Snowfest 2016

Our local community puts on a Snow-fest every year.  Since we are in the South, this is about as close to seeing the fluffy white stuff as we can get.  We’ve never been but we were blessed with a few tickets and scored the rest at half price.  That made the afternoon trip well worth it.DSC_4504 DSC_4506 Emmie’s favorite thing was the train.DSC_4509 The rest of us enjoyed the slides.DSC_4510 DSC_4513 DSC_4516 DSC_4520 Bryant didn’t want to go alone so he got to ride with me.DSC_4526 DSC_4528 The littles loved the slides and the “snow” pile (okay it was ice…a big ol’ pile of ice shavings).DSC_4531 DSC_4533 DSC_4534 DSC_4542 Cabela’s had a booth set up with BB guns to shoot.  DSC_4543 DSC_4547 It was quite interesting watching the kids hold the gun.DSC_4554 Emmie made friends with a panda bear.IMG_20160116_114127593 And Zoe borrowed my phone to get pictures.IMG_20160116_120616298 Okay, my super favorite selfie ever.  These girls are a piece of my heart.IMG_20160116_120624200 Facebooktwittermail

Sole Searching

While reading through an adoption fundraiser page on Facebook, we found out about shoe fundraisers to help fund our adoption.  Hm, I thought, this is a good idea and an opportunity to help someone else.

We spent 90 days collecting shoe donations from all over.  Those shoes are then weighed and we receive a certain amount per pound.  The shoes are then re-used/re-purposed by microenterprises in third world countries.

In order for us to get the full amount per pound, we had a set goal of 100 bags of 25 pairs of shoes.  That’s 2500 pairs of shoes.  Two thousand, five hundred.

We set it up and then sent out a plea to Facebook.

And boy did they respond!  We had local businesses, doctors and dentists offices set up.  Our neighbor asked people in stores…like normal shoppers.  She was also responsible for getting boxes set up in local gyms!  We even had a friend drive eight hours to bring us the stash she scored from a local consignment sale (over 13 bags!).
IMG_20160107_091436181 We had several pick ups, thankfully, so we didn’t have a garage of over 100 bags for 90 days.IMG_20160107_091452474 DSC_4305

It was definitely a family affair.  The kids were super troopers pairing shoes and rubber banding and bagging them.

When all was said and done we had over 115 bags and made over $1100!  This had to be one of our most favorite fundraisers because it brought our community and our family together.  It was definitely a lot of work but it was so incredibly worth it.


The Countdown Begins

February 17th is the day.  At that point, Emmie will have been in the halo for 6 months and will be 21 months old.

We’ll be updating the Facebook page throughout the procedure and the days following, so if you are on Facebook, that will be an easy way to keep up with our prayer requests.

We were so blessed, within an hour of scheduling surgery, our friends stepped up to provide childcare.   This is a big blessing so that all of our family can be there.  By the next day, I was given a list of names of even more amazing “framily” (because really, people who rearrange schedules and take care of your crew are more than just friends) that are bringing meals the week of surgery.

Everything is coming together and we see God’s loving hand letting us know He is here and He is watching over us.

Here are some specifics to pray for:

  1.  For Emmie’s neurosurgeons and all the medical staff that are going to be involved.  This is not a common procedure on a child under two.
  2. Peace for all of us.  February 17th is going to be an extremely long day (and possibly night).
  3. For the kids to enjoy their time with their friends.

So, February 17th.  The battle with kyphosis and neurofibromatosis has been set.  We’re counting down the days and enjoying each moment we get.



December Randoms

DSC_4047 DSC_4049 DSC_3978 These girls!  I started making Emmie outfits to go over her halo and am working on building up an inventory to sell them.  I grabbed this fabric and just couldn’t resist outfits for two of our girls.  They were none to shy about posing either.DSC_3980 DSC_3985 And being silly.DSC_3993 Mark got Zoe to pose too.
DSC_4032 DSC_4037 Dress up time!DSC_4038 DSC_4081 Emmie loves to play “nite nite.”  She grabs all of her animals, wants a pillow behind her and then we count to three and she throws herself back as hard as she can.DSC_4082 DSC_4087 IMG_20151202_111552870 Malachi and Bryant made the letter K.IMG_20151202_195135998 Emmie has the proper way to eat oreos:  Take off the top.  Eat all the icing.  Try a bite of a cookie and then declare, “Yuk!” as you toss it on the floor.
IMG_20151204_090713705_HDR Oh, you know, just riding in the car, hanging on to my halo.
IMG_20151206_153702504 Emmie was blessed with a sweet gift from a neighbor.  There was a beautiful handmade crochet rabbit blankie and a bigger crochet blankie.  She calls her rabbits Hop Hop but this Hop Hop is her favorite buddy and goes everywhere with her.IMG_20151207_135124104 Piling toys.  Taking a nap.IMG_20151209_130914927_HDR Emmie’s made a little desk by my desk and loves to sit and color.  We have since gotten a step stool for her to sit on but before that, she used a box of adoption tees.IMG_20151210_155102879 She’s learned to turn to the side to sleep.IMG_20151211_133523059 Braving the mall crowd to run some errands.  My kids were amazing and we needed photographic evidence of this.
IMG_20151219_194718586 Mark got Star War pjs.  Awesome. IMG_20151220_090122853 PreciousnessIMG_20151221_184344504 Our neighborhood had some pretty amazing lights on display.  This one was one of our favorites.IMG_20151226_091145498 Peek-a-…IMG_20151226_091149947 Boo

It’s been a year 2015.


