The First Days

One of our first days of school was on fire.  Literally.

See ya’ll, this is what happens when you have five kids working on one experiment and another working on a different one…then you get confused on which eye on the stove you turned on only to smell burning plastic, metal and paper.  I toasted it good.

Ac thought for a second he wasn’t going to have to do labs.  Ha kid.  We do labs around here burnt paper and all.  Actually, my neighbor-friend (because she is a neighbor and a friend) heard of my plight and brought over the perfect binder for science journals. All set and the house is still standing.

Once we got over the shock of my experiment of trying to set the house on fire, we made rainbows with water and straws. And floated raw eggs in saltwater.

Everyone worked hard.  Regardless of what was left of our journals.

Zoe made a really pretty Franklin-ism for History.

And Ace drew silly cartoons to answer questions about Science.  Ya’ll, I know I shouldn’t allow this but I love the creativity!


Ethos Academy Resumes

We got a late start this year for school because we were waiting on Silas and Mark to come home.  And here we are halfway through and I’m getting to this post.   This year, I remembered and had time to actually do some fun first day pics!  Here they are with a little snipit of what we are using for curriculum.  Our altogether curriculum for most grades includes:

Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics (Apolgia)-This is for grades Pre-K to 6th.  This volume is full of fun experiments and information and the kids all seem to be enjoying it so far.

PictureSmart Bible Old Testament-This is our Bible for the year and we all seem to be enjoying the general survey it gives us of the books in the Old Testament.

Mystery of History Volume IV-We skipped Volume 3 of history because the new volume came out and I got impatient waiting to do it.  I have to say it is my favorite volume so far and the most thorough.  We are loving it!

Our first grader is still working on learning to read.  We’re using Primary Arts of Language or PAL as well as All About Spelling.  Usually, when I have kids who need a little extra time learning to read, this one curriculum has helped reading “click” with them. So far, that seems to be the case with Bryant.  He is now reading words when we go out and about and I feel like he should be reading really well by the end of the year.  He is doing Math Mammoth Grade 1 for math.  He’s working on First Language Lessons of the Well-Trained Mind Volume 1.

Silas is working on 2nd grade Math Mammoth and learning to read using PAL with Bryant.  He is a hard working and I can’t wait to see reading click for him!

Ceili Rain is in 2nd grade reading with our Veritas Press comprehension guides.  She is working her way through Building Spelling Skills 2 and her Math Mammoth Grade 2. She is almost complete with her First Language Lessons… Vol. 2 as well. She loves math and can’t seem to get enough of it.

Our 4th grader is rocking the grade with his goofiness.  He is in First Language Lessons… Volume 4 (and is so sad he’s almost done…not really), 4th grade Veritas Press reading comprehension, Math Mammoth Grade 4 and Institute for Excellence in Writing Student Writing Continuation Course Level A (IEW SCC Level A).

Liam is cruising through Math Mammoth Grade 5, Veritas Press comprehension guides, and is joining Josiah on his IEW SCC Level A for writing.  He is also doing Fix It Grammar: The Nose Tree.

Ace is stepping out of the Exploring Creation series by Apologia and is now in Apologia General Science.  He finished up Math Mammoth Grade 6 and is now working through Saxon Math 8/7 and doing very well.  He is also doing an IEW course but it is Level B instead of A.  He is doing the same grammar as Liam and is working on Lightning Literature and Composition Grade 7.  He’s also venturing into the world of foreign languages (although not with as much gusto as Zoe) and taking Spanish 1.

Last year, ya’ll.  This is the last year I’ll not have a high schooler!  Eek.  I think we are closed to ready for that.  Zoe has a general idea of what she wants to go to college for.  But prepping for that is adding even more gray hairs to my head.  Anyway, our polyglot-in-training (mutli-language speaker) is working on several things.  She is doing Apologia Physical Science, Algebra 1, Windows to the World/Literary Analysis, IEW with Ace and Spanish 2.  We found an ASL course online and she completed 50 hours for a course certification at the end of December.

That’s it!  All of the kids are working really hard and will be duly rewarded.  I believe this next nine weeks (our third of academics) we’ll have people finishing up several subjects and working on zoning in on the skills they need to master (read:  multiplication facts).  We’re already starting to look at next year and pray about what they will be learning!

A couple of notes:  None of the links are affiliate links.  I included them in case anyone wanted to know more about the curriculum.  Also, I purposely work to make sure a lot of our curriculum is non-consummable to help cut down costs.  And we “buy used/save the difference.”  So, while a lot of the curriculum (especially when you account for seven kids) looks pricey.  It’s not.  I make a spreadsheet of everything I need to purchase and how much it costs retail and then I work from March until the new school year searching for it used or at a discount price.  I get really excited when I see I’m saving three to four hundred dollars (which is about how much I can save)!



Jump! Jump!

