Bad Parents

Okay, I know we’re not the only ones who do this. Maybe I’m the only one to confess though. We really send the kids out trick or treating to fill up Mark and my sugar fix! Yep, there it’s out in the open. We are sugar addicts when it comes to Halloween and well, I just don’t see people dishing out candy to two goofy dressed up adults. So, that’s why we send the kids out. Free labor for our sugar.

Last night, after they were in bed, we dumped out their treasures and ate some of the yummy treats before putting them all in the candy bowl for the whole family…hehehe. I think I remember my mom doing that as well, so I know I’m not alone.

So moms and dads, who will join me in putting our kids to work. After all, this is the one time of year they can earn their keep 🙂


1 thought on “Bad Parents

  1. totally!! I ate the stuff w/ peanuts in it b/c my kids don’t like them, so that’s ok, right?? 🙂 And at this age, they don’t really care.

    SUPER cute costumes! You’re awesome! I didn’t know about the sticky felt–that’s a great tip!


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