Of Planes and Trains

Finally!  I’m getting down to actually blogging about our first international flight.  So, sit tight.  I’m going to try and break it up in to four posts…Flying (and riding), Ukraine, Venice, and the kids back home.  Mostly, it’ll be pictures with some stories thrown in for good measure.

IMG_20151107_163258881 This was before our nine hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany.  IMG_20151107_154406064 Did you know that the Atlanta International Terminal has a Varisty.  Oh yes they do!  Oh yes we did!IMG_20151107_162104203

Our plane.

Nothing too exciting happened on our flights.  There was a lot of turbulence going over.  That meant that the middle-of-the-night flight was not full of peaceful sleep for me.  Mark slept great though.  I was dragging by the time we got to Germany and then got to deal with a lovely selection of a pat down.  I felt mighty sorry for the security officer as she pulled off my boots that had been on for nine hours.

IMG_20151115_084218009 Flying in to Germany.  Beautiful ya’ll!  Just beautiful!IMG_20151115_042007554 The Ukrainian airport had two cute little play areas for children.  Genius people.

IMG_20151108_101843463_HDR Germany.
IMG_20151108_022639044 After our nine hour flight.  I got a short nap in Frankfurt and  short nap to Ukraine.IMG_20151107_163928386

I love flying above the clouds.  The formations one can see are just breathtaking.

We were in Ukraine for about a week.  Since my birthday fell during our trip Mark figured out a way for us to sight see in another place as well.  He gave me a choice.  I chose Venice.  Really and truly, if you have to pick a city anywhere on mainland Europe to visit for one day.  Choose Venice.

Then Mark had a great idea.  Let’s go to Venice by train!  Oh my ya’ll.  We went through Germany, Austria, and Italy.  The hills were definitely alive with the sound of music.

This was our first long train ride.  We enjoyed every minute of the eight hour trip but were definitely ready to find a bed and crash by the time we go to Venice.

IMG_20151115_091522298 Our first train to make the connection to the longer one.  This was like a metro station and we’re still not sure how we got to it and on it without a single person checking for our tickets.IMG_20151115_090934781

Mark is the photographer, but I got one of him!

IMG_20151115_162004914 I give you the Austrian Alps!
IMG_20151115_161940081 And vineyards.  Oh my…as soon as we entered Italy every single hilltop, mountain, and valley was covered with vineyards.  It was gorgeous.DSC_3799 And Germany had castles.  It blew our minds to just look out a window and see a castle.DSC_3796 DSC_3795 DSC_3789 Gorgeous little towns were everywhere.
DSC_3785 And more castles.DSC_3776 And Alps.DSC_3773

Hey look!  Another castle!

IMG_20151115_161530551 Mark got to take a nap.  He really was napping not digging for gold.  I promise.  Our cabin mates can attest to it.  If they spoke English.   I read and stared out the window.IMG_20151115_133630119

Waiting on food in the dining car and enjoying the scenery.  This is my relaxation face.  We may have only been in Venice for one full day but we enjoyed every second of it.

And now your food posts for the train.

IMG_20151115_135654460 An apple and vanilla cream dessert.  Yummy.IMG_20151115_133958024 Mushroom Goulash and Potato Pancakes.

Chicken Salad



A Good Day

DSC_4027Today was a good day.  Scratch that.  It was a remarkable day.  One of those days that is so rare but so worth remembering.

We started the day off with me being able to check everyone’s school before lunch.  Around 11 Mark texted me reminding me that I need d to pick up something at the mall, so I made a quick plan to brave the mall and the mall food court (with all eight kids…alone…Mark was still at work) and then grab some groceries.

My kids ya’ll.  Oh my.  They were amazing. And that’s no easy feat with the holiday crowd bustling everywhere at the mall  While I got food they sat and chatted and played.  I think I saw halos over all their heads.  We window shopped and grabbed what we needed and headed out.  Easy peasy.

We made it through Costco with no casualties too.  The food samplers even survived.  Okay, by then Mark was with us.

