First Bath

After Emmie got her halo off, we still had to wait about a month before we could even discuss her wearing a cervical collar to take a bath.  The sumi brace she wore immediately after the halo could not get wet.  When we brought up a cervical collar for a bath, her neurosurgeon agreed that we could do that.  Let me tell you, we didn’t wast a second and at the first avaiable moment, we put Emmie in the tub.

Except, she was very apprehensive and a little unsteady because there was nothing around her tummy.  So, we improvised.DSC_4917 And Mom got in with her.IMG_20160416_174717 And she was happy.

This was her first bath in nine months.  The morning before her bath, we were talking to a neighbor who’s daughter had a minor procedure and could not get a bath for a week.  She stated she was thrileld to be able to give her a bath that evening.  She realized I totally understood when I told her Emmie would get her first bath in nine months!  Perspective.IMG_20160416_170839384_HDRThese wrinkly feetsies are our evidence that Emmie not only got a first bath but that she totally enjoyed it!  It’s great to see that she loves the water even more than she did last summer!


March Randoms

Enjoy this smathering of pictures highlighting the month of March.DSC_4766 DSC_4871 When Emmie first came home without the halo, she was unsteady on her feet.  But she fit in to a smaller stroller! She still helped do the dishes though!DSC_4896 IMG_20160301_123400052 The pantry is a great place to hide from mom and dad (and open a bag of chips nearby for a quiet snack.).IMG_20160301_172331262 We got a new tricycle for Emmie that has sides on it.  More for our peace of mind than hers.IMG_20160302_114252904 IMG_20160302_114315348_HDR Just taking a picture with The Godfather of Funk.  Our city has undertaken a great art project.  Local artists were commissioned to paint the light boxes all over the city.  When we visited downtown in March, the kids had to get a picture with the James Brown box.IMG_20160305_132443079_HDR Our annual PJ Day at Bruster’s Ice Cream.  If ya’ll have one near you, every March, they offer free ice cream if you come in your pjs!  It’s totally worth the embarrassment.IMG_20160307_181305498 Emmie received this crocheted bunny rabbit as a gift from a neighbor.  This bunny has been through a CT scan, surgery and many other things faithfully.  Emmie named him Hop Hop and loves to take him on adventures.  The other day, she had Hop Hop holding hands with Baby so they could take a nap.  I really need to see if I commission our neighbor to make an identical one so that Hop Hop can get a bath in the washing machine without causing major trauma to Emmie.
IMG_20160307_181318295 IMG_20160309_112412343_HDR This breaks my heart even now.  Emmie fell out of chair in March.  It scared me deeply and meant an extra trip to the neurosurgeon and extra x-rays.  About twenty minutes after the fall, she was doing this.  She had gotten up, walked over to the cat toy and sat down to play with Winter.IMG_20160310_104211413 Ceili Rain was proud of her wedgit tower!IMG_20160313_160358056 Emmie.  And chocolate.  Enough said.IMG_20160316_140814000_HDR IMG_20160317_111454304 What happens when you brace yourself on wooden poles while moving a heavy object upstairs.  Ya’ll take a guess who did this.IMG_20160318_165520034

We have a very talented niece who lovingly made this for Zoe and sent it to her!  Super cute!IMG_20160319_153625293 Teenagers and their teenage friends.IMG_20160325_113046455 Date day.  Made possible by great friends who willingly take on all eight of your children.IMG_20160326_095153278 Schoolwork.IMG_20160326_095208853 IMG_20160327_201529182 This was the first time Emmie has actually sat down to play with someone other than her family.  It was so fun watching her play with Miss T and interacting with her.  IMG_20160329_113034165_HDR Cuisinaire Rod Art by JosiahIMG_20160331_091222380 Yes, you have my precious.IMG_20160331_093305787 Toothpaste Man.IMG_20160331_093314951 Um, Odd Man Out?!IMG_20160331_093332061 Thoughtful CeiRaiIMG_20160331_093346699 Queen Armadillo (I know that’s not her name but take quite delight in messing it up so the kids can correct me)IMG_20160331_102508574 Rocking it with smiles the day affter surgery.  She has two bows in her hair because that’s what she asked for.IMG_20160331_113908152_HDRNaptime on mommy.  She was still feeling the effects of the meds the day after surgery.


