To the Bat Cave!

What a day Emmie had on Friday!  A super hero’s work is never done and she proved that.

First of all, we noticed on Monday, not even two weeks post-surgery, that her new brace (she had been wearing it about a week) was breaking again at the same place the other two broke.  I emailed her neurosurgeon to let them know and then also scheduled an appointment with orthotics for Friday.  Emmie already had a post-op appointment with the neurosurgeon.  Why not add another?

Meanwhile, I heard back from Dr. C, the neurosurgeon, and they wanted her to have an x-ray on Friday before her appointment.  We were told by his staff this was to see if her spine was stable enough to go without the brace.  However, that wasn’t entirely true.  I’ll get to that.

Zoe had an awards night with American Heritage Girls on Thursday night so we opted for an early leave time on Friday.  We left our house at 6.  In the morning.  Dropped the kids off at Ge and Granddaddy’s by 9 and headed to Emmie’s appointments.  

First up was x-ray.  We have yet to figure out how to explain to a baby that she isn’t get an owie when the x-rays are at the same place as the MRIs.  One day we’ll just be able to tell her and she’ll believe us.

After that was done, we headed to Dr. C’s office.  Dr. C was very happy with how she was doing post-op.  He showed us the x-rays from March and then from today and we could see a bit of improvement.  Obviously, the spine was not the shape we wanted it to be and I don’t believe Dr. C was expecting it to be.  He is using the x-ray from today as a baseline.  She’ll have another done in three to six months (We’ll try and coordinate it with her MRI schedule).  At that time, we have three options:
1.  Spine has shown significant improvement in bend-This would mean Emmie won a trial period without the brace.
2.  Spine has shown no improvement or worsening-This would mean that the brace is working and she’ll need to continue wearing it.
3.  Spinal bend has worsened-We’re not sure in detail what this would mean and honestly I don’t really want to know but he repeatedly said “invasive action.”

I would much prefer number 1 or even number 2 to number 3.

He looked at her broken brace and shrugged perplexed.  He said he has never had a child break that kind of brace.  Ever.  One of Emmie’s super powers have been revealed.

We also discussed her eye.  Her right eye is still a bit droopy and she doesn’t open it too wide.  We thought, at first, that it could just be swelling but after two weeks it has not gone down and should have shown some improvement.  Before her appointment, I scheduled an appointment for her to see her ophthalmologist to rule out nerve damage.  Dr. C agreed with that and expressed willingness to cooperate with her eye doctor should they need information from him.

With that, we hopefully, said good bye to Dr. C for a good long while.  Dr. W will be our go to neuro guy (he is the neurologist if I haven’t lost you with all these doctors yet).

A quick bite to lunch, a power nap, and off to the bat cave to modify her brace.

I had my qualms. I just knew that the orthotics would shake their  heads and either give us another one just like what she had.  Instead, she was just like M in James Bond.  She looked at, discussed, deduced what the problem could be.  After spending awhile with us, she headed to her secret lab to work on the problem.

We waited.

Eye pokes help pass the time.

And waited.

And waited some more.

Genius takes time people.

Finally M returned (okay her real initial is L but we’re going with a super hero/James Bond theme here, bear with me) and brought us the new and improved brace.

She added a front hard plastic piece and two “buttons” or “screws” on the side.
If she breaks this thing, I may lose it.  

M (or L) thought the main issue was that the kyphosis is causing the weight of her head to push forward which is putting more stress on the front of the brace.  Basically, it’s not that these braces are poorly made but that they are not designed to help kyphosis.  But M made it happen, ya’ll.

I wish we had more concrete answers.  A more definitive timeline of the future.  But Emmie.   Well, those who know her personally, this will come as no surprise.  Emmie is a special case.  Not many one year olds have cervical kyphosis and NF.  We’re all walking new territory so no one can really tell us what is going to work and isn’t and for how long or not.

Once again, we have no other choice but to trust God and wait for Him to reveal what our next Super Ems adventure will be.


Back Home

When Emmie had her appointment with Dr. C at the end of March (this was the brace appointment), we also got to squeeze in some much needed visiting time with family.
 Daddy & Emmie selfies…always important.
 Liam convinced Papa to play chess.
 Aw, you know, just relaxin’ and chillin’.

 We also got to get in a visit with Aunt Yaya and Uncle J.  They were at the ballfields running a “league of their own” game day.  This league is for all children and they have this amazing field that makes it easy for all kids of all abilities can participate in.

Uncle J kept Ceili Rain warm.  It was quite a cold morning.



While the four oldest were in our annual standardized testing for three days, the rest of us had a few adventures.
 Playground at the mall was a hit. 

 And our local Chick-fil-a has a Wednesday morning activity called Biscuits and Buddies.  They typically have a special guest come in and do a craft or talk about something fun with the kids.  They do this every Wednesday and, of course, with the four oldest around it’s harder to get to.  But the four youngest, loved it!  They got to make fun whoopie pies and noise makers (which Emmie promptly ate the tape off of.  She’s fine and I think I got most of it out before she swallowed it).

