This was before our nine hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany.
Did you know that the Atlanta International Terminal has a Varisty. Oh yes they do! Oh yes we did!
Our plane.
Nothing too exciting happened on our flights. There was a lot of turbulence going over. That meant that the middle-of-the-night flight was not full of peaceful sleep for me. Mark slept great though. I was dragging by the time we got to Germany and then got to deal with a lovely selection of a pat down. I felt mighty sorry for the security officer as she pulled off my boots that had been on for nine hours.
Flying in to Germany. Beautiful ya’ll! Just beautiful!
The Ukrainian airport had two cute little play areas for children. Genius people.
After our nine hour flight. I got a short nap in Frankfurt and short nap to Ukraine.
I love flying above the clouds. The formations one can see are just breathtaking.
We were in Ukraine for about a week. Since my birthday fell during our trip Mark figured out a way for us to sight see in another place as well. He gave me a choice. I chose Venice. Really and truly, if you have to pick a city anywhere on mainland Europe to visit for one day. Choose Venice.
Then Mark had a great idea. Let’s go to Venice by train! Oh my ya’ll. We went through Germany, Austria, and Italy. The hills were definitely alive with the sound of music.
This was our first long train ride. We enjoyed every minute of the eight hour trip but were definitely ready to find a bed and crash by the time we go to Venice.
Our first train to make the connection to the longer one. This was like a metro station and we’re still not sure how we got to it and on it without a single person checking for our tickets.
Mark is the photographer, but I got one of him!
I give you the Austrian Alps!
And vineyards. Oh my…as soon as we entered Italy every single hilltop, mountain, and valley was covered with vineyards. It was gorgeous.
And Germany had castles. It blew our minds to just look out a window and see a castle.
Gorgeous little towns were everywhere.
And more castles.
And Alps.
Hey look! Another castle!
Mark got to take a nap. He really was napping not digging for gold. I promise. Our cabin mates can attest to it. If they spoke English. I read and stared out the window.
Waiting on food in the dining car and enjoying the scenery. This is my relaxation face. We may have only been in Venice for one full day but we enjoyed every second of it.
And now your food posts for the train.
An apple and vanilla cream dessert. Yummy.
Mushroom Goulash and Potato Pancakes.
Chicken Salad