Happy 1st Birthday, Emmie!

Emmie turned one in May!  We thought we had a rough first year with Bryant.  While Emmie’s first year has been full of a lot of shock and awe, we have been able to savor the beautiful moments.  The sweet first smiles and laughs.  The way she dives for me whenever we say “mama’s milk.”  Her resilience and goofiness and her love for animals.  Yes.  It’s been hard.  But it makes her normal babyhood moments just as beautiful.

To celebrate, we knew we needed to invite her people.  Her sidekicks.  So, invite we did.  All told, we had about thirty people come over for ice cream and cake.  She enjoyed the people, a bit.  I think by the time cake time rolled around she was ready fro bed and didn’t want people staring at her enjoying her sugar fest.

We decided to give her the birthday gift from the family before the crowd came.  She was more than happy about that.

DSC_1357 Yes, animals are instant smile hits but splashing water also brings a smile.  A water table was just what she needed!DSC_1360 DSC_1364Bunnies seem to be Emmie’s animal.  She has her Babbit (Shel Silverstein’s Runny Babbit…Such a billy sook to read to your kids!) as her cuddly.  About halfway through her year, we found the book Audrey Bunny from a suggestion in our NF Moms group.  Once I found out what it was about, I ordered it really fast.  It’s a beautiful story about a little girl who chooses a stuffed bunny with spot on it.  She knows the bunny has the spot but the bunny doesn’t realize it and tries to hide it.  In the end, the rabbit realizes the girl loves her spot and all.  It is written by Angie Smith who walked a hard journey with her daughter Audrey Caroline.  As soon as I got the book in the mail, I read it.  In tear.  It is Emmie’s special book.

With all of that going for her, bunnies had to be the chosen theme.

DSC_1381Bunny rear cupcakes for our guests!


Josiah requested strawberry cake with strawberry cream cheese icing.


Present time!

DSC_1370I found a tutorial on Pinterest for a fondant bunny.  It was in another language.  Thankfully, there were lots of pictures and google translate almost helped.  I think I did an okay job on it.  I added an “Emmie” touch by putting pink polka dots on the bunny (with enough fondant to make a number 1).DSC_1377
DSC_1410 DSC_1424 DSC_1428 She thought the bunny was cute!DSC_1435 But preferred eating the marshmallow and gum drops to the actual smash cake.  Don’t worry, a few days later we pulled out the smash cake and devoured it!DSC_1437 DSC_1441 But birthday night, she thought it looked better in her hair.



*We’re testing out our affiliate links with Amazon so be patient if the pages look a bit crazy.


Just Down the Street

We have discovered a wonderful trail system just five minutes from our house.  It’s beautiful and has several different trails to walk and explore.  The kids enjoy climbing the low hanging trees and giant rocks.  It’s a fun after dinner trip and we headed over there in May.  The only complaints I have are the mosquitoes were vicious and we met a baby copperhead.  The mosquito attack was thwarted by our bug spray and the copperhead made sure he stuck to the side of the trail far from us.
DSC_1631 DSC_1634 DSC_1640 DSC_1654 DSC_1663 DSC_1665 Saving the day by retrieving the bug spray!DSC_1676 What’s this?!  A raging river?

DSC_1686 Nope.  Just a bunch of rocks over the creek.  Low enough to enjoy exploring.DSC_1688For the past several years, we haven’t take the dogs with us anywhere.  Mainly, because our goal is to not lose a kid.  But, the kids are older and they enjoy running with the dogs.  Ginger is our “nervous” dog and gets carsick so she can’t really go out much.  But Sunny, is always up for a ride.   Our Sunny girl loves to run with the kids and explore.  She will be 14 in November and doesn’t have a problem keeping up with even Malachi!



Getting Ready

We are in the final countdown around here.  Y the Brave will be touching down in America in about 12 days.  We can hardly wait.  Not only do we get to hang out with our boy for eight weeks, but he gets to celebrate a lot of firsts.  One of which is Independence Day.  I have a feeling we are all going to deck out in red, white, and blue that day!

To help you get in to the 4th of July festive spirit, Lilla Rose is having a sale.  June Sale 2015

They are bringing back three of the former Flexi-of-the-month styles just for this sale!

Patriot's Heart

Patriot’s Heart

Sparkling Fireworks

Sparkling Fireworks

Patriot's Heart

Patriot’s Heart

We’ve also got lots of new bobby pin sets and headbands!



The sale runs until June 19th.  Don’t miss out on these great deals and beautiful styles.

Bobby Pin Sets


The sale runs until June 19th.  Don’t miss out on these great deals and beautiful styles.


Moment of Insanity

The week of Mother’s Day, Mark and I started looking at cats at a local cat rescue place.  I can’t pinpoint exactly what spurred it.  Maybe watching Liam and Josiah so enamored by the kittens at the farm.  Or the adorable fluffiness and meowing that we haven’t seen or heard for over five years.  Or Emmie’s shrills of joys whenever she is around any animal…cats, dogs, fish.  Or maybe we just completely lost it.

For whatever reason, I found myself sending a message to the cat rescue place.  We knew we couldn’t just go for the cutest cat ever.  We knew kittens were a no go with a dog that is in to everything and kids that want to love, hug, cuddle, and carry.  We needed a cat that could tolerate little people and be tough enough to withstand their love.  And fast.  To get away from the crazy dog.

The cat rescue place was awesome and found just what we were looking for.  They sent me two suggestions and we gladly headed over to our pet store to check them out.  We went straight to this one cat and Emmie instantly lit up and squealed with delight.  I picked him up and he cuddled next to me.  He cuddled next to Mark and he never once tried to climb down.  He patiently waited on each of the kids to pet him.  It was pretty obvious to us that he was ready for the challenge of our bunch.

And so, meet Frodo.