A Decade of Liam

We now have three children in double digits!  Our fiesty, fun and passionate Liam.  We can not wait to see how God will work in his life.DSC_4312 DSC_4321
DSC_4478 DSC_4489 He asked for a Minecraft cake birthday cake.  I thought it would be easy.  It wasn’t.  The squares and my type A desire for perfection were at odds.


He was happy with it and that made all the work worth it.


Even the red stained hands, extremely dirty shirt and powdered sugar in the hair.  To see that smile when he saw it the next morning…made it all worth it.


Looking Like Christmas

We tried to make the most of our Christmas but I would be lying to say there wasn’t a constant nagging that someone was missing.  There were lots of prayers throughout our festivities and we managed to have fun and make memories.  Thankfully, we had some dear friends who were in Y’s country and they arranged to have a gift mailed to our brave one while we wait.

DSC_4029 A fun time at the lights.IMG_20151225_062535582The kids finally realized that they could get up early this year and wake us up too.  And so they did.  When we get up, we read the Christmas story before heading downstairs to open gifts.DSC_4352 Already for Christmas!  This year was the first year since the kids were really little that we actually wrapped presents before Christmas Eve.  It was fun watching the kids try to figure out what they were getting.  Then again, Frodo the Cat ruined the surprises by opening up a couple of gifts.  DSC_4356 She knows where her gifts are!DSC_4357 Traditional picture in front of the tree.  Malachi has a matching shirt but it “was too big.”  We pick our battles around here.DSC_4367 Burying the Malachi in presents.DSC_4374 He broke free.DSC_4380 DSC_4386 DSC_4397 DSC_4401 A box.  Woo-hooDSC_4408 DSC_4411 DSC_4412 Fuzzy blanketsDSC_4414 DSC_4417 And something for Bitty Baby to ride in.
DSC_4433 DSC_4442 This wasn’t really a gift.  Our mixer that we have had since we were married started to go bad.  We had a friend who was able to fix it, but we started talking about the need for a larger mixer.  The holiday deals meant we could get a larger mixer for less than one like what we already had.  It’s proven to be a wise investment.
DSC_4448 Mark decided a few years ago that he wanted to get me something every year that we could add to.  He knows I love nativity/creche sets and so he researched.  After some time, he settled upon the Fonatanini sets.  I received Mary, Joseph and Jesus and then the wisemen (an inside joke on why they had to be second), he told me they needed some shelter.  I look forward to these each year.DSC_4459 After all the gifts and a yummy brunch, Mark needed a nap.DSC_4461

Even Frodo the Cat got a gift.


He also enjoyed the kids’ gift.


Christmas Visit

We love having birthdays and Christmas all rolled in to one month.  No, really, we do.  It means we get to visit more with family!

Papa and Grandmere came down before Christmas to celebrate Zoe and Liam’s birthdays.  They got the added bonus of participating in some of our Christmas traditions.DSC_4302 Dipping pretzels. And opening gifts.DSC_4318 DSC_4328 DSC_4330 DSC_4332


And goofing around with Papa.


Welcome to the Teenage Years

We blinked.

And just like that she went from this:

Zoe in her stocking

to this:

She has graciously accepted the roll of first-born-guinea pig.  She is challenging, cautious and so extremely smart.  She loves her brothers and sisters fiercely and wants to see them grow up to be strong men and women of God.  We are so blessed that God gave us Zoe and we can not wait to see what these teenage years will hold!IMG_20151220_134012649

Zoe’s “Dad!” look.  After church, we ate at IHOP.  We had a quiet and small celebration this year in hopes that her present will come very soon…more on that later.


She found a caramel apple cake she wanted me to try.  The cake turned out fine but I had to scour to find a icing that would work best.  When all was said and done, it was well received!


To Granddaddy’s House We Go

Before Christmas, we were able to make a run to Ge and Granddaddy’s house that didn’t include a trip to appointments for Emmie!  Yay!  DSC_4197 We also celebrated our December birthdays with them and enjoyed cake.DSC_4200

This was a couple of days before we officially had a teenager in the house.

DSC_4204 DSC_4206 DSC_4216

DSC_4205 DSC_4221 Candid moments before the gift opening began.  Ge had a great idea this year that we would watch everyone open their gifts.  It was perfect because usually all any of us see is paper flying everywhere.DSC_4268 This time we were able to get pictures.DSC_4266 DSC_4264 Seriously, most appropriate shirt for our Liam!DSC_4257 DSC_4251 DSC_4243 DSC_4237

My boys are super happy about Lego!

The most anticipated reaction from all of us was when Emmie opened her gift from Ge and Granddaddy.  I have to say that she did not disappoint at all.

Emmie Meets Bitty Baby pt 1 from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

VID_20151219_131528021 from justabunchofcharacters on Vimeo.

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We absolutely love spending time with our family!


On Parade

We decided to try out our local Christmas parade early December.  We got there early, set up shop and enjoyed playing.DSC_3951 My children are playing and not arguing…oh be still my heart.

DSC_3953 Books are good to read while you wait.DSC_3954 Emmie just enjoys the chips.

IMG_20151205_122003831_HDREager anticipationDSC_3957 Here they come!DSC_3967 It’s safe to say that Emmie hit the jackpot at the parade.  A couple of floats were handing out stuffed animals and one sweet float rider ran back to Emmie to hand her a little stuffed lion.  That lion has joined her menagerie and gets lots of hugs on various occasions.

We had a wonderful time!  The best part was that it was five minutes from our house and not crowded at all.  Oh, and the drums, floats, and candy.  The kids came home with a gallon size bag of candy.
