A Berry Post

Because of time crunch this year, we did not drive out to the giant berry farm in a nearby town.  We decided to try out the blueberry farm that we had seen several times as we drove to and from home on lots of different occasions.  It was a hit and the prices were just as good as the farm far away.  We went on two different trips and all total got about four gallons of blueberries.  We’re hoping these will get us through at least most of the year.  So far, so good.
DSC_1858Our second trip berry picking crew included friends from church.
DSC_1859 I think he ate as many as he picked.

DSC_1860 DSC_1862 Y was the same way.  He may have eaten a bit too many because he didn’t really want to eat anymore the rest of the time he was here.DSC_1864 Pick.  And pose.DSC_1865


A 4th Family, Part 2

Not only did we have some fun inside, but outside was a source of a lot of activity.DSC_1878 Yeah, Papa has a zipline in his back yard.DSC_1880 DSC_1882 DSC_1885 Y ziplined so much that his poor hands got calloused.  He loved flying through the air.DSC_1889 DSC_1897 Then Papa broke out his lawnmower and trailer.  DSC_1900 DSC_1903 DSC_1909 DSC_1926 Hula Hoop time!DSC_1931 Emmie getting a swing from cousin H.  He had lots of questions about Emmie’s brace but he also had to tell me a lot about what has been going on in his neck of the woods.  He always keeps us up to speed about what the other bunch is up to.DSC_1936 DSC_1945 Eek.  I have prettiest nieces and handsomest nephews.  Can’t tell me otherwise.

DSC_1950 DSC_1961 DSC_1963 Emmie was none too thrilled about riding on the lawnmower.DSC_1968 Sweet cousin A loved it!DSC_1972 Papa let some others drive.

DSC_1974 And the big girls jump roped.

DSC_2016 Mark got to try out his new birthday gift.  A hammock.DSC_2017 His audience.

DSC_2020 He said it was comfy.


DSC_2059 Beautiful rainbow after a bit of rain.

DSC_2078A trying out sisters ear phones.

IMG_1219 Pretty cousins.IMG_1221Brothers.

IMG_1238 IMG_1246 IMG_1264 The big kids table.

IMG_1281 IMG_3308 IMG_3344 IMG_3390 IMG_3395 Hula hooping Zoe.

DSC_2066Releasing the fireflies.

IMG_3414 Time for some watermelon eating with good ol’ seed spitting off the deck.IMG_3419


A Family Fourth, Part 1

Like I said, we traveled on Mark’s birthday and enjoyed some awesome family time with fourteen of our closest family members.  DSC_1872 DSC_1875 DSC_1978 DSC_2001 Eighteen kids all lined up in a row.  In age order no less.DSC_2004 DSC_2009 DSC_2014 The two littlest cousins got to enjoy some food.

DSC_2024 And play time.

DSC_2027 DSC_2064 The girls caught lightning bugs.

IMG_1210 This was our supply of paper products for the weekend.


Uno with Papa’s cousins.IMG_1273 Games are a definite fun part of our family time.

IMG_1312 So are books!IMG_2171 Ceili Rain and K were the “baby” sitters during family worship time.IMG_3401Little A learning to be a kitchen  helper.
IMG_20150704_111649_620 Y found a love for etch-a-sketch.IMG_20150704_162545_041

Sometimes connect four makes your eyes pop out!


Fireworks on Base

Moving along to July!  I’m only three months behind now.  There is an end in sight!

We were so worried that our traditional fireworks viewing at a local military fort was going to be  canceled since we were heading out of town to visit family.  It’s usually held on July 3rd, Mark’s birthday.  We always say that everyone on base decided to celebrate Mark’s birthday with a bang.  Anyway, this year, for whatever reason, it was held July 2nd.  And ya’ll, for summer in the south…it was cold!  We were not prepared for the crisp, er, summer, air but we made the most of it and Y got to see professional American fireworks for the very first time.  DSC_1867 DSC_1869 IMG_20150702_204245774 Y and Bryant also got to check out some awesome army vehicles.  Considering that his home country is currently at war, we were a bit worried about how he would react at seeing soldiers and army vehicles.  In all appearances, he seemed to handle it very well and loved hearing the marching soldiers and seeing their equipment.  He begged Mark for pictures.IMG_20150702_204316933 IMG_20150702_204331869 IMG_20150702_204344535 IMG_20150702_222112785He was definitely impressed with the fireworks.
IMG_20150702_223614516But towards the end, we had three really, really tired kids.


Happy Eighth Birthday, Josiah!

