Hospital Days Pt 2

Emmie slept most of the day on Thursday.  She had to have a little oxygen after the vent came out but that was only for a couple of hours and it was a very low flow.  When we moved out of PICU Friday, we got to really see her come back around.  She saw her toys and wanted to play.12755047_10208641503178739_1848984737_o
And, of course, go for a walk.IMG_20160219_161001117

The kids all came for a visit on Saturday and Emmie couldn’t have been more excited to see them.

IMG_20160219_161634625 The beautiful weather meant a trip outside. IMG_20160220_134942760 IMG_20160220_141133271

Emmie enjoyed watching a construction crane in the parking lot.IMG_20160220_140055155 IMG_20160220_135201406_HDR IMG_2919


Grandmere and Papa were awesome and so willing to help.  They got to watch the kids for a few days and then Ge and Granddaddy got the same privilege (at least I hope they think it was a privilege).


Our first happy time in the therapy chair was on Monday morning.IMG_20160223_120423070

Emmie’s room.  All cleaned up and ready for us to head out.


She broke out on Tuesday right as we got there and discovered that the parking lot was full. No worries as I circled back around and she got valet treatment.

Our traditional meal at Chick-fil-a after discharge.  She loves the chicken nuggets.


Hospital Days Ahead Pt 1

The day before surgery, we took off to Atlanta for Emmie to have her pre-op appointment.

Mark and I were in awe.  She walked right up to the scale, allowed Mark to help her up and stood there while it took her weight.  Then off she traipsed to the room.

IMG_20160216_123951796_HDRWhere she lifted up her leg for the blood pressure cuff and stuck out her finger for the pulse ox.  Not a single whimper or cry.  That was a first.  She knows the drill now.  We’re so excited that the stresses of a normal vital check are over but so sad to know that she has gotten used to this and it’s just a part of her life.IMG_20160216_124439082

The fun little cozy coupe did not hurt her calm demeanor at all.

After a quick blood draw we were off to have some fun.  We went to a local mall that had an American Girl store and a carousel.  Both were big hits!

12744040_971356672957814_6174094060143595552_nA sweet blessing at the American Girl store came as we spoke with one of the sales clerks.  She wanted to know all about Emmie.  I mentioned she was having surgery the next day and we wanted to do something special before then.  Emmie spent the whole time playing with the babies and the play food.  I talked Mark in to getting a diaper bag for her (it came with goodies, ya’ll).  As we were picking out stuff for it, the store manager came over with a bag of stickers, coloring sheets and all sorts of prizes.  I felt bad because all Emmie wanted to do was play with the babies at the time.  She definitely has enjoyed those goodies since then and American Girl made sure to win us over even more with their sweet sales staff!IMG_20160216_164519528

Emmie loved the carousel but didn’t want to ride the horses.  Just give her a bench to sit in and go around and around on and she’s happy.


We then went out for supper at a much recommended restaurant.  It was pretty good.  This was our (Mark and I) Valentine’s day celebration.  Emmie was so sweet and content to eat her fruit and fries while Mark and I chatted away.  Okay, we chatted with her too.


We have family of family that lived near by and had offered a long time ago to allow us to crash at their carriage house if we ever needed to.  We decided to take them up on the offer for this trip.  It was so nice and quiet and perfect for a quick rest before heading to the hospital the next day.  This is what she did when she realized she was going to share our bed.IMG_20160216_204245368

After Emmie and Mark got a good night’s rest (nerves and prayers woke me up at 2:45 a.m.), we headed to the hospital. IMG_20160217_061156111 Papa and Grandmere made a super early morning trek to be there before surgery.IMG_20160217_055648421

I realized in the waiting room that we had not gotten a picture of her curls and I snapped one really fast knowing they may all be gone by the end of the day (they had to cut/shave the bottom half of her curls).

IMG_20160217_063658609 In our personal surgery room just waiting.  She did good again with the blood pressure cuff and pulse ox.  IMG_20160217_070445449_HDR After her happy juice.  She was as good as can be.IMG_2906 The anesthesiologist came by and talked with Super Bear.IMG_2905

Grandmere and Daddy just hanging out.