Lost and Loved

In February, Frodo the cat went on an adventure while Emmie was in the hospital.  He came back, sitting on the front porch, and sauntered in like he had never left.  We thought everything was good but a few weeks later, he started getting sick.  We took him in for constipation but soon learned that his kidneys were failing and had been for a long time.  Sadly, we had to say our good-byes to him in March.  We haven’t had a steady vet since we have a vet in our family but this situation had to be dealt with hands on.  When I realized he was sick, I started calling vets in the late afternoon.  Only one was able to see us quickly.  And they were such a blessing.  The vet did everything she could and willingly communicated with our family member vet as they tried to save him.  When we had to put him to sleep, they mailed us this sweet card a week later.  Yes, we’ll be back there.IMG_20160315_095108271_HDR

We all missed Frodo and having to put him to sleep was a very hard decision.  He was only with us for ten months but he was so laid back that he quickly became a part of our family.  Winter, his adopted sister, also missed him.

While she is always vocal, she got really vocal and constantly walked the house looking in every room.  She missed her cat brother.

We decided to visit the cats at our local pet store and met a cute little kitten named Kenny.  Mark fell in love.  I was leaning towards a sweet little black and white playful and large 10 month old.  But, nope, Kenny stole his heart. And every one else’s too.

IMG_20160320_163301767 So, we welcomed a little 10 week old kitten and he quickly became Smudge (he has a smudge of white on his forehead and smudge of black on his chin).IMG_20160324_094809987 Smudge is very playful and he loves attacking big sister, Winter until she tells him it’s enough.  And feet are never safe if they get near a dresser or couch or are covered with blankets.IMG_20160321_100530371

Two cats again meant we needed a place for them to escape the silliness of Ginger the dog.


So, we ordered a cat tree and the boys went to work building it.


In case you can’t tell, it’s Winter approved.


The box was equally as cozy.  It’s very evident she does not have high end tastes.


Winter is also a sewing cat.  Anytime I sit for a good length at the sewing machine, she ventures over to see what I’m doing, sit in my lap for a purr and to help a little with the stitching.

Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.-James Herriot


Out of Doors

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”  -Margaret Atwood

March brought in some pretty amazing weather and we gladly soaked it up!  The weather was so nice that I begged an ouutdoor bell from Ge so that I could call the kids when they have adventures up on the hill.  May starts snake season and they don’t like to venture up there during those times.  So, the bell will have to wait to be used until the fall.

DSC_4806 DSC_4808 Football…DSC_4809 with dad… DSC_4817 is awesome!IMG_20160322_124638059 Mark had jury duty a week before Emmie got the halo off.  He had called and explained our situation to the court person and she assured him that nothing big was coming up and he needed to come on in.  He had to go in on Tuesday, got called back and then promptly sent home.  He was home by 11 and we got bonus time with dad.  The kids introduced him to our picnics on the front lawn.  We have been doing these even before we moved in to this house.  IMG_20160322_130811585 Emmie decided she needed to take daddy on a walk and show him the place.IMG_20160323_171128170

Emmie loves her little red wagon.  One day, she decided that she didn’t want to be pushed anymore.  Instead, she wanted to pull me.  She showed me right where to sit and promptly walked to the handle and grunted and heaved trying to pull me in it.  Imagine how upset she was when she realized it wouldn’t budge.


Happy Easter!

I think I’ve mentioned before how dear and special our Resurrection service is at church.  If not, here goes.  We get up before the crack of dawn (that’s early ya’ll), and enjoy watching the sunrise over the trees while we worship God and hear about the miracle of the resurrection.  Then, our kids’ adopted grandparents prepare a breakfast like you would not believe.  After that is a time of praise and worship and testimonies.  We’re usually home just before lunch and are full both spiritually and physically!  Usually, the kids rush to change clothes and then play or lounge around.  This year, we managed to wrangle them and get pictures before they dispersed.DSC_4822 The girls pick out the fabric for their spring dresses.  I wanted a coral and blue but they wanted blue, green and yellow.  Blue and green for NF colors.  Yellow and blue for Y the Brave’s home country.  Then, the girls get to pick out the pattern they either want to try (for Zoe) or that I get to tackle.  I’ve used the pattern for Ceili Rain’s dress before and I completely forgot about how much fabric it took.  It was a lot ya’ll!  Zoe’s skirt was from Marie Madeline Studio.  I’ve had my eye on it for years and Zoe was excited to try it this year.  She was nervous about using different patterns of fabric, but I think it came together perfectly.   I used the pattern for a skirt for me as well except we didn’t have enough variety of fabrics, so I went with just one.  Next time we use the pattern, we’ll both have to go down in size or sew the seams a little further in.  The finished skirts were way too big!DSC_4826 DSC_4833 DSC_4836 Look at those boys!  I can’t wait to see six silly boys in that picture.DSC_4843 DSC_4848 Emmie was napping on the first go round. So, we had to wait until later in the afternoon to include her (then it started raining).  I made two dresses for her so that she could match her sisters before the halo and after the halo.DSC_4868Emmie says, “This IS my silly face!” Facebooktwittermail

Happy 4th Malachi!