Josiah and Bryant requested a trip to Airstrike for their birthdays.  Since it would cost us about a week or two worth of groceries if we had gone on their actual birthdays, we had them wait until school started back to go.  When school is in session, Monday nights are family nights and cheap to jump for our whole crew. Malachi and Bryant have been captured by blue and green hands!
Seeing Emmie’s confidence grow since the halo has come off has been amazing to watch.  She jumped, walked and giggled and was always full of smiles. Silas’s first jumping trip!


Camping Out

We picked Mark and Silas up from the airport and immediately drove to our church’s annual family camp.  It was such a great time to rejoice.  Emmie was brace free.  Silas was home.  Last year, we were in the middle of our adoption.  Emmie had just gotten the halo.  Life has certainly changed in a year!
These smiles ya’ll! The highlight of the weekend is the family olympics.  This year, Ceili Rain and I attempted the canoe race.  We did good.  Until we had to turn around and come back. Thankfully we didn’t tip over.

Mr. R let Liam get in some video training. One of the many things I love about our church is the sense of family.  Everyone helps.  So, if Malachi needed help with a game, one of the other “moms” stepped in to help!
Daddy is super talented…hold the toddler…throw the water balloon. Malachi has to be one of the cutest olympic competitors. Every year, there is a family scavenger hunt.  My kids, well, they are some pretty competitive kids (I have no idea where they got that).  The above picture was part of the hunt.  And yes, our kids won. At the camp, there is a small stone outcropping that they call Little Stone Mountain.  This is our trek up the hill. Halfway there and the view was already gorgeous. Made it!  So pretty. A little melodramatic re-play. Selfie on top of the rock. Someone forgot to tell our city girl that you need water to make the canoe go. Camp Dog Bandit and Emmie were fast friends. Well, Bandit is friends with everyone.

This is the picture where Emmie figured out she could smile sweetly and say, “cookie” to get a cookie before she finishes her supper.


Welcome Home

Mark and Silas arrived home the first part of September.  After three weeks separated, we were all extremely thrilled ot see them all. Papa had a wonderful time seeing Eastern Europe for a week with Mark and Silas.  We were glad he made it home too!

Emmie was thrilled to see Silas.  Since it had been over a year since she had seen him, we were worried she would be a little apprehensive.  She was thrilled and had to give him a welcome home hug.


August Randoms

Ya’ll, I might actually be caught up before 2018 hits…okay, don’t hold your breath.  Here’s the end of August…and our randoms.

Emmie got “Pwincess” pjs from Ge…and we just had to show them off.  A.dor.a.ble

Ice cream at Bruster’s is better if you’re in your swimsuit.  Just saying.  Don’t forget the pink bow. Having a crown is just as good. Mr. H goes to church with us and has notarized untold numbers of adoption documents and been rewarded a couple of times with supper on us.  Then there was that one day he had enough notarizing like a normal person and decided to do it in style.  With a box on his head. Smudge sensed something was up.  Again.  And did everything in his power to keep us from packing for our Ukraine/Grandparent trip.  He was not happy with any of us. Cute contemplative cookie eating. Girls in rollers…it’s a rite of passage in our house.

Just because Zoe is pretty and can do some pretty amazing things with her hair. Princess Emmie surrounded by lots of knights…traipsing through the fields. We enjoyed a subscription to Genius Box for the summer (and then three months after because I forgot to cancel it.).  Okay, we have four boxes sitting in our school area because I forgot to use them up but they will get used when we are at home with nothing to do.  Stop laughing ya’ll. Malachi’s first grown fruit…watermelon.  It was left too long on the ground and split.  But at least it was something. We got home from Josiah’s hospital stay and I walked in to the girls’ room and realized that one of the cats had used the bathroom in it.  Which resulted in me cleaning out the entire room and cleaning all the carpets upstairs.  Which resulted in rearranging the room.  Which resulted in the discovery that Emmie’s crib (bought used) was starting to tear up).  Which resulted in Emmie getting to sleep like a big girl…on the mattress…on the floor.  Which resulted in Zoe, Ceili Rain and I brainstorming how we could re-decorate their room.  Which we did this past December…and are still doing…so you have to wait on pictures of that. The night after we got home from the hospital.  Josiah wanted to crash on the couch.  So, we did. Zoe celebrated Urkainian Independence day in her traditional shirt and with a traditional hairstyle. My kids are awesome. And Emmie has shades…Her right eye (which is effected by Horner Syndrome from her first surgery) is very sensitive to light.  She finally agreed that wearing glasses was a good idea. This is pretty much how she spent her August.  At the water table, in a diaper.   Smudge is eating her toe??? We trapped a Emmie. And a Bryant. And an Emmie and a Bryant together. “Small but Mighty”  Yes, indeed.