Let the waiting begin.  This was after lunch as we watched the surgery waiting room slowly clear out until only us and an emergency surgery family were left.

12745619_971691622924319_7675328260496025913_n Meanwhile back home…The kids had gotten the shirts in on Tuesday and were ready to show their support on surgery date.  Aunt Tracy came by to get her shirt as well.12745600_971691636257651_3875258617570727780_n 12733365_971691666257648_4096551291608311270_n That right there is a good friend.  Braving my children, her children and a few extra while unknowingly preparing to deal with a stomach bug after she left (three of her kids and herself got it…only one of ours did).10414570_971691679590980_3495728045918124308_n


Ge and I checked out the garden.  And Ge promptly cleaned out the fountain.  It was cold ya’ll.  But she said the pump would get clogged and it needed to be done.  Anything to keep busy, right?


Then time passed and we had her.  We were with our girl.  I was not prepared for how hard it would be on her.  The silent cries as she tried to tell us she was hurting and uncomfortable.  We know the ventilator was necessary for her protection but we were so glad when it came out.  We were told she would be sedated and they tried.  Oh how they tried.  But, the forced air from the ventilator kept waking her up and making her uncomfortable.  They had her on three to four different sedation meds and she never could get in to a good sleep until the respiratory therapist turned off the ventilator at 4 am.  Then sleep.  Glorious sleep. She rested so well until morning rounds when they removed the ventilator.


Then we got to hold her and let her sleep some more.


That evening, she got to see her brothers and sisters on skype.  I know it doesn’t look like much here but her whole attitude changed once she saw her sidekicks.  She was thrilled to see them all.


The First

Emmie had spinal fusion surgery on February 17th.  Remember when I said that NF was a marathon?  February 17th was one of the longest miles.  She went back with her neurosurgeon at 7:30 in the morning and we saw her at 8 that evening.

The logistics went like this:  They went in to the front and took out two vertebrae.  Then they stitched her up, flipped her (with the halo for stability, breathing tube in place, etc).  They put in metal rods in the back of her neck, secured with hooks.  Secured with hooks because they don’t make screws small enough for her bones.  Then they closed her up, flipped her.  Again.  And replaced the two previously removed vertebrae with a straw filled with her bone.  She spent 24 hours on a ventilator and only had a slight dip in her breathing when it was removed.  She was on narcotic pain relievers Wednesday and Thursday but by Friday morning pain was being controlled with acetemetophin only and we were moved to a regular room.  We are also pretty certain that valium makes her throw up.


Going over the details with Dr. Chern.

To say this surgery was extensive is an understatement.  It was intense and a lot of work and a lot of quick thinking and planning on our neurosurgeon’s part.  He and the whole surgical and orthotic staff were amazing.  Emmie’s orthotist came out each time he was with her to give us a personal update.  Dr. Chern came out of surgery and was so great at going over everything they did and how she did.

They straightened her spine, ya’ll.  It went from this:

cropped to this:  IMG_20150802_193024787in a matter of hours.

She did well in the hospital.  Over the weekend, we were worried because she refused to stand.  When we brought it up with Dr. Chern, he wanted to get some x-rays done and have physical therapy come by.  We were just trying to rule out muscle and neurological issues.  By the time physical therapy came by, she showed off and walked to the bed with no problems.  She continued to improve enough throughout the day for us to go home on Tuesday.  Six days in the hospital.  And then home.


Recovery is going to take some time.  In adults, kyphosis surgery is not nearly as involved as hers had to be and it takes about two to three months to recover.  Six months to fully recover.  But, she’s up and walking.  She’s laughing and talking and this weekend she wanted to climb stairs.  Each day she is getting stronger.  We’re continuing with the over-the-counter meds of ibuprofen and acetemetophin and that keeps her mostly happy and going.

To our knowledge no one has really done spinal fusion for kyphosis on a child under 2 years of age.  She’s one of the firsts.  She was a first for our doctor.  Doctors all over the country are watching and learning from our Emmie.  Whether this is a permanent fix or not, we know that God is using Emmie to help children that come after her.  We can’t wait to see how God is gong to write her testimony (or any of our kids for that matter).

