Of Bricks and Such

The firs of October brought a neurology visit with Dr. W.  She was doing great and we are all waiting to do an MRI just before surgery.  As we were leaving, we mentioned we were heading to a local mall for a Lego display.  He told us we needed to check out the hospital lobby.  And this is what we saw:IMG_20151002_114346953 IMG_20151002_114438481 IMG_20151002_114520876Pretty impressive!

Then we drove about 30 minutes away (which was around 5 miles in Atlanta) and saw this:
IMG_20151002_125058737_HDR The Lego Americana Roadshow was just amazing.  We loved seeing America’s monuments and were so impressed with the skill of real life master builders.
IMG_20151002_125325522_HDR Old North ChurchIMG_20151002_130341686 IMG_20151002_130445763_HDR This was simply amazing.  The Capital Building.IMG_20151002_130454774 IMG_20151002_131646915 Future Master Builders showcased their work.IMG_20151002_131653327 IMG_20151002_132233953_HDR And Emmie and I worked at building something so she could take it a part.  Destroying things are her favorite thing to do.IMG_20151002_133607046_HDR The gang’s all here.

We enjoyed seeing the little scenes that were set up and this one, by far, was our favorite.  It had so much to look at and laugh at.

The most awesome part of the roadshow…it was free!  Free ya’ll!  If it is coming to a mall near  you, I would highly recommend it for a fun afternoon trip.


September Randoms

IMG_20150909_093636936 Emmie had to hold everything during pin cleaning.

IMG_20150907_182307690 Some sweet neighbors knew we enjoyed a bit of cupcake.  Emmie didn’t disappoint.

DSC_2576 DSC_2569 DSC_2567IMG_20150909_195605783 Awana Backwards Night.  Our volunteers get creative!IMG_20150912_132859202Leg Warmers…for Arm Warmers

IMG_20150914_131034486Lovely cool weather meant we had to get to the park.
IMG_20150914_131908263 IMG_20150914_174404859 Total homeschool fail.  Two guesses what these guys are supposed to be.

IMG_20150915_112551792Cape Day 2014 for Children’s Hospital of Atlanta…Hopefully I can get her sidkicks outfitted for next year.IMG_20150915_141936510 Ballerina in training.  Toes pointed for nap time.IMG_20150916_194144243 IMG_20150917_183045804 IMG_20150917_183310739 IMG_20150919_090408772_HDR Argghhh!  We never miss Talk Like a Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme!  Free donuts be our booty!IMG_20150919_090418680 IMG_20150928_121932814 She stole my grilled cheese sandwich.  And liked it.IMG_20150930_192525913

Daddy and Emmie Selfie


Zoo Life

In September, we took our last trip to the zoo.  We had to let our membership expire until we finish up adoption expenses.  So, we enjoyed what we could until later.
DSC_2595 DSC_2598 Can you tell I let the kids take pictures with my camera?  It’s a rare find.  A construction vehicle.DSC_2604 We actually got to see the tiger out and about.DSC_2607 DSC_2624 DSC_2626 In case you didn’t know what a giraffe’s tongue looks like. DSC_2636 The gorillas were out and really close.IMG_20150917_114847946 So was a snake.  He was a cutie!IMG_20150917_115030862 Our traditional picture in front of the lion.IMG_20150917_122753999

Zoe almost at the top of the rock wall.


Camp Out

Okay, not really a camp out.  The first part of September, we were blessed to spend a long weekend with our church family.  Mosquitoes, bumpy lumpy beds, camp food and lots of faith and fellowship.  It was such a blessing!  The speaker was a minister who we knew from another church and was a huge part of guiding us Biblically in our parenting.

IMG_20150905_132421756 Bryant looks goofy here but I wasn’t trying to get him in the shot.  It’s Ceili Rain with one of the other girls from church, walking hand in hand.IMG_20150905_133001860 We were a bit concerned with how Emmie would handle things.  Aside from a fall the first night, she did amazingly well!IMG_20150905_134653656Family Olympics.  One of the many highlights.
IMG_20150905_135134304 The boat race.  There was only one flipped over boat, surprisingly!IMG_20150905_135153423 Emmie showing off her family colors…atop her head.IMG_20150905_141533475 IMG_20150905_143209181 Malachi was super serious about running this race.

IMG_20150905_214720828 When the littles went to bed, Mark and I took turns trekking to the common area with Zoe and Ace to play games and visit.IMG_20150905_215548535 IMG_20150907_092252513 I love this.  This is our youth all crowded around checking out pictures and laughing.  They are a great group who do such an amazing job including everyone.  Since Zoe is now technically a “youth,”  she was all smiles the whole weekend.IMG_20150907_111738739

Mark led the children’s time one morning.