In my haste to get caught up, I almost forgot to share Josiah’s birthday pictures!  This boy.  He loves his baby buddy, Emmie and is, definitely the spitting image of his daddy.  He is quiet and sincere and he is very tender to everyone.DSC_1820 DSC_1824 So, when my boy requested a specific Ninjago cake, I about cried.  I really wasn’t sure I could do it.  But, I am not one who wants to disappoint my babies.  So, I had a go at it with a little bit of help from the birthday boy.

IMG_20150627_150358631DSC_1839 DSC_1841 DSC_1842

He approved.  Phew!  One down.  Three to go.


All of a Sudden

Last week, we were cruising along.  Getting ready for the final countdown before Y the Brave had to fly over the ocean.  I was back to exercising.  We were vigorously working on getting our final three dossier documents finished.

All of a sudden…everything changed.

Y and I went for a bike ride on Friday, July 31st.  It was one of those awesome rides where you get in lots of miles and forget the humidity.  When we got back home, the kids were playing Wii and Mark had stood up to talk to me.  Emmie was toddling around, without her brace since it was close to bedtime.  She was right in front of Mark.  Holding on to the couch.  I’ll never forget that.  Because, all of a sudden, she fell.  A normal toddler fall.  She tripped on her feet or a toy left out but she fell.

She cried.  Like all normal toddlers.  But she also had her body twisted funny when Mark picked her up.  He took her upstairs to get her pjs on and try to soothe her.  But, she wasn’t soothing.  She also wasn’t standing up.  We tried to chalk it up to her exhaustion from not napping during the day (all week) and being so busy.  So, Mark rocked her, but as extra precaution she slept in our room.  Mark was up and down with her all night.  Praying no doubt.

The next morning, our fears were starting to become valid.  She could stand.  She could walk with some assistance but she didn’t want to and cried every time we put her down.  She also had several times where she didn’t even want to stand.  Shaky on her feet or just collapsing completely.  By the evening, we noticed her grip was not very tight.  She was still very fussy and standing took a lot of effort.  When she was able to stand, especially if she wasn’t holding something, she turned in her right leg trying to balance.

Our worry grew.  We had been contacted earlier in the week about getting an x-ray with her neurosurgeon as a three month follow up but there was some confusion, so they were checking on it and we hadn’t scheduled it.  Mark decided by that evening that he would call on Monday and get it scheduled asap.

The next morning, we had more tears.  She stopped using her arms.  Keeping them at a right angle with her wrists relaxed.  If we forced her to hold something, she would but she wasn’t reaching for toys and didn’t show a big interest in doing much of anything.  She was starting to walk a bit more independently but still very, very slow and shaky compared to how she was earlier in the week.  And very reluctant to let go.  And still abnormally fussy.IMG_20150802_193024787


She was so tired in the ER and just wanted to sleep.

We made the decision that evening to call her pediatrician who told us we needed to call the on-call neurologist at CHOA.  As an aside, our pediatrician is amazing, after thirteen years, I can gauge from her when I’m over reacting and when I need to buckle down and take things seriously.  The neurologist wanted an MRI as soon as possible and the best way to get it was to head to the ER to be admitted and get one in the morning.

CHOA ER was awesome.  Aside from getting us through the ER quickly, the pediatrician on call had been in touch with the on call neurologist, on call neurosurgeon and Dr. W, Emmie’s neurologist.  They were on the ball and got us in a room as quickly as possible (yes, it was 2 am but we got there as soon as we could).

The MRI on Monday and the CT scan on Tuesday quickly found the problem.  While her plexifrom neurofibroma is stable, the kyphosis (bend in her spine) is not.  Between May and now, it has bent more and the spinal cord is noticeably more compressed.  What was even more concerning was the inflammation on the spinal cord.  All from a simple toddler fall that wouldn’t effect a “normal” toddler.  Our team of doctors quickly gathered that Emmie’s regression was due to the inflammation.


Sporting her “koalas in space” pjs for the MRI


Late Monday, ready to play after some rest and food.


Granddaddy and Ge came over on Monday to soothe Mama’s nerves and help entertain Emmie. No doubt, Granddaddy gave the best fast rides in the wagon.

This was a neurosurgeon game now.  Dr. C, Emmie’s neurosurgeon and a new neurosurgeon, Dr. R. quickly stepped in and worked together to come up with a plan.

Basically, it’s clear that the current brace system is not working.  Our goal, more than anything, is to try and avoid spinal surgery until Emmie is close to two.  At two the bones are way stronger.  We’re ten months from two.  Unfortunately, what they are seeing and Emmie’s issues from a small fall are concerning enough to have to take some more action.

