The day before surgery, we took off to Atlanta for Emmie to have her pre-op appointment.
Mark and I were in awe. She walked right up to the scale, allowed Mark to help her up and stood there while it took her weight. Then off she traipsed to the room.
Where she lifted up her leg for the blood pressure cuff and stuck out her finger for the pulse ox. Not a single whimper or cry. That was a first. She knows the drill now. We’re so excited that the stresses of a normal vital check are over but so sad to know that she has gotten used to this and it’s just a part of her life.
The fun little cozy coupe did not hurt her calm demeanor at all.
After a quick blood draw we were off to have some fun. We went to a local mall that had an American Girl store and a carousel. Both were big hits!
A sweet blessing at the American Girl store came as we spoke with one of the sales clerks. She wanted to know all about Emmie. I mentioned she was having surgery the next day and we wanted to do something special before then. Emmie spent the whole time playing with the babies and the play food. I talked Mark in to getting a diaper bag for her (it came with goodies, ya’ll). As we were picking out stuff for it, the store manager came over with a bag of stickers, coloring sheets and all sorts of prizes. I felt bad because all Emmie wanted to do was play with the babies at the time. She definitely has enjoyed those goodies since then and American Girl made sure to win us over even more with their sweet sales staff!

Emmie loved the carousel but didn’t want to ride the horses. Just give her a bench to sit in and go around and around on and she’s happy.

We then went out for supper at a much recommended restaurant. It was pretty good. This was our (Mark and I) Valentine’s day celebration. Emmie was so sweet and content to eat her fruit and fries while Mark and I chatted away. Okay, we chatted with her too.
We have family of family that lived near by and had offered a long time ago to allow us to crash at their carriage house if we ever needed to. We decided to take them up on the offer for this trip. It was so nice and quiet and perfect for a quick rest before heading to the hospital the next day. This is what she did when she realized she was going to share our bed.
After Emmie and Mark got a good night’s rest (nerves and prayers woke me up at 2:45 a.m.), we headed to the hospital.
Papa and Grandmere made a super early morning trek to be there before surgery.
I realized in the waiting room that we had not gotten a picture of her curls and I snapped one really fast knowing they may all be gone by the end of the day (they had to cut/shave the bottom half of her curls).
In our personal surgery room just waiting. She did good again with the blood pressure cuff and pulse ox.
After her happy juice. She was as good as can be.
The anesthesiologist came by and talked with Super Bear.
Grandmere and Daddy just hanging out.

Let the waiting begin. This was after lunch as we watched the surgery waiting room slowly clear out until only us and an emergency surgery family were left.
Meanwhile back home…The kids had gotten the shirts in on Tuesday and were ready to show their support on surgery date. Aunt Tracy came by to get her shirt as well.
That right there is a good friend. Braving my children, her children and a few extra while unknowingly preparing to deal with a stomach bug after she left (three of her kids and herself got it…only one of ours did).

Ge and I checked out the garden. And Ge promptly cleaned out the fountain. It was cold ya’ll. But she said the pump would get clogged and it needed to be done. Anything to keep busy, right?

Then time passed and we had her. We were with our girl. I was not prepared for how hard it would be on her. The silent cries as she tried to tell us she was hurting and uncomfortable. We know the ventilator was necessary for her protection but we were so glad when it came out. We were told she would be sedated and they tried. Oh how they tried. But, the forced air from the ventilator kept waking her up and making her uncomfortable. They had her on three to four different sedation meds and she never could get in to a good sleep until the respiratory therapist turned off the ventilator at 4 am. Then sleep. Glorious sleep. She rested so well until morning rounds when they removed the ventilator.

Then we got to hold her and let her sleep some more.

That evening, she got to see her brothers and sisters on skype. I know it doesn’t look like much here but her whole attitude changed once she saw her sidekicks. She was thrilled to see them all.