 Wednesday was a big day too because we were doing another Atlanta run that Friday.  We went to get the oil changed after testing and we were informed that the tires absolutely needed to be changed.  Quick calls and we got in to our usual tire place (they don’t sell our size tires at any ol’ tire place) and we were set.  But we had to wait for the tires to be changed…so we did this:

And “elfed” our selves.  Yes, it was March.


The Bunch and the Oobleck

With all the fun of MRI month in March, we failed to properly recognize the good doctor’s birthday on March 2nd.  The kids knew and begged most of the month to make our traditional birthday oobleck.  By the end of the month, I finally obliged.  This time we got a neighbor to come over and join in the fun.
Just an FYI, I did four boxes of cornstarch total and put one in each tub with some neon food coloring.

And to make sure it was fully school time, we discussed non-newtonian liquids and watched a video on why cornstarch and water did what it was doing.  So, we also watched a video of people walking on cornstarch/water combo…got to keep things balanced around here.


Put ’em to Work

People always want to know how we do it around here.  I guess I’ll share my secret.

We put them to work early washing dishes.

Not really.  
Emmie was sitting beside me on the counter one afternoon while I washed a few dishes.  She saw the water and was ecstatic.  So, I ran some clean water and we let her go to town.  It was such a delight seeing her kick and squeal even if it meant our counters (and shirts) were soaking wet.


Happy Wedding Day!

One of our pastor’s daughters got married in March.  It was such a beautiful wedding with a beautiful bride!

 Photo bomb, anyone?

 Ceili Rain just had to see the lovely bride immediately after the ceremony and of course, J willingly obliged.  J was Ceili Rain’s cubbies’ teacher and has always remained dear to her.
 And, my boys were super thrilled about the wedding.  Mainly because of the food at the reception.  This reception did not disappoint either.

 The beautiful new couple (photobombed by our table mate P).
 Trying to complete the wedding scavenger hunt before we gave up and just enjoyed visiting.
 At this point, the kids had grabbed my phone (with my permission, of course).  Apparently the groom, S went in on the charades.  I’m pretty sure all the rest of these pictures are from the kids escapades.

 Then Mark pulled out his camera and we got some good pictures as well…

 Father-daughter dance…awwww
And a daddy with his girls.  Mark tries not to blink because he knows he’ll be the one in the father/daughter dance all too soon.
 Um, yeah.  She’s cute and she knows it.
Thank you to S and J for letting us be a part of your special day! 


I Know a Fighter

I’ve been sharing on our Just a Bunch of Characters Facebook page about NF Awareness Month.

See, I get the fun and silly posts on Facebook about pretending to be a slug and all to raise awareness for Breast Cancer even though Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in October and I’m quite certain it is very well known.  I totally agree that we need to spread awareness for it and we have dear friends who have been directly effected by it but I also know that NF is very prevalent and doesn’t get as much publicity.  So, this is my publicity for it.  Minus the slug posts.

Wow, that was a noodle.  Sorry.

Back to what I was saying.  This month is Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month.  The theme Children’s Tumor Foundation has chosen is, “I Know a Fighter.”  Each day this month, I’ve posted an NF fact and shared a short bio as well as a picture of some pretty awesome and amazing and beautiful NF fighters.  You can go check it out now.  Don’t worry.  This post will be here when you get back.

May 17th is National Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day.  That’s seven days away.  I would love it if you, my dear friends and family would share our NF part of the blog.  Or our Facebook page.  Or even Super Ems picture (found below)!

Please remember to share a link to our blog or to Children’s Tumor Foundation or both when you share!


Beach Bum

I was blessed, blessed, blessed to be able to go to Fripp Island, SC in March on a retreat with other ladies from our church.  It came at the right time as we had just found out Emmie was going to need to wear a neck brace and surgery was looming in our nearer future.  The time was definitely filled with crying out to God and feeling His peace wash over me.
God reminded me over and over again who was in control (Him) and I enjoyed soaking  up His presence and hearing how He worked in the lives of the other amazing women at our church.
 The view from the deck of the house where we stayed.
 Emmie and I got our own room.

Wildlife was everywhere!

 One of the most precious women in our church and I decided to take a walk to see if we could see any deer up close and personal.  Besides the island just being gorgeous…

We also got to see the deer we so wanted.  Several of them, in fact!

 On the way back to our house, a beautiful bird swooped down in front of us and we followed it to a tree across a pond.  Look for the orange beak in the picture above.

While we  were engrossed in taking pictures of the bird, we realized we should watch out for the gators.  At about the same time we realized that, we saw this…

Yep.  A baby gator.  We snapped a few more pictures and took off before we saw a bigger gator.
Emmie enjoyed some Bible study time.
 And some cuddle time.

 I caught the sunrise on the last day!  It was just beautiful!

And I also managed to get a few cute pictures of our Ems!

 Emmie decided, on the way back, that she wouldn’t mind hanging out with Miss G.

And we got to watch a “drawbridge” rotate at the same pit stop.
