Big Car and Truck Show

So, Saturday, our MOPS group held a fundraiser called, the MOPS Big Car and Truck Show. It really wasn’t much of a fundraiser. We think the rain and the massive activities going on in our area kind of put a damper on things. But the kids that came thought it was great! All of the MOPS moms thought we should rename it the MOPS Horn Honking Show! Quite a lot of that going on. Still fun, nonetheless!

Ace said this was a girly bike…but he sure did enjoy “riding” on it!

Oh, yes, the firetruck was a big hit! Late in the afternoon, they turned on the water hose and let some of the kids point it. That was pretty neat for them.


1 thought on “Big Car and Truck Show

  1. Very very cool!! Bummer though that your turnout wasn’t what you wanted. Weather–ugh. You should’ve done it here–I don’t remember the last time it rained. Literally. It might rain in June, I heard. 🙂

    We went to “touch a truck” out here, and it was awesome! They had done it for a few years, and it grew and grew. Hope you keep doing it! Here’s a tip–contact local military recruiters b/c they would love to be at an event like that. When we were at ours here, Erik said, “Man, if my boss knew about this, I’d be out here with the hummer all day for sure” 🙂

    Our church is giving up the MOPS label next year and doing something a bit different. Not sure how. Should be interesting…. Same concept, but on a deeper level, maybe… Anyway, hope your last meetings are great! I’m amazed at your ability to handle all your roles, esp. with ALL the sickness that has plagued your family. Ugh. Praying for health!!


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