Summer Blast 2015

Last year, we had some wonderful neighbors who organized a summer blast for the whole neighborhood.  Water slides, free food, and lots of fun.  They worked so hard and put together a wonderful time for all our neighbors.  This year, they did it again.  The whole neighborhood raised money and put together a fun party that lasted from ten in the morning to late in to the evening.IMG_20150718_122909690 IMG_20150718_122916873 IMG_20150718_122926283 Waterslides and cupcakes.  They made for happy kids and great memories.IMG_20150718_123201394_HDR IMG_20150718_123440653_HDR

Y tried to learn how to play cornhole.


Our Zoo at the Zoo

We took advantage of our zoo membership and took part in the Members’ Night festivities.  Our local zoo plans these member nights three times a year and they are always a treat and less crowded for our crew.

We thought Y the Brave had been to a zoo before because he lives in a city where there is a zoo.  But, he told us over and over that he had never been.  It was so much fun watching his excitement over seeing the animals up close.  DSC_2266 Spot our bunch…I have to say tie dye shirts are my favorite family shirts so far.  They were a lot of fun to make and easy to spot.DSC_2268 New sea otters exhibit is so interesting!DSC_2270 DSC_2271 DSC_2272 But, Emmie loved the bears.  She “oooohed” over them the most.DSC_2274 DSC_2276 DSC_2284 A volunteer singing about koalas.  We can’t call them koala bears now.DSC_2287 Feeding the Lorakeets.  They were so full from the whole day of eating but we managed to get them to take a bite or two.DSC_2295 DSC_2298 DSC_2299 Flamingo impersonation.DSC_2313 Y the Brave told us that he wanted to see elephants most of all.  I think he was thrilled when he got to see them.  But the smell…well, it always knocks us all off our feet.DSC_2315 A bunch of Characters in a small train car.  Mostly all smiles.

DSC_2321 Rock wall climbing.  I was a bad mama and forgot to open the flash so half the pictures were unrecognizable.DSC_2330 Zoe and Ace were proud of their checkerboard accomplishment.DSC_2334Here’s the traditional family portrait with the lions.

IMG_20150724_200957330_HDRThis is our family,our neighbors next door and our neighbors across the street.  Right now, we have twenty kids between our three families (we have some amazing neighbors who are foster parents!).  I can’t remember how many are in this picture though.  Pretty close to that number, I believe.


Peace, Love, and Dye

If we are close to a chaperon from New Horizons for Children during hosting, the rule is to plan a time to spend with the chaperon.  Well,, we were close to chaperons but they were about two to three hours away.  And, then there was the minor problem of transportation since, with Y, we are at capacity in our van unless there is a super skinny person who can squeeze in the back seat.

We really wanted to meet and spend time with the chaperons but we just couldn’t figure out how to do it.  Then a hosting family/friend, had the idea to bring a favorite chaperon to our area and we could split time.  When I told her what we were going to do, I told her that they could join us too.  So they did.  And the kids opened the fun trunk to find tie dye kits.

The fun happened before all of this though.  Ace woke up the day before with a rash that we thought might be poison ivy.  But, when the rash started moving around and we talked to other people, we realized that it was actually probably hives.  I made a call to the doctor and got an afternoon appointment thinking we would be done tie dying in plenty of time.  I totally underestimated our tie dying timing or skills.

DSC_2220 DSC_2221 DSC_2223 DSC_2224 Our friends arrived and we got to work.DSC_2225 DSC_2226 Soon after starting the dying process, we realized we didn’t have enough dye.  H, the other host mom, made a mad dash to Walmart to try and get more dye.  Just so you know, when it says it will dye nine shirts on the kit, what it really means is if you put one dot of each color on nine shirts, then you’re covered.  One dot is not enough for our crew.  They needed full on dye.DSC_2229 DSC_2230In the middle of the dye-fest, Ace’s appointment approached.  I begged H to stay at the house while I took Ace to the appointment.  We found out he had an allergic reaction to who knows what and needed to stay on an allergy med for awhile and then made a mad dash back to the house.

Even though it was quite chaotic, I think we all had a wonderful time.  And Y got to see his favorite chaperon, M.  It was a blessing for us to see her too.


At the Lake

We had a hosting gathering at the lake in July.  It was a truly wonderful time with our friends and fellow hosters to reflect and visit.

DSC_2102 DSC_2103 DSC_2109 I didn’t get to go out with the kids, but one of the hosting families had a boat and several of our kids got to go “tubing!”  It was all fun and games until Zoe broke the innertube. Just kidding.  It did break but not because of her.  Even though I didn’t get to hang out with them on the boat, I got to hang out with the littles in the sand.DSC_2118 DSC_2126 DSC_2128 DSC_2132 Yeah, awesome shot.  Silly face.

