May Travels

Things were really hopping in May!  I mean REALLY hopping!  I thought it would get easier when June rolled around but then…swim.

Anyway, at the end of the month, we shipped Ace off with Papa and Grandmere for a mission trip and also had MRI #9 and a new brace fitting.  We managed to squeeze in a visit with Ge & Granddaddy in between Emmie’s appointments.

Ace worked hard and learned a lot on the mission trip.  We missed him so much.  I think he missed us a little but he told us later he really enjoyed having the quiet.

Hanging out with Granddaddy is always a treat.  They have matching heads! After all the appointments, we headed out to a local park.  It was a good stress reliever. We were even able to cool off in the splash pads! Tobin was done by the end of that day.

Emmie’s new Rigo brace.  She has adjusted very well to it.  Her orthotist told us she was the youngest at CHOA to be fitted for this brace.  We learned in June that up until that month, she was the youngest at CHOA to have a halo brace.  My girl, breaking the mold since 2014.


Better When I’m Dancing

Emmie with her ballet teacher, Miss Mallory!

Emmie had her first ballet recital (and it happened to be on our wedding anniversary).  She was beautiful and loved every second of it! I think she fell in love with the stage! I even got her hair up in a bun! Emmie takes ballet with a group called Steps of Grace.  This is a great ballet group for ALL kiddos no matter their level of ability.  What’s wonderful to me is that her ballet teacher is an occupational therapist and there are volunteers that work with the kids who are in school to be occupational therapists.  Emmie has grown, no doubt, because of her ballet class and we look forward to the next year of dance!


Happy Birthday Super Ems!

Emmie turned 4 in May!  Ya’ll, can you even believe it?!  Four years ago, I could have never imagined the journey we would have with this girl.  I’m going to post an MRI update soon but May and most days, we get to celebrate our amazing super hero. These are the warrior beads we started with Emmie.  They’re in order, left to right, and each one represents a year of her life.  Yes…that second year was a rather active one.  It’s been great to see the beads stay a little smaller since then! Partying first with Ge & Granddaddy.  She was so excited with each gift she opened.

We squeezed in gift opening between a Lady’s brunch at church and swimming and concert.
She was so excited with each gift.  Her highlight were Ladybug Girl books.  When Emmie had her first surgery, my mom and I were walking in the lobby and happened upon a book giveaway.  The volunteer told us to grab a book for our girl.  I found Ladybug Girl Goes to the Beach and thought it was cute.  We sometimes call Emmie’s cafe au lait spots ladybug spots…perfect.  Little did we know how she would fall in love with that book.  Over the past few years, she has made every single person in our family read the book to her and some of us have to read it over and over.  Of course, the girl’s name is now Emmie (originally Lulu) and the dog (who is Bruno originally) is now Tot Tot.  She asked for a ladybug cake and ladybug wings.  Of course, I can’t stop there…she had to have an outfit just like Ladybug Girl.My first attempt at using rice crispy treats to sculpt did not go well. I pulled it off though.

Our beautiful Ladybug Girl!


Symphony and Stars

Our local symphony puts on a free concert at a local park once a year.  It’s always the weekend of Mother’s Day.  I believe that since they started this concert, we have missed possibly one or two concerts.  We’ve been going since Zoe was a toddler.  For the past several years, we declare this my Mother’s Day treat.  This year, I got to share it with Emmie’s birthday. Tobin enjoyed the music and cuddling with big brother. Our ladybug girl had quite the night.  She had a wonderful time but ate way too much and wound up throwing up towards the end of the night.  After that, she was much better.  Never a dull moment with our crew. We met up with several families from our church, picnicking and visiting. Beautiful sunset after we watched the clouds form and a rainstorm barely miss us! Facebooktwittermail

AHG Closing 2018

Zoe and Ceili Rain finished up their American Heritage Girls year in May.  Zoe is becoming quite the leader and Ceili Rain “leveled up” receiving her Sacagawea Award and leaving her Tenderheart group to become an Explorer.  They love spending time in AHG and building relationships with others but also learning more about what it means to be a woman of God.   Facebooktwittermail

April Randoms

While big brothers and sisters are in testing, Mama gets to hang with three littles.  We had quite a few adventures for a few days. Zoe joined us on the last day of testing and asked if this is what it was like when she was little and there were just three of them.  No.  No it was much harder because I had three kiddos three and under.  A six year old, four year old and baby is easy to juggle! This girl and her daddy! Laughing baby showing off a couple of teeth. NIght times are a real party around our house.  Typing contests to see who can get the most words per minute.  Zoe’s pretty fast! Swinging siblings. Toes are tasty! Mark and I celebrated 22 years of dating with a trip out to a local seafood restaurant. I don’t think Tot is too happy about being a super dog. Lulu wasn’t thrilled to be in a tutu either.
Emmie’s first real bun.
I got some sweet LK cuddles from my friend, Tracy’s cutie patootie. Josiah built with cuisennaire rods. Emmie and her Cubby buddy E. The fort in the playroom. Zoe and Ceili Rain helped do the flag ceremony with American Heritage Girls at a local fundraising walk.

Good gravy!  He’s the cutest and squishiness bundle evah!


Art and Play

I’m always on the lookout for things to do in Atlanta for free after appointments.  This find was awesome and we’ll definitely be back.  The Playable Art Park on Abernathy Greenway did not disappoint!  When we pulled in the kids kind of groaned thinking we were going to have to walk around and stare at sculptures.  When I told them that they could climb on them they flipped out!  This park was beautiful, clean and a big ol playground for all of us.  There were about six sculptures to run through, climb on, and hang upside down on.  We loved each activity!  They have picnic tables and clean restrooms too.  Those are big bonuses for us!

This was only about twenty minutes from the hospital too.  It’s a great way to run off doctor’s office pent up energy!


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

We ventured to the Georgia Renaissance Festival in April!  Mark and I went after we got engaged with Mark’s parents.  It was a fun time and when we ran across a deal that made it feasible for our large family, we ordered tickets and went for it!
I honestly didn’t get a ton of pictures.  This was one of those days that you just enjoy making memories.

And that we did!



We go to a small church but recently we have had “growth” in that three babies were born within a year of each other.  Tobin and L are a month apart and little G was born the first part of March.  These three boys are going to be in to EVERYTHING!  But for now, it’s fun watching them interact with each other and share toys.
Our Three Musketeers.

That’s Tobin holding sweet G’s hand.  My heart melted ya’ll!
