NF Awareness Day 2016

Two years.Cropped 01

Two years ago we were enjoying this beautiful little face.  She had come out screaming and yelling and didn’t stop for two nights straight.  Mark and I knew our streak of quiet-sleep-through-the-night newborns had ended.  We couldn’t have cared less though, we had our Emmie Mae.  Our beautiful third little girl.

Our lives, like so many others who have walked the diagnosis road, were rocked to the core when we learned the word.  Our diagnosis…Neurofibromatosis.  We knew Emmie was making her very own unique mark in the world like all of our other kids.  But, this word was a constant reminder.

We spent that first year educating ourselves. That first year was a flurry of doctors visits, tests, and a surgery.  That first year was a year of learning to advocate and lead in providing the best possible care for our daughter.  We now know every road that leads to a Children’s Healthcare in Atlanta.  We now know we have some of the best doctors in the country right near us.  We now know how to speak up.  We now know how to stand up.  We now know how to educate others.IMG_20150517_092644486_HDR Then the second year came.  And joy entered in.  We rejoiced in the value of living in the moment.  Trusting God with the future.  We rejoiced in loving fast and holding tight to each precious memory we made.  To each toddler firsts she accomplished.  We had joy as we lived with a diagnosis, changed a diape, broke up squabbles and just lived.  DSC_0001 (2)

Neurofibromatosis.  It’s become a part of our life.  A part of our ministry.  A part of our story.  A part of His glory.  We hope to continue to raise awareness and to share our story as we continue on this NF journey.

On World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day this year, I want to share a few facts:

  • NF is a genetic disorder which actually includes three different disorders:  Neurofibromatosis Type 1, Neurofibromatosis Type 2, and Schwannomatosis.
  • All three disorders can cause tumors to grow on nerves.
  • One in 3,000 births gives us a sweet baby born with NF.  That is more than cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and Huntington disease combined.  NF is the least known, most common, rare disease.
  • NF can cause blindness, deafness, physical deformities, amputations, and learning disabilities…that’s just a few things.

For more information or to donate to research to end NF, go to Children’s Tumor Foundation.



Happy Easter!

I think I’ve mentioned before how dear and special our Resurrection service is at church.  If not, here goes.  We get up before the crack of dawn (that’s early ya’ll), and enjoy watching the sunrise over the trees while we worship God and hear about the miracle of the resurrection.  Then, our kids’ adopted grandparents prepare a breakfast like you would not believe.  After that is a time of praise and worship and testimonies.  We’re usually home just before lunch and are full both spiritually and physically!  Usually, the kids rush to change clothes and then play or lounge around.  This year, we managed to wrangle them and get pictures before they dispersed.DSC_4822 The girls pick out the fabric for their spring dresses.  I wanted a coral and blue but they wanted blue, green and yellow.  Blue and green for NF colors.  Yellow and blue for Y the Brave’s home country.  Then, the girls get to pick out the pattern they either want to try (for Zoe) or that I get to tackle.  I’ve used the pattern for Ceili Rain’s dress before and I completely forgot about how much fabric it took.  It was a lot ya’ll!  Zoe’s skirt was from Marie Madeline Studio.  I’ve had my eye on it for years and Zoe was excited to try it this year.  She was nervous about using different patterns of fabric, but I think it came together perfectly.   I used the pattern for a skirt for me as well except we didn’t have enough variety of fabrics, so I went with just one.  Next time we use the pattern, we’ll both have to go down in size or sew the seams a little further in.  The finished skirts were way too big!DSC_4826 DSC_4833 DSC_4836 Look at those boys!  I can’t wait to see six silly boys in that picture.DSC_4843 DSC_4848 Emmie was napping on the first go round. So, we had to wait until later in the afternoon to include her (then it started raining).  I made two dresses for her so that she could match her sisters before the halo and after the halo.DSC_4868Emmie says, “This IS my silly face!” Facebooktwittermail


DSC_4985Two years.  Five MRIs.  Three major surgeries.  Three CT scans.  A halo.  A week in traction.  Thirteen months in a brace.    And here we are.

If I had to give one word to describe this past year, it would be joy.  Unusual, right?  We have learned to find joy in each “normal” moment.  We have learned to rejoice as we felt God’s presence through each hard time.

I pray that our lives these past two years have been a blessing.  That we have reflected God’s glory and goodness through the trials and tears.  I continue to pray that Emmie will be a light to those around her.

Last year, I wrote a couple of posts about our super hero never knowing the journey we would take in the second year.  If you’re up for a little read, you can check out “I Know a Fighter.”  It’ll take you to our old blog but it’s still the same ol’ me.  I re-read our thoughts on this marathon and they are still the same as they were last year, too.