What’s next?

Next comes the biggest step.  Emmie will go back sometime in around two weeks.  She’ll be put under general anesthesia and they’ll do a CT scan to make sure the bone is grafting to the rods and straw.  If that is confirmed, they’ll take her in to the special procedures room and remove her halo.  She’ll wear the neck brace she had before the halo for a few more weeks and then she’ll be brace free.  For the first time in over a year.

And then we watch closely and pray.  If she has spinal stability over the next six months, we can consider the surgery a success and no longer have to worry about kyphosis.

At some point after the halo is removed, she’ll also have an MRI to check on the growth of the plexiform neurofibroma.  We were unable to do it in the halo because it would present with artifacts (distortion) and make it impossible to see what is going on. The rods and plate may cause some distortion but it should not be as bad as when the halo was on.

Was.  I can not imagine life without the halo.  It’s just become a part of our lives.  Part of who she is.  And yet, I can not wait to feel my baby’s cheek against mine.


January Randoms

IMG_20160102_095728284 We had so much rain in December and January that our local dam had to open the floodgates completely open.  This is a big event in our area and doesn’t happen often at all.  It was quite impressive to see that much water spilling over into the river.  They had to keep them open for over seven days and had to open them again in February.  It’s been a very rainy winter.IMG_20160102_182149667 Bryants pre-cut ‘do.IMG_20160108_085358414 The kids are really enjoying watching Studio C.  Now they think they are all shoulder angels.IMG_20160108_085404086 That attack dads.IMG_20160108_085405821 IMG_20160108_191219072IMG_20160108_133933157_HDR Halo adjustment meant a post-appointment meal at Chick-fil-a.  This is getting to be a fun tradition.IMG_20160108_134003537_HDR Emmie had two sidekicks who braved Atlanta traffic with me. IMG_20160108_191906200 Emmie selfie. IMG_20160108_195047176 Frodo enjoys family worship and holding feet.IMG_20160111_115311821 What happens when your awesome son thinks that dishwashing soap is dishwasher soap.  IMG_20160111_115321553 IMG_20160111_115325597 Bubble time!IMG_20160111_115327733 Thankfully, it didn’t overflow and our dishwasher got really clean!IMG_20160111_193330432 Bryant lost his first tooth.  That little tooth has been with him since he was two months old.  No, I am not kidding.  He had two teeth at two months of age.  Still hard to believe he is growing up.IMG_20160112_091537325 Malachi’s normal stance.  Always ready for action.IMG_20160112_091615042 Just because cuteness.IMG_20160112_091736672 More Emmie pictures.  IMG_20160112_103507169 Emmie is great teaching assistant and takes her job very seriously.
IMG_20160112_202021686 Flowers in the hair for nap?  Of course.IMG_20160115_080547793 Emmie putting her little owl to sleep.IMG_20160119_101030720_HDR Zoe is a big help when we need letters translated in to Ukrainian.IMG_20160119_125121979 How Ace practices his Awana verses.  He was reciting by memory, upside down.IMG_20160123_203041471 “They” say that whatever you wind up with while playing Apples to Apples describes you.  These were Mark’s cards.
IMG_20160124_081221523 Our latest addition.  Winter.  She’s a sweetie and has become a good companion to Frodo.
IMG_20160127_140257866 She wanted her “bank” this afternoon.IMG_20160129_101656201 More Emmie selfies.IMG_20160129_123741819 One afternoon, Emmie wanted to sit in her chair to eat lunch.  We pick our battles around here and she was the cutest thing pulling her plate down and reaching up to grab what she wanted.  She ate the entire meal like this.

Beautiful day for a fun walk with the boys.


Jump Jump

In January, we decided to take the plunge and try out the indoor jump park that opened up last year.  We’ve been quite nervous about injuries, but I have to say the only injuries that occurred were just sore and tired muscles after having a blast!