This was our first experience with family camp and can’t wait to do it again.  It was a blessing to be out with our church worshiping, laughing, crying and enjoying the nature…even with the mosquitoes.


August Randoms

DSC_2560 Y loved Sunny and just had to get a picture with her before he left.DSC_2562

Papa & Grandmere’s church (also the church Mark grew up in), sent a sweet gift basket to Emmie.  She was thrilled to open it.IMG_20150803_121849_178 Army dude dress up!IMG_20150815_075338_358 (1) A bit of selfies before Mama headed back to the hospital.IMG_20150815_151719743 IMG_20150815_152034235 I got a car!IMG_20150822_105045956

Shopping for a bigger stroller for Emmie.  Looking at books for the rest of the gang.


Summer Pictures

Our friend, Tracy, agreed to grab some quick pictures of the kids.  The downside was that it was over 100 degrees with humidity and Tracy had an allergy attack.  So, while, the pictures were not the best.  They provide a great memory and she did a great job editing them.  We’ll call these their official school pictures.  Enjoy!

Zoe, 7th GradeDSC_0062 (2)DSC_0052

Ace, 6th Grade

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Liam, 4th Grade

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Josiah, 3rd Grade

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Y the Brave, 3rd Grade

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Ceili Rain, 1st Grade

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Bryant, Kindergarten

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Malachi, Pre-K

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Emmie, Super-hero Training Level 1

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And  our “class” shots.

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Searching for Treasure

I think all of August is surrounded by Emmie’s hospitalizations.  Now that we have that established.

The kids had to miss the official awards ceremony for our church’s summer program.  So, our pastor did the next best thing.   He gave them their own personal awards ceremony.

We were proud of how hard all eight of the kids worked (Emmie isn’t speaking in complete sentences yet).   Yes, all eight.  Y the Brave  worked hard to memorize several verses and succeeded.  We wrote them out in English and then his home language.  He was able to read the verse but also memorize it in English.

IMG_20150812_133637798_HDR IMG_20150812_133726436 IMG_20150812_133907968 IMG_20150812_133955746 IMG_20150812_134038876 IMG_20150812_134044584 IMG_20150812_134122628 IMG_20150812_134233887 IMG_20150812_134320916


Beach Livin’

We had planned a beach trip for the week before Y the Brave was to leave.  Obviously, when Emmie fell, we had to change our plans.  We contacted the place we had already reserved our rental with.  It “just so happened” that he had it open the weekend before her procedure.  When Mark explained what was going on, the owner was more than willing to change our reservation.  It was a true blessing and a great house to stay in at a great price!

This was Y the Brave’s first time at the ocean.  The kids would have all stayed in the ocean the entire time if we had let them.

DSC_2436 DSC_2443 Zoe and I scored a skimming board at Goodwill earlier in the summer.  By the end of the weekend, a couple of the kids were getting the hang of it.DSC_2447 Malachi was not thrilled about actually getting deep in the water.  But making super poses on the beach were just as good.DSC_2450 DSC_2455 DSC_2459 DSC_2466 DSC_2467 DSC_2480 Emmie didn’t much care for the water either.DSC_2482 DSC_2486 DSC_2487 DSC_2491 Cuddling with mama was on Emmie’s agenday much of th etie.DSC_2492 My absolutely favorite picture of us.

DSC_2528 DSC_2529 DSC_2535 DSC_2541 DSC_2556 We worked really hard to get a picture before we left.  But there’s always that one kid…this time it was Malachi’s turn.IMG_20150809_142549377Honey, we shrunk the kids…
IMG_20150809_142556547 IMG_20150809_142618811…Into starfishIMG_20150809_142635591_HDR IMG_20150809_142658303 IMG_20150809_142702203 IMG_20150809_152530436

A gentleman walked up to Y in the arcade and gave him tokens to play.  Needless to say, the kids had a wonderful time with those tokens.IMG_20150809_174446294 IMG_20150809_174458141 Emmie loved the pool water even if the big ocean scared her.IMG_20150809_174735305

Our little swing at the beach house filled with Emmie’s super sidekicks.



Our life looks a bit schizophrenic, I supposed.  One minute we are in full “normal” school, church, activity mode.  The next we have NF things.  Then we turn around to work on adoption things.  It’s pretty busy around here and we are getting good at switching gears on a dime.

Alas, I realize I have yet to update the blog on on all the NF/Adoption goings on.  So, here it goes:

Adoption Update:

In less than a week, Mark and I will drop kids and head to the airport to fly over the “big pond” and arrive in a new and very exciting adventure.  Our first trip to Y the Brave’s birth country is coming up. We won’t be bringing him home (as much as we would love to) just yet.  This appointment is for our official referral.  All total, we’ll spend about a week in country.