DSC_2140 We also had the pleasure of seeing the kids when they got back.DSC_2143 And hear about how it went.DSC_2148DSC_2147


Wild Library

I just love our local library.  We always have some pretty special events during the summer and even throughout the year.  Aside from the mountain man performance, we also got to check out some awesome animals from a wildlife group.  The kids were pretty impressed.

The following pictures are from Zoe.  I threw her my phone when Emmie decided she needed to have a walkabout during the presentation.
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This possum was our absolute favorite.  He was the cutest thing and was so sweet to look at.  And for those wondering, Y was just as impressed as our kids.  The guest started with small animals but as they got bigger, they all got more quiet and really enjoyed seeing and hearing about them.


Backyard Camping

Part of our fun trunk surprises was a backyard camping adventure with daddy.  It was hot, ya’ll.  Very hot.  And mama did not complain one second that I had to stay inside with nursing baby.


DSC_2185 DSC_2186 We did play outside for a bit before the heat got to us.DSC_2187 DSC_2188 DSC_2189 S’mores….we love them.DSC_2190 DSC_2192 And cool fire effects…in the 100 degree heat. DSC_2198


We even got a fireworks display through the trees.  Bonus.


Summer of the Fun Trunk

Playing off of another friend’s idea, we created a fun trunk for the summer.  Some days, it was full of fun stuff to do and others it just went along with what we were up to.  We had sprinklers and crafts and all sorts of neat things.  Here’s a small glimpse at what we did with our trunk.

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DSC_2090 Pom poms, contact paper, sharpie marker and tissue paper…wall art.DSC_2091 DSC_2092 DSC_2093

This was a lot of fun.  I definitely think we will do this again next summer.  It helped the kids to build up anticipation.  Some things were put on hold because of the hospital trips, so we have a jump start.  Some things, I didn’t get a chance to post because we were having too much fun.  And some are their own posts of awesomeness.


Brace Yourselves

One of my biggest shockers since Emmie’s diagnosis has been that I have been brave enough to drive through Atlanta without another adult, not once, but three times in the past three months.  While I don’t mind traffic, Atlanta traffic is its own little world that I didn’t care to delve in to.  Until Emmie required us too.

In the middle of June, we got the call that Emmie’s new brace (the one just before the halo) was ready and Mark quickly rearranged his schedule and took off so that I could take Emmie for the short appointment.  We both knew it would be a boring appointment for the kids but hanging out with daddy for a whole day would be totally awesome.  It was.

Since this was my first, “Emmie and me” trip, I made sure we had a celebratory pit stop.  At Ikea.  Oh yes we did.  There are some perks to having to drive to Atlanta for all of her awesomeness.

IMG_20150715_114736062The appointment took a bit over an hour and she did a wonderful job.  Despite the fact she was terrified every time she heard a door open or close.

I must say, she works this brace like the princess super hero that she is.IMG_20150717_193617_261 IMG_20150717_193645_341

Complete with double pony tails.  Oh yeah.

I found an etsy site called Higgy Bears after Emmie got her brace.  This wonderful lady creates stuffed animal braces for children to have stuffed animals sporting their same sense of fashion.  I knew she had the scoliosis braces but wasn’t sure if she could make something similar to Emmie’s brace.  I decided it was worth a shot and sent an email.  And she did it!  I was totally impressed.  I haven’t had time to email to see if she could do a halo brace now.  But for now.  Her LeighLeigh doggy is a favorite.

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She even went back for her halo placement procedure.  LeighLeigh, by the way, is after Emmie’s amazing orthotist who came up with this brace that was indestructible (stoppable only by the evil Kyphosis villain).


Drive In

Another first for Y.  The drive-in.  We couldn’t resist when we found out that the local (local meaning 45 minutes away) drive-in was showing the newly released Minions movie.  We were going to attempt to stay for Inside Out too but our little “minions” were trying to prop their eyes open with toothpicks so we thought it best to head on.  We had fun waiting and during the movie though.DSC_2095 We met up with another host family/friends and the boys enjoyed a bit of soccer before the movie started.DSC_2099 Facebooktwittermail

Moo for Food

Cow Appreciation Day is one of our families most anticipated holidays.  We simply love it!  This year we introduced Y the Brave to it.  And, true to his personality, he went in to it with as much enthusiasm as we had.IMG_20150714_164949_414 Count ’em.  Yep.  There’s one missing.  Want to know where he is?

IMG_20150714_165003_923 We always have one little calf who is just not happy until after the food comes.

IMG_20150714_170429_804 But this little calf thought the food was splendid.


Y thought that the cow was really cool and he wanted CeiRai and I to get in the picture too.
