Birthday Celebrations

Busy, busy!  But, here we are.  To my birthday.  For our celebration, I decided to go to the Yankee Candle Company Flagship Store in Williamsburg.  We were were on our way to Alexandria, VA so it seemed like the best stop.  And it was!

This is an awesome store.  Animatronic “show,”  indoor “snow” and all the candles that Yankee Candle Company has ever made.

They also have a place where kids (for a price) can make their own candles and such.  Which we did.  Which was probably after we left our camera sitting out in the atrium.  Which is where it stayed until I realized it the next day and called and Yankee Candle graciously shipped the camera back to our house.  Which is why there will be no pictures from our trip to Alexandria, Washington D.C. and the like.  At least not now.  There are a few on my camera and could possibly be a few on a camera that I bought for too cheap but I haven’t gotten to those yet.

 Watching it snow indoors!

Another customer came by when we were walking around and told me all about the snow and how adorable our children were and that she had asked an employee to make it snow again so the kids could see it again before we moved to another area of the store.  And they did!  What an amazing store!

They were in awe of the talking mice in the clock.

After the store visit, we headed out to eat and found a great restaurant where I had the best barbecue of my life!  No joke.  It’s Pierce’s BBQ and if you ever go to Williamsburg you have to eat there!  It’s a-maz-ing!  Of course, no pictures because my camera was sitting lonely at the Yankee Candle store.


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