Ice cream cake…it’s his requested cake every year.

Ice cream cake…it’s his requested cake every year.
Blueberry picking is a favorite and requested event every year. Okay, the heat does produce quite a few grumblers but the reward of blueberries throughout the year to enjoy is well worth all the complaining and the thirty or so minutes of complaining.
This year, Emmie worked super hard to get the blueberries and to snack on them.
I’ve been trying to get this squeaked out for the past week. I wasn’t sure how to start or whether I even wanted to. Putting it in writing on the blog kind of makes it official. There’s still a lot up in the air but one thing is certain…Super Ems is fighting another battle.
Emmie did wonderful with anesthesia and getting through the whole procedure as usual. Our girl rocks through all of it as usual and Tobin made sure to sympathy cry through getting the iv out.
We talked with her neurologist, Dr. W on Friday. And we received the report yesterday.
Let’s just hash out the details and then go from there:
Emmie definitely has stenosis of the left cerebral artery. Stenosis is a narrowing of the blood vessels. The cerebral artery vessel is significantly narrow. Dr. W told us that she is getting blood flow to the left hemisphere but it is very slow because it has to come from the right vessel. There are no signs of tiny vessels forming which would lend to a diagnosis of what is called moyamoya (pretty interesting to read about and is something that can happen in NF). He told us that it could be we are at the very beginning of moyamoya but it’s really just too early to tell.
We asked Dr. W if this was an NF thing and he said it was. It’s not common but it is definitely something that all NF doctors are familiar with and so are other doctors.
Big praises though:
Prayers and next steps:
There. That’s the raw facts in layman terms. If you’re really curious what the scans look like, let me know and I’ll send a couple of screenshots I took. It’s very evident that something doesn’t look right.
I go from just plugging along with life to holding my breath. I watch our lively four year old bossing her siblings around, laughing at silly tickles, running and dancing. It’s hard for me to believe that her beautiful little brain is having to work so hard to keep plugging away. I’m in wonder and complete awe that God has chosen to protect her from any harsh effects so far as her body continually battles against itself. We are trusting God right now as always for HIs loving protection of our superhero. We know that He knew Emmie long before we did. He created her and knows each breath she takes. Each hair on her head. And yes, each blood vessel and vein in her body. Those promises lead me to trust Him even more and to know that no matter what, He is still our God. Our Abba, Father.
“For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
Isaiah 41:13
Tobin made friends with Ringo, the robot vacuum.
Building with Suspend. It’s a super fun game but also fun to just see how you can balance the sticks.
Malachi wanted to write a note to Papa when he heard that he was sick.
Mark’s birthday/father’s day present was the farewell concert of Third Day. Since nursing babies probably won’t enjoy loud concerts, he asked his college roommate. They had an absolute blast and got to catch up quite a bit on the drive to and from the concert. Lulu is scared of storms. There were quite a few in June.
Tobin got to work sanding the floors in the school room.
He was paid in cuddles.
And naps.
Best purchase of the swim season were these spray bottles.
White and a belly crawler…nope.
You’ll have to zoom in but that passenger seat kind of freaked me out before I realized it was a mask.
A stuffed Malachi stuffed with stuffed animals.
Smudge, the cat, he likes to visit this cat in the mirror. Every day.
Emmie cuddles never get old.
We love sno-balls!
Liam rescued a turtle that somehow wandered into our backyard.
A huge tower.
Funny story: The kids were playing with these and two little girls walked by with their dad. The girls slightly freaked out. I apologized to the dad but the dad just lost it laughing.
Emmie twirling in her new brace!
And the requested breakfast was Sour Cream Doughnuts because…yummy! Honestly, I have become a sour cream doughnut snob. I really don’t like them from other doughnut shops now. They have too much salt. This recipe is just right.
He was super excited for present time.
His want. The kids have figured out my “do” gift scheme. Nerf guns…Can anyone say Nerf Wars at the end of the year?!
Emmie nicknamed Josiah “Bubble” when he decided he wanted her to call her “Bubba.” She kept calling him Bubble…and it stuck. He loves being “Bubble” but has insisted only Emmie will call him that. I believe he’ll change his mind when Tobin starts talking. Anyway, what an appropriate gift bag, huh?!
This kid loves the Lego Architecture series.
A cake as big as his head.
Layered with strawberry and chocolate icing…it was seriously amazing and super rich.
Josiah’s Want: Lego Architecture-London
Need: watch (it’s a fun fitness watch…he loves trying to get in 10,000 plus steps a day)
Do: Nerf Gun
Read: Douglas Bond book
Ceili Rain won a pair of glasses.
Miss E rocked it with our kids. They loved having her there. This was the first time we’ve done lessons at this place. I loved that it was a semi-private lesson and she was able to teach to each child’s ability.
But by the end of season…swim parents are done. Just done. Mark was our model for this one.
So, the report was like this:
Now back to all things May…
The day after her MRI, we headed to our favorite people…the orthotists! It was a loooong appointment as she had to be fitted for her brace. But, again, we kept busy. Netflix and wifi—thank you!
She did great. But these pictures only tell half the story. Two days of poking and prodding and our girl was so sad by the end of this second day. After we finished with the fitting, she jumped into her daddy’s arms and had a good ol’ cry. Our orthotist thought something was wrong. No. She’s just tired. She has to wear a brace and has had to wear one most of her life. This. Is. Not. Easy. Our brave girl trusts that what we are doing is for her good. By the end of the first week, she was already up to wearing her brace 16 hours a day.
Emmie was hot. I was hot. Everyone was hot. Daddy was out of town. It was long night at our first swim meet.