Wild Library

I just love our local library.  We always have some pretty special events during the summer and even throughout the year.  Aside from the mountain man performance, we also got to check out some awesome animals from a wildlife group.  The kids were pretty impressed.

The following pictures are from Zoe.  I threw her my phone when Emmie decided she needed to have a walkabout during the presentation.
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This possum was our absolute favorite.  He was the cutest thing and was so sweet to look at.  And for those wondering, Y was just as impressed as our kids.  The guest started with small animals but as they got bigger, they all got more quiet and really enjoyed seeing and hearing about them.


Backyard Camping

Part of our fun trunk surprises was a backyard camping adventure with daddy.  It was hot, ya’ll.  Very hot.  And mama did not complain one second that I had to stay inside with nursing baby.


DSC_2185 DSC_2186 We did play outside for a bit before the heat got to us.DSC_2187 DSC_2188 DSC_2189 S’mores….we love them.DSC_2190 DSC_2192 And cool fire effects…in the 100 degree heat. DSC_2198


We even got a fireworks display through the trees.  Bonus.


Summer of the Fun Trunk

Playing off of another friend’s idea, we created a fun trunk for the summer.  Some days, it was full of fun stuff to do and others it just went along with what we were up to.  We had sprinklers and crafts and all sorts of neat things.  Here’s a small glimpse at what we did with our trunk.

IMG_20150706_112928_361 IMG_20150706_113124_856
DSC_2090 Pom poms, contact paper, sharpie marker and tissue paper…wall art.DSC_2091 DSC_2092 DSC_2093

This was a lot of fun.  I definitely think we will do this again next summer.  It helped the kids to build up anticipation.  Some things were put on hold because of the hospital trips, so we have a jump start.  Some things, I didn’t get a chance to post because we were having too much fun.  And some are their own posts of awesomeness.


Drive In

Another first for Y.  The drive-in.  We couldn’t resist when we found out that the local (local meaning 45 minutes away) drive-in was showing the newly released Minions movie.  We were going to attempt to stay for Inside Out too but our little “minions” were trying to prop their eyes open with toothpicks so we thought it best to head on.  We had fun waiting and during the movie though.DSC_2095 We met up with another host family/friends and the boys enjoyed a bit of soccer before the movie started.DSC_2099 Facebooktwittermail

Moo for Food

Cow Appreciation Day is one of our families most anticipated holidays.  We simply love it!  This year we introduced Y the Brave to it.  And, true to his personality, he went in to it with as much enthusiasm as we had.IMG_20150714_164949_414 Count ’em.  Yep.  There’s one missing.  Want to know where he is?

IMG_20150714_165003_923 We always have one little calf who is just not happy until after the food comes.

IMG_20150714_170429_804 But this little calf thought the food was splendid.


Y thought that the cow was really cool and he wanted CeiRai and I to get in the picture too.


A Berry Post

Because of time crunch this year, we did not drive out to the giant berry farm in a nearby town.  We decided to try out the blueberry farm that we had seen several times as we drove to and from home on lots of different occasions.  It was a hit and the prices were just as good as the farm far away.  We went on two different trips and all total got about four gallons of blueberries.  We’re hoping these will get us through at least most of the year.  So far, so good.
DSC_1858Our second trip berry picking crew included friends from church.
DSC_1859 I think he ate as many as he picked.

DSC_1860 DSC_1862 Y was the same way.  He may have eaten a bit too many because he didn’t really want to eat anymore the rest of the time he was here.DSC_1864 Pick.  And pose.DSC_1865


A 4th Family, Part 2

Not only did we have some fun inside, but outside was a source of a lot of activity.DSC_1878 Yeah, Papa has a zipline in his back yard.DSC_1880 DSC_1882 DSC_1885 Y ziplined so much that his poor hands got calloused.  He loved flying through the air.DSC_1889 DSC_1897 Then Papa broke out his lawnmower and trailer.  DSC_1900 DSC_1903 DSC_1909 DSC_1926 Hula Hoop time!DSC_1931 Emmie getting a swing from cousin H.  He had lots of questions about Emmie’s brace but he also had to tell me a lot about what has been going on in his neck of the woods.  He always keeps us up to speed about what the other bunch is up to.DSC_1936 DSC_1945 Eek.  I have prettiest nieces and handsomest nephews.  Can’t tell me otherwise.

DSC_1950 DSC_1961 DSC_1963 Emmie was none too thrilled about riding on the lawnmower.DSC_1968 Sweet cousin A loved it!DSC_1972 Papa let some others drive.

DSC_1974 And the big girls jump roped.

DSC_2016 Mark got to try out his new birthday gift.  A hammock.DSC_2017 His audience.

DSC_2020 He said it was comfy.


DSC_2059 Beautiful rainbow after a bit of rain.

DSC_2078A trying out sisters ear phones.

IMG_1219 Pretty cousins.IMG_1221Brothers.

IMG_1238 IMG_1246 IMG_1264 The big kids table.

IMG_1281 IMG_3308 IMG_3344 IMG_3390 IMG_3395 Hula hooping Zoe.

DSC_2066Releasing the fireflies.

IMG_3414 Time for some watermelon eating with good ol’ seed spitting off the deck.IMG_3419


Fireworks on Base

Moving along to July!  I’m only three months behind now.  There is an end in sight!

We were so worried that our traditional fireworks viewing at a local military fort was going to be  canceled since we were heading out of town to visit family.  It’s usually held on July 3rd, Mark’s birthday.  We always say that everyone on base decided to celebrate Mark’s birthday with a bang.  Anyway, this year, for whatever reason, it was held July 2nd.  And ya’ll, for summer in the south…it was cold!  We were not prepared for the crisp, er, summer, air but we made the most of it and Y got to see professional American fireworks for the very first time.  DSC_1867 DSC_1869 IMG_20150702_204245774 Y and Bryant also got to check out some awesome army vehicles.  Considering that his home country is currently at war, we were a bit worried about how he would react at seeing soldiers and army vehicles.  In all appearances, he seemed to handle it very well and loved hearing the marching soldiers and seeing their equipment.  He begged Mark for pictures.IMG_20150702_204316933 IMG_20150702_204331869 IMG_20150702_204344535 IMG_20150702_222112785He was definitely impressed with the fireworks.
IMG_20150702_223614516But towards the end, we had three really, really tired kids.