Our jump park offers a huge family night discount on Monday nights.  Our whole family jumped for an hour for $35 total!  On the way there, I also discovered that we had won free jump passes for five people.  We’ll definitely be going back again.
IMG_20160201_184238601 Emmie wanted me to sit on a trampoline while she sat on the side and daddy stuck close by.  Isn’t this the sweetest picture?!IMG_20160201_184312717 A ninja course.  It was so hard but so fun!IMG_20160201_184409712 That’s me.  Catching some air.  Pretty interesting jumping after having eight kids.IMG_20160201_184447876 My pants kept falling down, which is normally a good thing, except when you are jumping.IMG_20160201_184530413 Ace hitting the trampoline grid.  I have to say that everything appeared safe and secure.  As long as you followed the rules, there was no need to worry about injury.IMG_20160201_185117203 IMG_20160201_185202307

Malachi’s words when he realized where we were going, “I don’t want to jump on the twampo-ene.”

“Okay buddy,”  we said.  “You can just watch.”

I kept him and Emmie down by the shoe cubbies while we scoped out how things were set up and then decided it was safe to take her where everyone was jumping so she could watch.  As we’re taking our shoes off, more protests came.

“But I don’t want to jump!!!”

I gently reminded him that he didn’t have to jump but that we had to take our shoes off to go watch everyone else.  I fully expected him to be content with sitting on a couch and watching.  Then this happened:

IMG_20160201_185242169Um, but you told us you didn’t want to jump.  Silly boy!IMG_20160201_185318308 IMG_20160201_190458854 Silk rope swings.  Um, yes.  This was my favorite part once I realized how to swing on them.IMG_20160201_190505190 IMG_20160201_190819539

Ceili Rain and Bryant loved the foam pits!  Personally, I consider those the workout of all workouts.  It’s near to impossible to get out of those things without using every. single. muscle in your body!


Look Ma! Snow!

About a week after Snowfest we got the real white fluffy stuff.  If only we could have predicted the future.

This is what I like to call “The Perfect Snow.”  There was a dusting when we woke up and it snowed throughout the morning and left us with about half an inch.  By lunch, however, it was almost completely gone.  No worries with travel or power outages or any other problems.  Just some pretty white stuff to enjoy for a few hours.  Yep, I’m a total Southerner.
DSC_4560 DSC_4563 DSC_4565 Emmie’s first official snow.  She was fine with it as long as she stayed warm which was hard to do with the halo.DSC_4566 DSC_4567 DSC_4571 DSC_4582 DSC_4589 Her main priority was to get in the cozy coupe.
DSC_4599 DSC_4603 Snow angels???DSC_4605 DSC_4611 Then we took a walk on the trail.  It was so neat to see the woods and water covered in snow.DSC_4622 No one had made it to the playground yet so the snow was fresh and ready for some snowball fights.Familysnowpicture A sweet neighbor was out with her family and just had to get a picture of our crew.IMG_20160123_102949702

This is what winter looks like, sometimes, in the South.  Okay, very rarely.  So much so that we have to document it on our blogs and such.


Snowfest 2016

Our local community puts on a Snow-fest every year.  Since we are in the South, this is about as close to seeing the fluffy white stuff as we can get.  We’ve never been but we were blessed with a few tickets and scored the rest at half price.  That made the afternoon trip well worth it.DSC_4504 DSC_4506 Emmie’s favorite thing was the train.DSC_4509 The rest of us enjoyed the slides.DSC_4510 DSC_4513 DSC_4516 DSC_4520 Bryant didn’t want to go alone so he got to ride with me.DSC_4526 DSC_4528 The littles loved the slides and the “snow” pile (okay it was ice…a big ol’ pile of ice shavings).DSC_4531 DSC_4533 DSC_4534 DSC_4542 Cabela’s had a booth set up with BB guns to shoot.  DSC_4543 DSC_4547 It was quite interesting watching the kids hold the gun.DSC_4554 Emmie made friends with a panda bear.IMG_20160116_114127593 And Zoe borrowed my phone to get pictures.IMG_20160116_120616298 Okay, my super favorite selfie ever.  These girls are a piece of my heart.IMG_20160116_120624200 Facebooktwittermail