Warrior Bead and Thank Yous


I made several dresses that will easily fit over Emmie’s brace.  I think this one is one of my favorites.  it’s a fabric that I had sitting around for awhile and the dress just turned out so adordable on her.  It’s hard to tell she has that giant thing going down her back.

She’s holding her “warrior beads.” We love the idea behind Beads of Courage but after much research found that they were not accepting people who were not in one of their hospital programs.  They only take Emory kids who are in the cancer program.  Emmie didn’t qualify for those programs.  So, I decided that I needed a tangible way to see how much Emmie had gone though, fought for, and overcome.  She gets one bead for every month she has a brace.  She gets a bead for every neurology, neuosurgeon, ophthalmology appointment.  One for each x-ray, MRI, or orthotics appointment as well.  She also gets a bead for each month of physical therapy or other therapy…we don’t think she’ll have many of those.  These beads in the picture were before all of her appointments in May.  She’s earned a bit more since then.


When we found out Emmie was going to have surgery it started.  My close friends launched a blessing attack.  Each one sent us or gave us survival “things” for the hospital.  Okay, mainly chocolate.  Lots of yummy chocolate.  And a few other things.  Then Mark’s co-workers showered us with gift cards to sustain our family on take out, fast food and yummies before, during, and after surgery.  We received a few more blessings in gift cards.  Friends re-arranged schedules and packed up their families for a day or two to help.  The day after we came home from the hospital the gift basket above arrived at our door.  Our neighbors had paid to have our yard cut twice.  They blessed us with a sweet basket of family time goodies to share and enjoy.  Our college crew blessed us with house cleanings that are continuing to be a blessing.  We don’t know if we can ever adequately thank everyone enough.  And I know I’ve forgotten a few other things.

We love to do these things for others.  We try to often and we try to secretly.  It’s been hard to be humble and allow others to bless us.  Very hard.  But it’s also been so comforting to know that I didn’t have to worry about the little things.  Others had already thought of and provided for it.  It has overwhelmed us to see God’s love for us in the way others serve Him!


May Randoms


Curly Head CeiRai…She was so excited that Grandmere curled her hair.


This must have been the night we got home from the hospital.



Sometimes you just need to have a picnic.


The first time Emmie let go of me and walked away. I love that she is playing with CeiRai in thsi picture.



Splahs Pad Fun!


Everything is a phone nowadays. Even a comb.


Look Mom! Cheerios stacked together!


Look Mom! Emmie’s magnet toys hanging on for dear life.


Her first taste of oreos. She approved.


Our proof that she really did enjoy the cake!

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Her broken brace…this was brace number four.


I know I’m cute…and???



Play it again



Ceili Rain loves to hit the ivories.  When she does, a part of the troublesome trio joins in.DSC_1630 And then Emmie toddles over to play too.IMG_20150505_172932597 And sometimes Josiah takes Emmie over to pick out a tune.IMG_20150505_172941941Then, this melts my heart.  These kids just love their baby sister and will do everything they can to make her happy.



How We Worship

DSC_1266Mark tries to use our family worship time as a time to not only teach from the Bible but also to train them how to act during worship.  He occasionally reads  Bible events from the children’s Bibles to help the younger ones understand it more.  Lately,  he has been using The Rhyme Bible to teach from.  As we get to familiar stories, the kids have decided that they need to act them out.  Before our eyes, we get to witness Esther, David and Goliath, Joshua and the walls of Jericho, etc.  I love their enthusiasm to show us what they remember about those events.




Zoo Fun

I wanted to take the kids to the zoo one day before school officially was released.  I thought it wouldn’t be crowded.  I was wrong.  But we had fun as always.DSC_1539 My phone serves as their tourist camera.

DSC_1540 DSC_1543Snake petting.
DSC_1551 Watching fish.  This was a day I was eternally grateful for the Lillebaby carrier I invested in.  I knew we needed a carrier that she could face out in and be comfortable in after we got the brace.  This one just fit the bill.DSC_1558 DSC_1568 DSC_1613 DSC_1615 DSC_1617 Emmie fought the nap all day but finally gave up while the kids rode the train.DSC_1623 DSC_1626 Ceili Rain decided she could climb the rock wall.  She did very well.DSC_1629Malachi’s choice of seating on the merry-go-round.


More Running…

Like of the real kind…Liam doesn’t really enjoy running but he’s fast.  Well, he’s fast short distances.  I decided in May that he should try a practice with our local cross country team.  He liked it okay, but his endurance was lacking and hard for him.  If or when I have time, I want to work with him on building that up and possibly trying again.  Running, is not my thing.  But, I can see a big potential for this to be a sport he can focus on and excel at.  We’ll see.

Anyway, while he was practicing, we decided to hang out and walk the trail they were running.  The canal and river were right around it and the kids asked to take pictures with my phone.  This is what they got…

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Grand Finale

We’ll close up Emmie’s birthday posts with some fun pictures we took a couple of weeks before her birthday.

