To the Country

Top priority this year was to go see the EC.  That’s short for Mark’s brother and his family.  The kids were blessed to spend time with them while we traveled back and forth to Ukraine and frankly, Mark and I were jealous.  We needed some niece and nephew time and good ol’ visiting with Mark’s brother and wife.

In January, we were off.  We spent three and half days with eighteen children and four adults under one roof.  Oh yes we did.  Our kids were a blast!  And Mark and I got in our much needed visiting time!

A and Emmie had so much fun with the babies. Of course, reading books was a favorite.  Josiah with cousin H. Games were a must.

Mark got a great panorama shot of family worship!

My niece G.  Our nieces are growing into some pretty amazing young ladies! Liam and Uncle B had a good round of Uno.

This year the EC asked for really nice swings for Christmas so they could read outside.  Mark and Uncle B installed them while we visited.  And of course we all had to test them out.


The EC have a great piece of property which includes goats, chickens, cows, cats and a dog.  While we were there, Uncle B came home from a vet call with a calf who didn’t look like it was going to make it.  The kids absolutely loved spending time on the farm and feeding the animals.  And, as of last report, we were informed the calf was doing good and thriving.

As you can imagine, leaving the farm is tough.  Really, leaving the cousins is tough.  They made a ton of memories and it’s such a blessing to see cousins that get along…even if they (along with a sibling) leave you stranded at the pond to find your own way home.  I continue to pray that they will all stay close as they grow up.

While we visited, we crashed a birthday party (with permission of the hosts) of some of their friends.  It was a great time meeting new people and watching a bonfire!

I could not have imagined a better visit.  We’re waiting ever so impatiently until we can see them all again!



Happy New Year

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I know it’s April.  But, at least I’m in 2017 now!

Our New Year was a little low key.  The day before we had a couple of random sickies which canceled our plans to hang out with our church family.  As a result, we were awake, refreshed and alert in church the next day.  Per Ukrainian tradition, the kids received small gifts and then we enjoyed fireworks with neighbors in the evening.

I finally got Clue!  Ya’ll, I have wanted the game Clue since I was a little girl.  This year, I watched the Black Friday sales and grabbed it up.  Mark wrapped it and put it under the tree for me!  Yes.  He did.

The world’s worst photo but we gave it what we could.  Our dear friends from across the street came over and watched Mark put on a show.  We do it early enough so the littles can get rest.  This was special for us because our neighbors moved away at the end of the month.  Still hard knowing that we can’t just skip across the street for a chat.


December Randoms

Because my kids were cute in December (well, every month really) Emmie’s shirt says, “One of a Kind”  How could I not get this for her?! Liam showing off his new glasses.  We realized in November that he was having trouble seeing the screen at church.  Our church isn’t large and the screen isn’t that far away.  So, off to the eye doctor we went. Nearsighted like dear ol’ ma! Scenes of reading. After Emmie’s MRIs, she usually needs a bit extra time with Mama and Daddy, which means winding up in our bed during the night.  Tot likes to help with my projects. Especially embroidering towels. She just couldn’t hang. Her exact statement:  Mama, I washed my hands.
I’ll add…and your hair and dress and…She was so proud.


Emmie gets gentle adjustments at our chiropractor.  This was her first time climbing up on the table without needing Mama to hold her. Our neighbor’s son, K, playing a little tune. December was a month of breaking things.  My crockpot slipped and hit the counter.  Thankfully, Mark was able to fix it.  My dad made a gorgeous chopping block that I dropped and broke.  Thankfully, Dad was able to fix it!  Klutzy me and the wonderful men in my life who fix my breaks. Yeah, these cuddles are wonderful. To say my kids were attached to our neighbors is an understatement.  I absolutely adored these memories as they were preparing to move the next month. K would only go to Ace and it cracked us all up that he was the only one that could take him from his mom.  Off for a ride.

See, post MRI cuddles called for snuggles in the good ol’ baby carrier.


Girls Room Redo

I don’t know where I got this wild hair to redo the girls room.  Oh wait…it started with Mark being gone to Ukraine.  While he was gone, I decided to finally redo the kitchen table.  While getting paint for that, I found paint chip samples that I thought the girls would like.  They did.  We finally decided to work on their rooms in December. Mark painted while Emmie was at an appointment.

The blue is the new color.

We decided to swap out the girls beds to give them more space.  Our friends were getting rid of their old bunk beds and we grabbed them up.

We painted the girls beds but the girls’ were ready for their new layout before the beds were ready.  The girls’ new bedding came with a pillow that didn’t really match.  Enter matching fabric that I used to cover the pillows.
And the vanity chair.  Actually, Zoe did the chair.  She didn’t want to paint it, preferring the shabby shic. I found some really cute vinyl decals we put up on the long wall. I also added the fabric to to the top of the white curtains.We added shelves for some storage.

I also updated, added and improved on the girls hair clip board.  It turned out better than I though.  Room for flexis and Emmie’s precious bows she loves to wear.


Merry Christmas 2016

We had a different Christmas gift tradition we started this year.  Still not sure we’ll do it every year, but it worked for this year.  We chose to give the kids experiences instead of more stuff.  Ya’ll, we have a ton of stuff.  A ton!  They really don’t need stuff.  So, after lots of brainstorming, we decided to take a trip to a homeschool conference where their current favorite author (who just happens to be one of my most favorite musician/artist/songwriter) as well as a trip to The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.
Lining up to go to the Sibling Shop.  The kids draw names and then “shop” in the goodies available for that sibling.

All the kids gathered together to hear What God Wants for Christmas. Okay, we did get them a few small things and some stocking gifts (which are dvds or audio cds).
Tot got some fun ears. Trying to figure out where they were going.

See, I was there too!


Happy Birthdays!

Next year.  A practice driver!  Eek. Zoe asked for a very basic cake.

Best reaction to a birthday gift one of our kids has ever had!  We got her a trip to an escape room game with four of her friends, brother, Ace, and Daddy.



Still in December.  It worked out perfectly to spend time at Ge and Granddaddy’s house celebrating Christmas and December  birthdays the week Emmie had her MRI and appointment with her neurosurgeon. We even got some good visiting time with Uncle J and Aunt Yaya and family. Present time is always exciting. Oh man, I don’t know if Emmie is excited about another baby or not. 😉

Aunt Yaya’s family was in-between houses during Christmas, so I made up a fun gift for the niece and nephew.  Lots of fun goodies tucked in there.  I know they are old teenagers but they can still have fun.  I’m pretty certain I win the Crazy-Old-Aunt Award.

Double piggies…this girl!

Granddaddy’s hat is always fun to try on.

There is a Lego store just down from where Ge and Granddaddy live.  A big one!  We took the kids there the day before MRI day and we all had a blast.

You can create your own mini-figures.  So, I made one of Emmie’s neurologist and one of her neurosurgeon.  Next time we go, I’ll have to actually make them and buy them for the docs! Emmie loved this little table. Drawers ya’ll.  Drawers full of Lego bricks everywhere!  



Fantasy in Lights

For the kids Christmas in 2016, we decided to give them experiences rather than material gifts.  Having recently just rearranged our playroom, I am SOOOOO glad we did this.  Nine kids generate a lot of stuff.   A LOT of stuff.

Anyway, we took the kids to Fantasy in Lights at Callaway Gardens.

When we told them what we were doing, they were a little skeptical that it would actually be fun.  The only two brave souls for pictures!

At the end of the trip, though, they all agreed it was the best Christmas lights display we had ever seen.