We rushed back home and made it back out the door to a Christmas program at a local church.  Lights, hayride and food.  My family was all smiles.  We even roasted hot dogs without so much as an eye poked with the stick.  Bryant said this was his best day ever. DSC_4017

We are just soaking in our normal for the next month.  January 8th is our big date.  The day we are planning for surgery and have no clue what life will be like in the coming months.  DSC_3997

And today was one of those days that just oozed with awesomeness.  I’m trying to take in every smile and giggle..  Every “mama” and “daddy.”  Her squeals of delight over “tees” and popcorn.  Her hugs and kisses.  Today was just the day to do it too.

It’s true we have no clue what God has in store for us this next year.  But we know He knows.  So, for now, we are enjoying each day for what it is.



In everything give thanks for this is the will of Christ Jesus in you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

How do I start a blog about thankfulness.  No, not because I’m not thankful but because we have so much to be thankful for.  This year, even in the extremely rough and stressful times, we were able to give thanks.  So many things.  So many people.  So much of God.  This year has been full and overflowing.

The obvious givens are our home, neighbors, friends and family.  They have cried with us, prayed with us, and dropped everything to be with us through all of our struggles.  They have written references, watched children, made meals, and cleaned our house.  The Lord knew we would need these people in our lives from the get go.  We are so blessed that He has given them to us when needed.

Our children have made us laugh, cry, and want to pull our hair out too.  Their laughter and hug tackles remind us that it is all worth it in the end.  I could not imagine doing life with out these amazing strong children.

And our Super Ems.  All of the kids do not argue with me when I say that she is the current family favorite.  Yep.  They all love her and would do anything to protect and care for her.

I am so grateful for her laughter.  Honesty, genuine laughter and giggles.  They have been slow to come.  As a baby, she squealed with glee and smiled a lot.  But never really laughed.  Never giggled.  Until this month.  I had forgotten how much those sweet toddler/baby giggles melt my heart.

Her fierce independence and strength has been quite evident this past month as we were away and she had to rely on others to help her and guide her.  Oh, she still wants mama and daddy close but she is now more apt to wander in to the playroom without us by her side.  Her strength.  Oh, her strength is a great inspiration to us all.



And this little man, our Y the Brave who bravely told a room full of adults that he wanted to be with his family.  Us.  He enthusiastically showed us off to his classmates and ran to us with arms wide open screaming, “Mama! Papa!” at the top of his lungs.  My heart yearns to have him home safe and with his brothers and sisters and we anxiously await the phone call that all is well and our court date is coming up.

I am thankful for the ten days Mark and I had to spend together.  There was a lot of time of “just us” time.  And even more so when we were the only ones who could speak English.  We laughed and talked and just enjoyed being together.  Mark said it was like a second honeymoon and I totally agreed.


Side note-we are really, really bad at selfies but we both refuse to purchase a selfie stick. If you give us one for Christmas, it will not be used. We refuse ya’ll.

I can not wait to share more about our trip in the next couple of posts, so stay tuned.  For now, I’m going to snuggle up to Mark and get a nap so I can enjoy a Black Friday tradition of going out with friends to brave the cold and crowds.


October Randoms

All the happenings in October that were just a part of every day life.IMG_20151009_101732020_HDR Tracy, our amazing photographer, put together a picture fundraiser with local homeschoolers.  As a bonus, I got to watch her kids for several sessions.  J, was so sweet and has gotten so big.  I wrote up J’s birth story.  A night I won’t soon forget.IMG_20151009_101747211 G and M at the playground.IMG_20151011_180354058 Emmie with her big buddy, Josiah.  Josiah has been trying to teach Emmie to call him Bubba (even though the rest of us are only allowed to call him Josiah.  Not ‘Siah or Bubba).  She has been working hard, but no matter how hard she works.  He’s “Bubble.”  That was the first “B” word she said.  So, Bubble knows when he is being paged and always comes running with that smile.IMG_20151014_111958019 At the library. They both requested I take their picture.IMG_20151014_112008711 IMG_20151015_101313132 More time with the amazing C kids.  That’s twelve kids there.  And everyone was alive at the end too.IMG_20151016_113724426 M with Jimmy.  I don’t know who Jimmy is or who put him there, but I got a picture of Jimmy and M.IMG_20151017_183408995 Drinking and driving.

