Tons of pictures…little words…and GO!

Attention from the big guys at church…Yes, please.

Outside is his happy place.

My nephew thinks he’s funny…”Hopefully one more!”

Traveling=naptime in funny positions

Ceili Rain’s nose met the side of the neighborhood pool. It was nice and swollen but went down after a few days.

Fireworks, yay!

Tie Dying shirts. And hands.

Grandparent Camp pics before!

Emmie climbed up there. Three stories. By herself. Yes I cried tears of joy and dread!

Daddy & T at Cow Appreciation Day! Free chicken!

Big brothers melt my heart!

Contemplating life? Nah, contemplating cheerios!

Sometimes it just feels like something is about to devour you!

Oh yeah, I can take you!

Reading to his sister…how sweet!

Minnie Mouse with cute headbands!

Tobin’s first time playing in the rain.

Standing up in the playpen for the first time!

Making sure the baby in the mirror gets all the love.

Naptime at the pool!

Emmie finally let go of the side and started to “swim.” Inch by inch, little by little.

An extremely large watermelon one of Mark’s coworkers gave us. Ya’ll it took a week but we were able to eat the whole thing!

Kitchen helper in training.

Tobin’s first time being sick. He was absolutely pitiful.

But meds helped a ton.

Water blob!

First planner! We don’t allow our kids to have smart phones. But Zoe had to get something to keep up with her activities and babysitting jobs. Cute planner and accessories for the win!