The big news in our ‘hood in August was that Kroger opened up a marketplace with a Starbucks.  Um, yes.  Grand opening meant a cow was there to pet (some kind of creamery or something). Anyway, my kids enjoyed getting up close and personal with the bovine species.  It takes very little to entertain my city kids…okay, me too


The Appendix

One day, while Mark and Silas (and Papa) were in Ukraine, Josiah started feeling bad.  Complaining of a stomachache, I dismissed it as a come and go thing.  When it didn’t go away the next day and he started walking a bit slumped over wincing when he climbed the steps, I thought it might be something a bit more serious.  When he couldn’t jump and started running a fever, we went to see his pediatrician.  Dr. B was not very happy with her assessment and sent us on to the ER and alerted the surgeons there.

After a couple of hours (and a bad assessment from a resident who, thankfully, was overridden by the surgeon and attending), we made our way to a room to await the surgeon to remove a very inflamed and pesky appendix.

He wasn’t too happy about being up until past midnight but managed a smile or two.   I was very grateful to have a laptop for him to watch videos while waited.

He fooled everyone in the ER because his attitude and pain level didn’t come through in his attitude.  He was so brave.  He pulled through surgery in the early morning hours and by the mid afternoon was able to sit up.

He got a special visit with former submariners who showed him a video and told him all about the subs.  He got a cool hat and an awesome picture.

I praise God for our wonderful pediatrician who knew what needed to be done right away.  We also had several friends and family who dropped everything and came to help me with the rest of the kiddos.  And for technology.  Mark spend most of the night (his early morning hours) on Google Hangouts talking with us and praying for Josiah.




Papa and Grandmere, once again, took on the crew while we were gone in August.  We missed the kids but several of them seemed to have a really hard time this time around.  I’m glad I was only gone for a week.  Grandmere and Papa were so good at sending us pictures of their daily adventures which made the separation much easier.

It was time to clear Papa’s garden and get it ready for winter season. The boys learned how to use the plow and also got to practice with the lawnmower (a preview for next year).

Clearing out the garden, they found several baby rabbits.

Emmie loved her Papa cuddles. They visited a family friend and his grandchildren (who are the children of our former classmates). Grandmere had the boys help her old so that she knew what clothes belonged to what boy.  A hard task when there are so many boys close in age. Learning to trim bushes. Silly face selfies.  Papa’s hidden talent. Bubbles are great for piggy back rides. Grandmere and Papa pulled out Mark’s old Nintendo and the boys were in heaven! How to tire kids out…take them to the park!
Ceili Rain asked for curls. The girls!   Emmie enjoyed helping Grandmere in the kitchen.


Just Waiting

After Silas’s court date, we were blessed beyond belief when he was allowed to stay with us during our waiting period.  I stayed in country until that Friday and Mark stayed the rest of the time until Silas could come home.  Hopefully, eventually, Mark can blog about his time in Ukraine.  We were thrilled that they got to be there to celebrate their Independence day and that Papa was able to fly over to spend some time with them and seeing Ukraine!

For now, here are some photos from our adventures while I was there. We found a great park in Bila Tserkva with a fun ropes course. Just because he was standing there all handsome. There was a park near our apartment too.  Plenty of space for soccer and basketball… And climbing!

Cotton candy in Europe is a bit different than the US.  It was straight up just sugar.  No flavors, no artificial dyes etc.  Not our favorite but still edible.

My cooking went up a notch thanks to Google translate making sure I grabbed the right seasoning packets.

The sign in our elevator let’s us know not to use the bathroom in there.  Just an FYI.

Silas insisted we grab these tiger hot dogs.  Mark said they were terrible and only after he cooked them did he realize the stripes needed to be peeled off.

When I made it to the airport for my journey home, these beautiful art pieces were on display.  A photographer had taken classic art and re-shot them with Ukrainian scenes.  So much patriotism and pride for the country could be seen in each photograph.


July Randoms

I will catch up in January!  I will!

Malachi preparing a wonderful dish for everyone. Sometimes two bows are better than one. Cuddles from Emmie mean so much more these days. When you have your hands full of milk but Hop Hop needs to hang out with you too. I walked in to the girls room and discovered this.  The army men have been defeated by the princesses.  Poor guys. Before Mark and I set out out on our travels, Tracy and I squeezed in some friend time.  We went fancy and opted for dessert at Cracker Barrel.  It was totally worth it too. Smudge is ready for school to start back. Reading. Seriously  ya’ll…cuddles with this girl are amazing.  We have eight months of cuddles to make up for. The kids’ pediatrician has chalkboards…this and books make my kids happy. Emmie praying.  The cuteness…ahhh We were able to dog-sit for a friend and the kids loved it to no end.  She is a very fun, very hyper yorkie mix and Sunny, our 14 year old, turned in to a giant puppy when she arrived.  They had a blast together.  But, when it was nap time, the puppy eagerly found a person to cuddle with.

And one more cuddle picture to end our July pics.