IMG_20151020_100034020 Super Ems being Super Cute.IMG_20151021_164738886 Malachi was working hard on putting together the perfect English muffin pizza.IMG_20151022_093336815Emmie’s “Day-dee.”  She was insistent that she put her in the stroller by herself.
IMG_20151023_101712923_HDR Turtles.  On a log.  IMG_20151023_103412962 Dragon fly.  On Minnie mouse’s head.IMG_20151027_093244411 Every so slowly, Emmie is becoming more interested in playing that having mommy right there beside her.IMG_20151027_122541526 A major feat…putting a hat on without help.IMG_20151028_141708731 Babies (Day-dees if you are certain cute toddler) are the thing around our house right now.  Not the all fabric kind.  Not the dolls that look like little girls.  Nope.  They must be baby dolls.  She loves to feed them, walk with them, give them their paci.   You name it.  She just loves babies.IMG_20151029_084126247

Toys aren’t allowed at mealtimes.  But, one day Emmie had baby at the table, and we all agreed that “Day-dee” was not a toy anymore.


Down Under

Emmie.  The older she gets the more of her fun personality we get to see.  She’s a pretty determined girl.  She also works so hard to be as independent as possible.  Talking with a nurse at her surgery several weeks ago, she mentioned that there is so much out of her control that she probably feels better when she can control just one thing.  I suppose most toddlers are like that but when you are having to deal with medical issues, that can be amplified.

So, when your almost 18 month old grabs a pair of your 5 year olds’ undies and successfully gets them on one leg and makes it very clear that she meant to wear them, you go with it.

IMG_20151008_111325294 And when she grabs one of her diapers and tries to put it on herself and realizes she can’t so she grabs her pillow and sits down and starts yelling for you.  You put it on her.  Even if she is all ready for bed and has a disposable diaper.IMG_20151015_195303796 IMG_20151015_195738260

And she wears it the whole entire night.  Some times you just need to be a little different to be you.


We did it!

Since August, Zoe and I have gotten out one to three times a week to cycle our neighborhood.  She is in American Heritage Girls and decided to work on her cycling badge.  To complete the badge, she has to do a 10 mile ride and a 20 mile ride.  So, we’ve been “training” with a goal of cycling the 10 miles by the end of October.

And we did it!

We actually got almost 13 miles in.  We had a wonderful time.  There are a few walking/bike trails in our area.  The one we chose to do was between the river and a canal.  It was the original tow path for the canal (the boats would go down the canal and donkeys would tow them back up).
IMG_20151031_095814114 Our before!IMG_20151031_102154924_HDR IMG_20151031_104525415 IMG_20151031_105002032 To say that this trail is gorgeous is putting it mildly.  I’m afraid my cell phone pictures are not doing it justice either.IMG_20151031_105226506 IMG_20151031_105504125 IMG_20151031_111018921 IMG_20151031_111957721 IMG_20151031_112001782 IMG_20151031_114556407

Our after!

Zoe kept saying she wants to bike it every Saturday.  We had such a wonderful time and the scenery kept it from feeling like we were actually working!

Our plan is to try the 20 mile (well about 23) in April when there is a big charity ride.


Large Family Lesson Planning

It only took seven years and six kids to get in to a groove in lesson planning.

Before I tell about how we do things, I will say several things.  I know full well that this planning is not for everyone. With Emmie’s trips to the doctor and our adoption, it has become absolutely necessary for me to plan out a good amount of school.  Yes, it is a lot of work.  Six kids.  All different grade levels.  All different abilities and learning styles.

But this is how we make it work.
IMG_20151010_151707667_HDR I start by planning nine weeks at a time.  That way I can get in our full 180 days of instruction (that our state requires for homeschoolers even though other kids are only required to attend 170 days).  The best way for me to do this is to take a couple of days when Mark is off and run.  Run, far away.  Okay, not really.  I go to Panera and sit and work.