With surgery looming, we knew we didn’t want to miss out on anything. For the first time, we decided to do a series of pictures for her first birthday.  The result…absolutely adorable.

DSC_1062 DSC_1066 DSC_1067 DSC_1072 DSC_1074 Of course, a few kids needed to photo bomb.DSC_1077 DSC_1080 DSC_1082 This was her first big cupcake.  And she devoured every single part of it!DSC_1086 DSC_1089 DSC_1097 DSC_1101 DSC_1115



DSC_1054This is a marathon.  This neurofibromatosis journey.  I wish it was a quick fix and easy answer but unfortunately it’s not.  We are slowly coming to terms with the fact that there will be surgeries, MRIs, specialists in our future.  I’m pretty sure we’ll learn all of the roads in downtown Atlanta in a very short time.   We’ll know all the “good” nurses who can get the iv in on a first stick.  All of that.

It’s so easy in today’s society to expect a quick fix.  Easy answer.  When people find out she had surgery to remove “some” of her tumor they automatically assume that everything is good now.  She’s cured.  She’s healed.  Truth is, she’s not.  Genetic disorders just can’t go away with a surgery.  We know looking at the history of her plexiform and looking at the history of plexiforms in a broad scope, that it will grow.  Our prayer is that she grows faster than it but that is something we won’t know.

Sometimes I hate running this journey.  I get angry and frustrated and just want to hit something (wishing we could join a gym for that very purpose). Some days it’s a constant battle and constant reminder that I am not in control. I have to remind myself countless times that God is in control.  I know that He knows what Emmie needs. We know that nothing for our Super Em will happen without Him knowing about it first.  Yes, this is a marathon, but we are so grateful we are not running it alone.  Our God is in the lead and we have some pretty amazing people who are helping us take that next step.  And the next.  And the next.  When we grow weary there are others who are picking us up and running with us.

And sometimes, I don’t even realize we are running this race.  She is laughing and smiling and trying her best to talk.  She loves her cat and dogs with passion and is starting to explore away from me every day.  Then, we get her MRI report and the words are there.  Staring at me.  Taunting me and making sure to remind me that Emmie on the outside is a rockstar but inside, we are waiting and watching very closely.  Severe kyphosis and large plexiform neurofibroma.  A year ago we would have told you those were made up Dr. Seuss type words.  Today, we know better.  Yes, we focus on what a super girl Emmie is, but those words are always in the back of our minds and we know we are just waiting and watching to see.

We actually forget about the brace.  Like the time we were in the hardware store and the cashier asked Mark if there was an accident.  Mark, who was working on paying, was a bit embarrassed because Malachi had an “accident” and he thought the guy could smell it.  He just shrugged it off and said something about it happening sometimes.  He didn’t even think about Emmie in her brace.  Thankfully, we were able to recover and explain her brace!  It’s amazing how, now, that is just a part of Emmie.  It’s what makes her the super hero she is.

As an update, we are on hold for the clinical trial since the plexiform was stable after three months.  So, we’re praying we don’t see Dr. W (as outstanding as he is) until December. And that the plexiform does not cause any issues.

Emmie’s added another running partner.  I  admitted a need for help in getting her closer to independent walking and requested a referral.  She can cruise with the best of them.  She can also let go and walk a good distance.  But she’s missing just a few things.  She can’t stand up without using mama or daddy.  She can’t stand from sitting.  She can’t roll over in her brace (there are screws sticking out and it’s quite painful or her).  And I’m tired, ya’ll.  I needed someone to come along side of us and give us clear guidance on how to get Emmie to be as independent as can be.  So, she had a physical therapy evaluation with an awesome therapist and wonderful long-time family friend.  He did see areas where he could help her.  Help me.  He doesn’t think it will take her long to get going and neither do I.  We just need a little guidance and she needs a good kick in the pants boost in the right direction.


Party On

We celebrated Emmie’s birthday a couple more times with Papa & Grandmere and then with Ge & Granddaddy.  DSC_1531 DSC_1533 DSC_1535 DSC_1536 Malachi was serving us “apples.”DSC_1537 Music and animals are her current loves.  Ge and Granddaddy found the perfect gift that fit both!DSC_1316 DSC_1323 DSC_1325 DSC_1331 DSC_1338 Books and Grandmere just go together.DSC_1350 Grandmere sweetly offered to help make a dress for Emmie.  We were looking for a few that she could wear over her brace and after sending a link, Grandmere came up with a beautiful one!DSC_1351 Emmie approved.

DSC_1356I know I have said multiple times but it is completely true.  This year would have been even harder had we not had these four people walking this road with us too.  They have prayed and cried and dropped everything to do what they could for us and their grandchildren.  I would not trade them for anything!

