Three years ago, Emmie made history and got a strong neck! THREE YEARS! It’s been such an amazing three years looking back at how far she has come.

We celebrated, as usual with a homemade cookie cake (her choice).

We briefly had a ball pit/baby jail and Tobin had a blast.

Emmie loves to explore with scissors and made this person on her own with no prompting.

Four years ago, we “met” a sweet friend who ran in his undies to raise money for Neurofibromatosis with Cupid’s Undie Run. I say “met” because we have only talked on Facebook. Mr. Cliff decided that Emmie was pretty awesome enough to be the one he ran for. And so, four years later, he has consistently been in the top 3 fundraisers for Atlanta. He always runs with a fun heart with Super Ems on it. This year his costume was, well, let’s say, a little lacking and Ems heart kept falling off but throughout the day it always found it’s way back to Cliff. He sent her his medal from 2018 when he got second place in fundraising and Emmie was thrilled beyond belief. Our mission is to make sure we meet Cliff in person one day. Oh, and if you want to hear about the run and see the infamous heart, check out this video by a youtuber who participated this year (Warning…this is people running around in their skivvies…most are covered though. Just preview it for the younger eyes.).
I say “met” because we have only talked on Facebook. Mr. Cliff decided that Emmie was pretty awesome enough to be the one he ran for. And so, four years later, he has consistently been in the top 3 fundraisers for Atlanta. He always runs with a fun heart with Super Ems on it. This year his costume was, well, let’s say, a little lacking and Ems heart kept falling off but throughout the day it always found it’s way back to Cliff. He sent her his medal from 2018 when he got second place in fundraising and Emmie was thrilled beyond belief. Our mission is to make sure we meet Cliff in person one day. Oh, and if you want to hear about the run and see the infamous heart, check out this video by a youtuber who participated this year (Warning…this is people running around in their skivvies…most are covered though. Just preview it for the younger eyes.).