In February, Frodo the cat went on an adventure while Emmie was in the hospital. He came back, sitting on the front porch, and sauntered in like he had never left. We thought everything was good but a few weeks later, he started getting sick. We took him in for constipation but soon learned that his kidneys were failing and had been for a long time. Sadly, we had to say our good-byes to him in March. We haven’t had a steady vet since we have a vet in our family but this situation had to be dealt with hands on. When I realized he was sick, I started calling vets in the late afternoon. Only one was able to see us quickly. And they were such a blessing. The vet did everything she could and willingly communicated with our family member vet as they tried to save him. When we had to put him to sleep, they mailed us this sweet card a week later. Yes, we’ll be back there.
We all missed Frodo and having to put him to sleep was a very hard decision. He was only with us for ten months but he was so laid back that he quickly became a part of our family. Winter, his adopted sister, also missed him.
While she is always vocal, she got really vocal and constantly walked the house looking in every room. She missed her cat brother.
We decided to visit the cats at our local pet store and met a cute little kitten named Kenny. Mark fell in love. I was leaning towards a sweet little black and white playful and large 10 month old. But, nope, Kenny stole his heart. And every one else’s too.
So, we welcomed a little 10 week old kitten and he quickly became Smudge (he has a smudge of white on his forehead and smudge of black on his chin).
Smudge is very playful and he loves attacking big sister, Winter until she tells him it’s enough. And feet are never safe if they get near a dresser or couch or are covered with blankets.
Two cats again meant we needed a place for them to escape the silliness of Ginger the dog.

So, we ordered a cat tree and the boys went to work building it.

In case you can’t tell, it’s Winter approved.

The box was equally as cozy. It’s very evident she does not have high end tastes.

Winter is also a sewing cat. Anytime I sit for a good length at the sewing machine, she ventures over to see what I’m doing, sit in my lap for a purr and to help a little with the stitching.
Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.-James Herriot