Enter the halo brace.  On Thursday, Emmie will have a halo brace put on and then be taken to PICU.  They will put her in traction, meaning, attach a weight system to the halo and attempt to stretch the spine straight.  She’ll be sedated the entire time.  This process will take three to four days.

After traction, Dr. C will make a decision as to whether or not we have to do spinal surgery or if she can stay in the halo for ten months and then proceed with surgery.

Emmie has done amazing since last Sunday.  She is now back to walking much like she has been.  Even pulling up on things.  We are keeping her in a brace all of the time minus a quick bath.  And we are watching her like a hawk knowing that even a small fall could send us rushing back to the ER.


By Tuesday, she was working on walking. Babbit had to go for a ride too.


Emmie made a new friend, Mr. Fox. He’s a puppet that we met in the gift shop and he can make Emmie giggle or belly laugh in a split second.


Tuesday afternoon, we got to see more of our “old Emmie.” Exploring and playing and she discovered sliding down the slide was fun!


Daddy was able to come down Tuesday and instant laughs were had by all!


We know there are some amazing people out there who love our Super Em and are more than willing to pray.  We have some very specific prayer needs right now.

1.  Ideally, delaying surgery would be the best course for Emmie.  So, please pray that her spine responds to the traction and she is able to just go home with a halo and surgery comes at two.

2. Please pray for all of us as we adjust to this new brace.  It takes me about a week to get use to the brace but talking with another mom who has a child in a halo, I’m guessing this will take longer.  She’ll no longer be able to go to the pool.  Adjustments to car seats, sitting, standing, walking, bathing…it’s going to be a lot on all of us.

3.  Y the Brave returns home in a little over to weeks.  Mark and I have worked out a plan, while Emmie is in traction, to spend time with Y and the rest of the kids each day.  That will make it easier, but obviously, we did not plan for our last two weeks to include surgery and all of these adjustments.

4.  Peace.  I need peace.  I can’t believe that a little over a week ago we were just having fun being a “normal” family.  And now this.  I can’t believe that a year ago, at this time, we got the news that has changed our family’s “normal.”  I’m relying a lot on God and He’s hearing from me constantly.  I can say that I do have enough peace at night to sleep but it’s hard.  So very hard to watch our daughter have to go through this.

The kids are working through a summer program at church where they memorize verses each week.  Y the Brave has been working on Psalm 34:4, memorizing it in English while reading it in his language.

I sought the Lord and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears.              Psalm 34:4




Kid Dates

Before Y came, we wanted to get in some one on one time with the kids.  It’s important for us to be able to spend time with the kids to catch up on their lives without a little or big demanding our attention.  I wish we did this more frequently.  But, hopefully, we can be more intentional.  They so look forward to it and when we started the date nights, they all started plotting and planning what we would do.


For some reason, we didn’t get pictures of each kid out.  But we did capture quite a few.IMG_20150608_181152_704 Ace and I discovered Which Which and that was it for a majority of the kids.  They had a great promotion to decorate a bag for a soldier.  Our creation above!IMG_20150618_182229_010Bryant wanted to go to Which too, of course.  We rocked the selfie and the bag!
IMG_20150620_113732094Malachi voted for frozen yogurt and was quite settled in his seat with his massive mound of treats.



Birthday Explosion

In our immediate family we have four birthdays between the end of June to the end of July.  That’s a lot folks.  But not only that in the space of four months, counting extended family, we celebrate sixteen birthdays.  Yeah.  Big family fun!


Since we don’t get to see aunts and uncles every year, we sometimes plan to play catch up on all birthday celebrations.  June was no exception.
DSC_1725 JosiahDSC_1728 DSC_1736 EmmieDSC_1737 DSC_1740 Ace and BryantDSC_1742Ceili Rain and Malachi
DSC_1743 DSC_1752and Ge


It was a fun filled weekend of birthday celebrations!


Budding Artists

I love doing crafts.  Just not cleaning them up afterward.  But one day in June, I got adventurous.  We broke out the art easel we have had stored away for a long time.  Taking turns…the kids went to work.
DSC_1794 DSC_1795 DSC_1796 DSC_1797 DSC_1798And had a blast!  They had some pretty neat and creative pictures.  This reminds me that we need to do this more often.

Towards the end, I remembered that music is supposed to “enhance the creativity.”  That is said with the best upper class voice I can muster.  So, I grabbed my Amazon music player and found the Ukrainian Orchestra’s album.  It was really good and perfect for creating their masterpieces.

