Mark’s brother and his family ventured our way in April. Nineteen kids (would have been 20 but one was away). Four adults. Lots of laughter, smiles. and love. We are so blessed to have family that just love each other. Papa & Grandmere couldn’t physically be with us but we had them there in spirit and through technology!
How we sat through meals!
Tobin liked Uncle B’s beard!
Cousins! Two weeks (to the day) apart and a load of fun.
Tobin thought Cousin C’s toe would be tasty!
Ace stole C every chance he got.
And O took Tobin every chance she could get. Basically, I barely had to hold a baby the entire visit.
Someone decided Tobin needed new hair.
We volun”told” Uncle B that he would be dissecting animals. Zoe was studying biology and what better way to study biology than with a veterinarian as a teacher?
Water beads were made and Emmie and cousin A were ecstatic.
Liam taught his cousins how to play Axis and Allies.
The big kids loved the water beads too!
Soldier of the Lord!
Emmie decided cousin C was pretty fun to hold too. Tobin the Chunker with Cousin C. It took nine babies but we finally have our big baby!
Nineteen cousins! The Lord has truly blessed us all!