Tobin enjoyed a little sink play one afternoon.
Busted! And he tried to win me over by those smiles. That’d be fresh toilet paper that he spun off the roll in a matter of seconds.
The roller skating crew.
Liam levitating? Nah. Just a good shot of him jumping.

A visiting friend at church. He’s a couple of months older that Tobin. We have enjoyed watching these boys grow together and change their interactions every time they visit (they live out of town).

This is not a Tobin post but ya’ll, he’s one years old. So, I guess it is.

Before our bake-off, our neighbors had their own. Here were the contestants’ entries.

Me after family pictures…Sopping wet.

It melts this mama’s heart seeing my kids cuddling with each other.

A baby that is not Tobin! I did it! Our sweet chiropractor allowed Josiah to feed her daughter K. Josiah did a pretty good job even though he had never fed a baby before.
Tobin was not happy that daddy had to take a work trip. Oh, and he cut a couple of teeth too.
We may not dress up for Halloween but we will dress up for free food! Krispy Kreme always gives away doughnuts to people in costume on October 31st. I usually get a group picture but only managed these three. A Smart Cookie, Emo-girl, and Callum from the Dragon Prince.

A blurry picture of a cat who likes to read (or small spaces).

Emmie wanted a Super Ems costume and who are we to argue!? She wore that thing for over a week and everywhere. It was worth every single penny.

That is a picture of a baby who enjoyed his second round of birthday cake.