His name before he became ours was Tucker but everyone agreed he needed a new name.  After trying fifty or so.  Frodo stuck.  Personally, I wanted Radagast since he is brown but that was vetoed by all.  Including him.

This cat was seriously meant to be in our family.  The second day he was home, he jumped in to my lap while I was nursing Emmie.  Emmie reached over and rubbed his fur, pulled his ears and held on to his fur.  He just sat there.  After he was done getting his “cuddles,” he jumped down and trotted on his merry way.


He helps me with school.


And when he gets wet we just throw him in the dryer (totally kidding…he jumped in there in between clothes swap.  I made sure he was out before we started it).


And he totally ignores the crazy dog.  Ginger, our dog, goes between wanting to eat and wanting to play with him.  He would prefer to just sleep.  As for Sunny, our grumpy ol’ lady dog, she is nonchalant about the new addition.



Our family tradition of attending our local symphony’s pops concert brought lots of fun.  This time we were able to enjoy the event with several friends and bar-b-que.  I totally remember last year being as big as a house and waiting ever so patiently for Emmie to make her entrance.  This time we had a wandering almost one year old who devoured the popcorn and all she could find.  Every year, this event reminds me what an awesome area we live in!





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T-Shirt Fundraiser Update

We will be placing an order for these shirts on Tuesday, June 16th.  The last day to get your order in will be Monday, June 15th!  You can place the order using our Paypal link below OR just email me with your order and we’ll send you a paypal invoice.

We are at 28 shirts sold right now.  We would love to see 50 sold!

The verse is one we felt led to use for Y the Brave’s coming home!

Psalm 145:5-6 On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.6 They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness.

T-shirts are $20.  Plus shipping when applicable.  Orders can be placed via our Paypal account.  This is a pre-order.  We will take orders until JUNE 15TH and then place a bulk order locally with Big Frog.

Delivery or Shipping
Adult Sizes
Youth Sizes


Awards Night

Last August, we received a notice about a group called American Heritage Girls.  After doing some reading and researching, I mentioned the group to Zoe to see if she was interested.  She definitely was.  However, we had some waiting to do to see what we were going to need to do concerning Emmie.

We finally got Zoe signed up in November.  And we had a quick crash course in what AHG was all about.  She loved it!  Zoe is the organized, goal-oriented child…so, yeah, she loved it!

We squeaked by this year, still trying to figure the club out and enjoying what we could between medical appointments.  May brought her awards night and we all got to see her hard work paid off.


And make some goofy faces.

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All of those awards hanging down her vest is the result of her hard work. I mainly offered suggestions and provided material to help her earn badges.  She did the rest!


Goofy pictures are necessary in an awards ceremony.


So are big smiles and laughs!



Zoe “leveled up” for next year and Ceili Rain is going to join her in the younger program.  We’re excited to be participating in such a fun group!


Mother’s Day

In May, Mark and the kids gifted me with a full weekend.  It started with an evening out with nothing but my laptop and Starbucks.  I was able to make some progress on Emmie’s baby book, catch up on blog posts and get a small bit of shopping done.  It was heavenly and I think will be a regular treat/work day for me too!

Saturday brought breakfast and cards and sweet wishes for the day.  DSC_1281

Then we headed to the pet store to do something insane. But I think we all agree it was much needed.  More on that tomorrow.


After that, Zoe, Ceil Rain, and Emmie and I attended the Mother-Daughter picnic at our church.  It was such a blessing to be with these amazing women who have lifted our family up in prayers so much this year.  Emmie enjoyed meeting a friend who is only a couple of days younger than  her.


April Randoms

Here is our monthly smathering of photos for April…Enjoy.




Isn’t she just super adorable!


Ugh!  He is too!

DSC_0687 DSC_0689 DSC_0718 And then when you oldest son grabs up the youngest and takes her on a slide.  My heart!DSC_0719 DSC_0724 DSC_0731 DSC_0736

Buddies for life!



I know it’s hard to tell but they had seven of eight  on or in the car.  DSC_0748DSC_0755 DSC_0765


Emmie enjoyed her chocolate chip muffins.


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Zoe is our activities director but sometimes they need Mom’s help to learn new games.  Like Red Rover.

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Emmie just enjoys watching.

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Or riding her trike…with her diaper blowing in the wind.


If you are a bit confused…this is not part of our permanent bunch.  We borrow him from my best friend Kristina from time to time!


Washing dishes is serious work.


Bryant and Malachi practiced their phonics blends “climbing ladders.”IMG_20150403_154246_912

This was after a very traumatic fall followed by two hours of nonstop crying and a trip to get x-rays.  She was fine.  Just super tired and in shock.


Even cute kids have crazy hair days.



Malachi was upset because he wanted his magic shirt.  I was quite upset because I didn’t know he had a magic shirt and I wanted one too.


This was his magic shirt.


Cookies in daddy’s lap.



He asked for his hair to be like this.


One of my favorite pictures.  Emmie loves her brothers and sisters and they simply adore her.

IMG_20150425_134720606 IMG_20150426_114515_526The end.


Down on the Farm

Right before Emmie’s surgery, we attended our local home school organizations Farm Day.  A wonderful family opened up their dairy farm to the whole organization for the day. Honestly, I didn’t want to go.  I had so much to do at home.  But, there was that nagging feeling that I knew if we didn’t go we would miss out on some great, fun family quality time.  So, Mark took the day off and all ten of us headed to the farm.

We had such a wonderful time learning about a working farm, petting animals, playing in corn, and visiting with friends.  It was just what we needed the day before we had to leave for Emmie’s surgery.  I definitely don’t regret going!

Please note that I left out the random picture of cow…um, stuff and yes, my children took their shoes off to run across the hay bales.  That’s how we roll on my side of the family.
