Birthday Celebrations

At the end of February, we visited with Ge and Granddaddy.  Not only did we get to visit with them, but we also got to visit with Aunt Yaya and her family.  Well, Aunt Yaya is no longer Aunt Yaya.  Ceili Rain has changed her name to Aunt Chocolate.  That’s because Aunt Yaya (er, I mean, Aunt Chocolate) keeps Ceili Rain well stocked in her favorite dessert in the whole wide world.  In fact, when we came back home, Ceili Rain was playing with a present Aunt Yaya and family gave her for her birthday and Liam asked why we had so many pieces.  I told him it was because Aunt Yaya gave them to Ceili Rain for her birthday.  Ceili Rain turned to me and said, “Choco Mama.  Choco!”  Oh right, Aunt Chocolate, not Aunt Yaya.

So, while were there we got to celebrate two birthdays.

Cousin E is 10!  I still can’t believe he’s that old.  All of the kids made cards and placemats to help celebrate.

He has such a great sense of humor and is almost always smiling!
 Then we celebrated Ceili Rain’s birthday (with Raffie the Giraffe of course)!
Granddaddy helped with the candles (I’m almost certain I flipped and saved this picture…oh well).
No help needed to get the presents though.
Her surprised look!
Bryant decided that Uncle Jay hung the moon.  Every time he saw him he’d start kicking and try to jump out of our arms to get to him.
I mean really, who couldn’t love a face like this!?
The kids, as usual, enjoyed the pond (really, I did flip and save the pictures…what’s up?!?)


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