May 17th is NF Awareness Month.  We’ll be dressing our best in blue, green, Super Ems shirts, Children’s Tumor Foundation shirts, and blue/green hair (well it’s a bit faded now, but it’s still there).  We’d love to see all of you dressed up too!  Just share away on our Just a Bunch of Characters Facebook page to show support for Super Ems, neurofibromatosis research, and all the children and adult heroes who are waiting for a cure!

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Double the Fun

When Papa and Grandmere came up for Emmie’s halo procedure, they also got a chance to celebrate Ceili Rain and Bryant’s birthday before they had to head out.
DSC_4875 This boy loves his Papa!DSC_4880 DSC_4884 DSC_4893

Ceili Rain loves her Grandmere too!


Happy 7th Birthday Ceili Rain!

Seven years of our CeiRai! She definitely marches to her own beat and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

She asked for a chocolate chocolate chocolate cake.  I made it trim healthy by using a recipe in the Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook.  Then, last minute came a request for chocolate chips and marshmallows.  She was a happy girl.


Ceili Rain requested a crochet set.  I couldn’t find one for 7 year olds that had just what she needed.  So, I made her one.  Including a bag to hold it all in.  She was thrilled.


Ge and Granddaddy made her day with a knitting loom.DSC_4796
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She asked for a girls’ day.  We spent the afternoon at a ceramics painting place and then watched Cinderella.  Mark set up a laptop with another move for the boys who just couldn’t handle Cinderella but most everyone eventually made it in to the living room to watch.



Happy 4th Malachi!


Malachi is our first immediate family birthday of the year.  Malachi is our resident four year old going on 40.  He always has something wise to say but can quickly follow it up with a fit because his shoes were not tied just so.

He fulfilled my dream this year by requesting a cake with cars on it.  And no.  I did not coax him in to it.  It was all his idea (as it typically goes with him).


He was super happy with his race car cake.  And I was super excited to find race car candles!


He also requested breakfast pizza.  We’ve never had breakfast pizza.  So, I’m not sure where he got the idea from.  I coated tortillas in cinnamon, sugar and butter and broiled them.  Then covered in a cream cheese mixture and topped with the fruit.  Looks fancy and takes very little effort.


His birthday fell on a Wednesday which meant he go to share his cake with his friends at Awana.  I think he thought it was pretty cool that everyone sang, “Happy Birthday!” to him.
DSC_4751 This was a birthday of awesome faces too.  Ya’ll, he’s just too cute for words.DSC_4745 DSC_4734 DSC_4731 DSC_4729



The cardboard space shuttle was a big hit for everyone.


Ge won major brownie points with this pj shirt!

His birthday activity of choice was to go to our local indoor jump place.  Remember, the one he wasn’t going to jump in?  We went the following Monday since they offer family nights then (we all got in for one price).

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Love is

I enjoy reading the little “Love is…” cartoons.  They make me smile and sometimes laugh.  We have learned a lot about love the past two years.  I never realized I could love a child that didn’t grow in my belly the way I love our Y.  I never realized how much my love could grow as I watch my husband be a shoulder for me to cry on or as he melts at the fight Emmie goes through.  I never knew I could grow to love God as much as I do now or feel his love surrounding me when we are facing struggles and trials.

That is why I’m thrilled about May’s flexi-of-the-month.  It’s a beautiful statement of love and reminds me of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


With all the anger, animosity and hatred spewing forth in social media and in our community and country, I love this little statement about what God calls us to.


These clips are available in limited quanitites and are available now!  Yep, right now!  So, go get your flexi on and love one another!



Adoption Update

I know I’ve been quiet on what is going on with our adoption.  But, rest assured, it is still ongoing.  Because of some rules, we have had to wait and do a re-start.  We aren’t have to pay any extra out of pocket (something that is a very real concern with any adoption) to the agent.  We’ll have our dossier 2.0 complete the first part of May and it will go back over.  We are praying we’ll get to take our second first trip (we have to re-start our trip process too) in June.

For now, we are waiting and praying.  We miss our Y the Brave. Yes, we’ve been very busy with Emmie but Y has never left our hearts, minds, and prayers.  We all still want him home very much.

But, once again, God reminds us that He is in control of our lives and even our Y the Brave.  We are trusting Him to bring Y home at just the right time.

In the meantime, we have a flower/gift delivery service that we are able to use to send special treats to him.  In return, we get pictures from the delivery.