Malachi is our first immediate family birthday of the year.  Malachi is our resident four year old going on 40.  He always has something wise to say but can quickly follow it up with a fit because his shoes were not tied just so.

He fulfilled my dream this year by requesting a cake with cars on it.  And no.  I did not coax him in to it.  It was all his idea (as it typically goes with him).


He was super happy with his race car cake.  And I was super excited to find race car candles!


He also requested breakfast pizza.  We’ve never had breakfast pizza.  So, I’m not sure where he got the idea from.  I coated tortillas in cinnamon, sugar and butter and broiled them.  Then covered in a cream cheese mixture and topped with the fruit.  Looks fancy and takes very little effort.


His birthday fell on a Wednesday which meant he go to share his cake with his friends at Awana.  I think he thought it was pretty cool that everyone sang, “Happy Birthday!” to him.
DSC_4751 This was a birthday of awesome faces too.  Ya’ll, he’s just too cute for words.DSC_4745 DSC_4734 DSC_4731 DSC_4729



The cardboard space shuttle was a big hit for everyone.


Ge won major brownie points with this pj shirt!

His birthday activity of choice was to go to our local indoor jump place.  Remember, the one he wasn’t going to jump in?  We went the following Monday since they offer family nights then (we all got in for one price).

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Super Ems and her Sidekicks

We asked our friend and family photographer, Tracy, to grab some pictures of Emmie and all of her sidekicks before the halo came off.  Yes, we have a gazillion of pictures of Emmie in the halo, but I wanted some professional family ones.  We’ll do some more in her current brace and so on.  A professional photo journal of what God has done.

Tracy did not disappoint, even though we had a grumpy kid.

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Super Ems with her Sidekicks!

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That look on our girls’ face.  Seriously!  She’s got some spunk.

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Eskimo kisses and daddy’s little girl.

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Ready to go on her next adventure.

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Tracy knows us so well and can grab the best pictures!


February Randoms 2016

Our photo survey from the month of February.  The theme includes Emmie.  She was kind of a big deal in February.1969 Okay, one picture of our special Frodo the Cat.  He got sick after we returned and unfortunately, passed away.  It was a very tough time for us.DSC_4631 DSC_4674 IMG_20160202_122651887 Park play day.  After a series of cold day, well, sort of cold, it’s the South after all, we like to venture out to the park.  Warm February days are the best too because the pollen hasn’t arrived.

IMG_20160202_122700294 IMG_20160202_123039633 IMG_20160203_135801646_HDR First time giving blood.  It just took our Super Ems to motivate me.  We were able to bank my blood and Grandmere’s for Emmie’s surgery.   She did need some.  So, we were both grateful we could give (and through a big miracle for Grandmere) to help her and I learned that it’s not as scary as I thought.  IMG_20160205_081330326 Any Trim Healthy Mama will know this yogurt.  And will also know the sadness in having it consumed by a cute toddler.  She likes it so much, I have to sneak it before she can see me or she’ll eat the whole cup.IMG_20160208_135717310 Frodo loved to nap with Emmie.  He tried several times to cuddle next to her but she would squeal and get excited and he’d settle for sleeping near by.IMG_20160208_200248773 What’s better than one bow?  Two!IMG_20160210_102201354_HDR Liam is learning sme better distraction techniques so he can finish school.IMG_20160210_122747375 See the yogurt face.  IMG_20160212_094348687 IMG_20160214_081746721_HDR Sour cream doughnut hearts for Valentine’s day!  Oh yeah.IMG_20160214_205423808 IMG_20160216_094139136_HDR IMG_20160224_135314598 IMG_20160225_192921467 IMG_20160228_143218011_HDR Climbing stairs (with lots of help) after being discharged.  She had to have help and rest half way but she was thrilled to walk up.IMG_20160228_143225693

And Malachi had to get a picture too.


Building It

Emmie won a gift certificate from the kids’ dentist office in December.  They were thrilled that she won (we have an amazing dentist office) and we decided to wait until closer to surgery to take her in.

She walked in like she owned the store and knew exactly what to do.  She tested out each animal and was thrilled to choose the Wonder Woman super bear.

IMG_20160203_151659105 IMG_20160203_151749097 She tested it out to make sure it would work.IMG_20160203_151917846 And helped pick out a couple of outfits.IMG_20160204_092129205Meet Super Bear.  She has been through surgery and will head in next week with us for the CT scan.



In February, we were able to attend Winter Jam.  The four biggers braved a late night with mom to listen to some wonderful music and worship Jesus.

Liam almost couldn’t take it waiting.  Climbing brick walls.


All they wanted was to see For King and Country.  Poor Josiah almost didn’t make it.IMG_20160211_224331580

Finally…we got to see For King and Country.  The other bands/acts were good but we were totally thrilled to see this group.