I can only imagine what I look like with books spread all around me and buried deep in one book or my laptop.  The thoughts in those employees heads when I walked in trying to carry all of my books, laptop, and purse because the handle on the book bag just plumb broke from the weight of knowledge.

Anyway, I like to use Google docs spreadsheets because I can access it anywhere.  Each week gets it’s own sheet.  Each kid has his/her own section with our group lessons on top.  Each kid section has subjects listed out and I go from there. IMG_20151010_151712807 After I plan everything out on the computer, it’s time to get the hard copies in order.  Each week is a stack of papers and I use color tabs to separate each kids’ work and then clip them all together with binder clips.

This usually is a week long process since our school table is also our dining table and is usually occupied by a kid or two at any given moment of the day.IMG_20151010_151719391 IMG_20151017_231353400

And then, the glorious end.  When I can sit back and stare at our great accomplishment.  Another nine weeks ready to be consumed by eager minds ready to learn (that sounds so much better than reality).

Yes, time consuming upfront, as I said earlier.  But it has saved us a ton of time week to week and has helped us stay on track.


Look to the Skies

October brought the annual air show to a local airport.  We thought we were going to have plans the weekend of the show but those plans were canceled.  Once we realized that this was the last year all eight kids were free and we only had to pay for Mark and I, we jumped on it.
IMG_20151018_151520678 IMG_20151018_152039220 IMG_20151018_160744137

The kids all had a wonderful time and the vintage planes were one of the most exciting things.


Fancy Schmancy

We recently purchased the new Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook and also re-vamped our supper meals.  We’re doing themes for each night.  It makes planning a bit easier and it keeps us from having tacos one night and enchiladas the next and fajitas the night after.   Flipping through the cookbook, Zoe found a recipe for crepes and then all the other kids saw it too.  That was the number one request for Breakfast Night.

Sure, I think.  I can do this.  I made crepes in high school.  And then I remembered.  I didn’t make crepes in high school.  Our French class did and there were a ton of kids who got it right.  But not our group.  Our group had some issues.

This all came to light as I went through five or more crepes that ended their miserable life in the trash.  It was so bad, a neighbor heard my pleas and attempted to help.  She too threw in the white flag.

Just when I was about to quit, I found my groove.

And my springform pan.IMG_20151024_182249832 IMG_20151024_185312951And voila!  Success!

We’ll definitely try this again and not wait over 20 years either!


Early Mid-Life

Since today is the day we celebrate the day I came rushing in to the world (mom reminds me that I was in too much of a hurry to get here and she did not get the proper pain relief), I thought I would share how my “getting closer to mid-life” crisis adventure.

Awhile back, I mentioned to Mark that I loved the color hair fad but I didn’t want to be in on a fad.  Because he is used to my crazy ideas, he told me to go ahead.  But, I decided to wait.  Then August happened and happened and happened.  And I got tired of waiting.  I found a good groupon deal and decided I just needed to do it.

Although, I admit I had my trepidations.  Especially when the hair stylist said, “So you want highlights over all your gray.”  Um, no, but thanks for pointing out my hair of wisdom.  Blue and Green please.  I know.  The stylist thought I lost my mind.  Until he finished.  Then he wanted to do highlights everywhere.  Mark, however, asked me to just keep the partial highlights.  Anyway, blue and green for Neurofibromatosis colors.

IMG_20151002_132424721 IMG_20151002_132447122 IMG_20151002_132452977

I absolutely love it!  It’s subtle (well, as subtle as blue and green can be) and fun.  Mark absolutely loves it too.  He was so sweet and said he knew he would love it when I told him how much I liked it.

And for those of you who are shaking your head in bewilderment.  Please know that I am not new to hair coloring although I am new to professional highlights.  When I was a senior in high school my hair was purple (not that bright purple…it was supposed to be red bu my dark hair made it purple).  And Mark still asked me out!