The Lord has provided for our funds for this trip with a grant and several donations and all of our hardwork (and friends and family too) with fundraisers.  We’ll have two more trips coming up and total need around $8000 to finish out the adoption overseas.  That will help pay for our travel, stay and other expenses in country (Y the Brave’s new paperwork, etc).  Right now, we were blessed with a covenant loan (no-interest loan) through LifeSong for Orphans for some of that remaining $8000.  We would love to not have to use any of that loan and are praying the Lord provides just as He has throughout this whole process.

My heart ya’ll, I can not wait and don’t think I will ever forget the look on Y’s face when we walk in to his school.  I don’t know how in the world I will keep from grabbing him up and smooching him (aside from the fact that it would totally embarrass him in front of everyone…I guess I will restrain myself).



Our ER trip. Emmie fell and dislodged two of the pins in the front. Thankfully, Dr. C was able to hand tighten them in the ER (with some heavy duty pain meds to calm Emmie).

Emmie has had quite an adventure.  In the past three months, we have been to the ER once, pediatrician a couple of times, fallen numerous times, seen the orthotist a few times and now had a complete halo/pin site re-positioning.


ER trip under our belts and refueling for home.


This was after a super painful pin tightening visit and a dose of tylenol. Her strength amazes me.


She went in Tuesday and had the re-poisitioning done.  Her falls have caused her halo to get wonky and the pins to push in too far (not in to her skull but still too far).  Her x-ray on Friday, the 30th, showed some other issues too.  The pins were irritating the skin a bit and he wanted to put them in new sites to let her skin heal.  Dr. C knows we are in the process of adopting and wanted to get the procedure done before we left town.  We were glad he did.  She has been getting increasingly upset and agitated with pin cleanings and just in general.  When she reaches up to her head or the back of her neck and starts crying, we know she is having problems with it.

Dr. C, neurosurgeon extraordinaire decided that she needed to be put to sleep to get everything centered and set again.  Dr. C, unfortunately, was not going to be in town this week, so Dr. R., yet another amazing neurosurgeon and the one who originally placed the halo, did the procedure along with Super R the Orthotist.


Power nap before the morning activities at the hospital.

She did wonderful.  Even though she had to wait an extra two hours because of an emergency, Emmie experienced no problems.  We were able to go home in the evening and every one has been glad to be here.  So far, over-the-counter pain meds are working too!  She’s a tough one and we are so proud of her and how well she is doing.   IMG_20151103_102243998

This was a daddy trip.  She was only happy in Daddy’s arms.IMG_20151103_105502929 Just got the versed.  That is a magical medicine.  Unfortunately, the two hour wait meant that it had worn off somewhat by the time she went back and she was quite distraught at having to leave us.  That was the hardest OR release we have had yet.IMG_20151103_105843846_HDR 11216256_918140338279448_2600174791621421454_nAll done.  Yes, she does look taller.  Her neck was re-positioned and gained her a bit more inches.IMG_20151104_103359237

And the day after.  I got her all decorated up and she waited patiently while I did it too!

So, now we have our first OR outpatient done and third surgery.  She really is an amazing little girl.  I would be curled up in bed for a week after this one surgery but no, she is ready to go and explore.  And let’s not discuss the pin tightening that requires excess amounts of chocolate on my part…and after a good cry, she is ready to go!

Since we are three months in to halo land, we have about two more months now until surgery.  I’m guessing our next visit with Dr. C in December, we’ll start really discussing what is going to happen and the whens.


Play Ball!

One of the highlights of the summer reading program is free tickets to Augusta Greenjackets baseball game.  The game came the week after Emmie’s emergency trip and just before her halo traction.  The problem we had was that we only had five tickets but there were eleven of us (counting Y the Brave).  A neighbor had offered to get tickets for people through his work and we contacted him on a whim.  Not only did he get us the extra tickets, but he got us tickets in reserved seating.  On the first base line.

Oh ya’ll.  The looks on all of our kids faces when they met the baseball players and saw the action up close and personal.  It is definitely something I won’t soon forget.  We all had a wonderful time.  Got bobblehead dolls and watched our Y the Brave experience America’s past time for the the first time.  Their biggest highlight was not having to stand in line at concession and getting the unlimited popcorn and soda!

DSC_2427 DSC_2430 DSC_2431 DSC_2432 DSC_2434 IMG_20150807_203521076About the sixth inning, it started pouring.  I mean really pouring.  We all raced to the covered stadium, danced and laughed.  This was definitely a wonderful memory before all the stress and uncertainty.