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In March, we sent 32 Kinder Eggs.  Thirty-two chocolate treat eggs.  Thirty-two.  We told him to share.  We are praying he did.  His dentist is praying the same thing!  Hopefully, we redeemed ourselves with April’s basket.

Just look at him!  He’s getting so big.  And so we wait on God’s timing and trust him in God’s hand.


Super Ems and her Sidekicks

We asked our friend and family photographer, Tracy, to grab some pictures of Emmie and all of her sidekicks before the halo came off.  Yes, we have a gazillion of pictures of Emmie in the halo, but I wanted some professional family ones.  We’ll do some more in her current brace and so on.  A professional photo journal of what God has done.

Tracy did not disappoint, even though we had a grumpy kid.

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Super Ems with her Sidekicks!

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That look on our girls’ face.  Seriously!  She’s got some spunk.

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Eskimo kisses and daddy’s little girl.

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Ready to go on her next adventure.

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Tracy knows us so well and can grab the best pictures!


Hey Hey Hey Good-bye!


Our memorial to remember this part of Emmie’s journey.

Today was the day.  It has been a day!  Most of it is to be dealt with between us and the hospital.  So, for here, we are going to focus on the most awesome stuff.

We’ve counted down the days…








And finally reached zero!


Emmie had her CT scan around 12:30 today (March 30…yeah it’s late tonight).  While sitting in radiology waiting for a little while, they came and told us they were taking her straight to the OR and we were to wait in her day surgery room.  We got up there and waited a little while longer.  Dr. Chern popped in.  They were prepping her.  It was time.  His exact words were, “it’s almost too good to be true.”  We laughed and told him no.  It’s not too good to be true.  God’s hand was all over this.

The fusion is taking beautifully.  Every piece is right where it needs to be.  While we were all extremely nervous that we were removing our “reassurance,”  we all knew it was time to let her stand “on her own.”

Except she’s not.  She is and has been bathed in prayer.  And God, as always, is holding on to her tightly.  He knows what is best.  We just get to watch Him work.  Sometimes with us yelling and screaming in the background.  Other times while we cheer.  While others we hit our knees to pray.  Our marathon.

After waiting what felt like forever, but of course was only an hour or two, our Emmie came back.  And holding her close, so close after so many months of ducking, dodging and awkwardly cradling,  well, that’s a feeling I can never come close to describing.


You would not believe how light she feels.  We all agree that she looks like a little girl now and not the baby from eight months ago.



She got to wear a “real” dress.  Not a pillowcase dress but a real one.  Oh my heart.

She was very woozy from the meds and still quite unsure as to where her halo buddy was.

As we were leaving, Dr. Chern stopped us and  told us that tomorrow we could wash her hair.  With real shampoo.  He also said that older kids will tell them that they feel very unsafe when the halo comes off.  Unsteady of their feet.  Unsure of how to move.  We definitely think Emmie is going through all of that in her almost two year old mind.  Not a lot of smiles in the hospital, but she brightened up riding in Papa’s toot-toot (his truck that we borrowed for the trip over) and eating her traditional after hospital Chick-fil-a meal.

We couldn’t stop smiling as we ate and watched her.  She turned her head slightly (just her head…not her whole body). Then got very still and turned it the other way.  And then did it again and again.


Our hearts are overflowing with thanksgiving to God for our amazing girl.   She’ll stay in this brace for about five to seven weeks and then we’ll move on to the next big step of going solo. We can take the brace off to put a new shirt on underneath it.  But that will be all.

Papa and Grandmere graciously agreed to watch the Super Sibling Sidekicks and I’ll have pictures of their escapades later.  Ge and Granddaddy graciously agreed to wait out the chaos with us at the hospital.  Their reward was making them bend down on Emmie level to get a good picture.


They love me and would do anything for their Emmie.

We got home and our mail included two absolutely adorable shirts with the cutest sayings that are most appropriate for Emmie.


When I found similar cute sayings for another disorder, I put out a plea for ideas on who or how we could make these.  My high school friend, A, told me she would do them.  As a gift to Emmie.  Now to decide which one she is wearing tomorrow.  Because she can wear a shirt.  A real shirt.

Again, saying thank you for the prayers is nowhere near enough.  We are so grateful for each and everyone who has lifted our amazing super hero up.

She’ll go back in two weeks for x-ray and check up.  Then, we are hoping to go back three weeks later (other activities are keeping us from going in four weeks like he requested).  That will be the TSLO brace (what she has on now) decision time .  A year plus of wearing some type of neck brace and then nothing.  I can almost imagine it now.

