurts on mama or in her crib.
Here’s her stats:
13 lbs 3.6 oz (95%)
24 inches tall (95%)
15 7/8 head (85%)
Dr. B noted that she is actually tracking on  the curve as opposed to above it.  Still.  If you are wondering where she falls compared to her brothers and sisters, she’s right in their with the rest.  She’s not the heaviest or tallest.


May Randomness

 I love my kids creativity.  This slide is from our old play fort.  They have also rigged a swing on the inside of the dome.  I know.  It looks dangerous but they have made sure it was sturdy and Mark checked it as well.

 A fort is fun around here.  That’s our friend, Laura, in front.
 Just because he’s adorable.  And he begs, “Take picture me, peas” when we pull out a camera.
 Zoe was so excited to find a frog on a tree on the hill and grabbed the camera for a shot.

 Liam’s hair was a bit sticky up one day after a pool trip.  Mark had him pose for this picture.
 Duck Dynasty, anyone?!  

Liam is getting really good at constructing things with legos.   Again, lots of creativity. 

 Malachi with his two favorite things:  Alabama hat and a truck.
 King of the Mountain.
Zoe’s swimsuit this year.  I love the fabric she picked out.  If you look closely, you can see Ceili Rain hiding behind her.  CeiRai’s swimsuit is the first one I made  Unfortunately, being stored for six years and worn by two people, it’s been worn down.  I am in the process of making new ones out of the scrap fabric from previous swimsuits.  Yay for cheap cute suits!
