These girls!

These girls!
We celebrated a friend’s birthday at the local putt-putt in April and got to see more of Emmie coming out of her shell.
She would try to hit it a few times and then give up and just put it in the hole.
We had a couple of other kiddos who were very serious about the game!
I’ve recently discovered that there are several hiking areas around where her appointments are and can’t wait to explore them as well.
While I traipsed around a convention hall, the girls camped out and hiked with American Heritage Girls. That means Mark got to enjoy the great outdoors with the kids.
The road less traveled.
And played games. Zoe came along for more training (because her brothers and sisters aren’t enough) and for added distraction.
Except, she was very apprehensive and a little unsteady because there was nothing around her tummy. So, we improvised. And Mom got in with her.
And she was happy.
This was her first bath in nine months. The morning before her bath, we were talking to a neighbor who’s daughter had a minor procedure and could not get a bath for a week. She stated she was thrileld to be able to give her a bath that evening. She realized I totally understood when I told her Emmie would get her first bath in nine months! Perspective.These wrinkly feetsies are our evidence that Emmie not only got a first bath but that she totally enjoyed it! It’s great to see that she loves the water even more than she did last summer!
Enjoy this smathering of pictures highlighting the month of March.
When Emmie first came home without the halo, she was unsteady on her feet. But she fit in to a smaller stroller! She still helped do the dishes though!
The pantry is a great place to hide from mom and dad (and open a bag of chips nearby for a quiet snack.).
We got a new tricycle for Emmie that has sides on it. More for our peace of mind than hers.
Just taking a picture with The Godfather of Funk. Our city has undertaken a great art project. Local artists were commissioned to paint the light boxes all over the city. When we visited downtown in March, the kids had to get a picture with the James Brown box.
Our annual PJ Day at Bruster’s Ice Cream. If ya’ll have one near you, every March, they offer free ice cream if you come in your pjs! It’s totally worth the embarrassment.
Emmie received this crocheted bunny rabbit as a gift from a neighbor. This bunny has been through a CT scan, surgery and many other things faithfully. Emmie named him Hop Hop and loves to take him on adventures. The other day, she had Hop Hop holding hands with Baby so they could take a nap. I really need to see if I commission our neighbor to make an identical one so that Hop Hop can get a bath in the washing machine without causing major trauma to Emmie.
This breaks my heart even now. Emmie fell out of chair in March. It scared me deeply and meant an extra trip to the neurosurgeon and extra x-rays. About twenty minutes after the fall, she was doing this. She had gotten up, walked over to the cat toy and sat down to play with Winter.
Ceili Rain was proud of her wedgit tower!
Emmie. And chocolate. Enough said.
What happens when you brace yourself on wooden poles while moving a heavy object upstairs. Ya’ll take a guess who did this.
We have a very talented niece who lovingly made this for Zoe and sent it to her! Super cute! Teenagers and their teenage friends.
Date day. Made possible by great friends who willingly take on all eight of your children.
This was the first time Emmie has actually sat down to play with someone other than her family. It was so fun watching her play with Miss T and interacting with her.
Cuisinaire Rod Art by Josiah
Yes, you have my precious.
Toothpaste Man.
Um, Odd Man Out?!
Thoughtful CeiRai
Queen Armadillo (I know that’s not her name but take quite delight in messing it up so the kids can correct me)
Rocking it with smiles the day affter surgery. She has two bows in her hair because that’s what she asked for.
Naptime on mommy. She was still feeling the effects of the meds the day after surgery.
In March, we were heading out after a thunderstorm in the early evening and got to spot another double rainbow. There’s so much joy and hope that we experience when we see that rainbow (double or not).
Emmie had had her surgery. We were through that hurdle. We were waiting. Watching. Healing. And then we see the rainbow. A reminder that God is there. That He is in control. Every time I see a rainbow, I am reminded of God’s everlasting love and care for us. No matter what we go through, He is there.
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. -Genesis 9:13
Neither of us could have ever imagined that four years and one month after that first date that he would meet that same girl at a church altar to join his life to hers.
And of course, sixteen years later, eight kids on US earthside, one on European soil and three babies in heaven…hospital adventures, family travel adventures, seeking God adventures and home school adventures. And here we are. Sixteen years.
I knew that 16 year old young man would have my heart forever that first night 20 years ago. I could not have imagined the rock he would become. The forgiveness he would extend daily for me. The example of Christ’s love that he would be for me. I am blessed.
Happy Anniversary, Mark! My knight! I would go anywhere with you!
Our life is crazy and so out-of-the-ordinary-insane but you have stuck with me through it and we’ve attacked, prayed and enjoyed it each step of the way together! I love you.
I can’t leave this post without saying something about this picture! First, it was our 20th anniversary date in April. Second, I found this dress that fit in all the right places and loved it. It’s the first time in a long time that I have loved what I looked like in a dress. And last, notice the photobomber in the background. Yep. Our life and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
We all missed Frodo and having to put him to sleep was a very hard decision. He was only with us for ten months but he was so laid back that he quickly became a part of our family. Winter, his adopted sister, also missed him.
While she is always vocal, she got really vocal and constantly walked the house looking in every room. She missed her cat brother.
We decided to visit the cats at our local pet store and met a cute little kitten named Kenny. Mark fell in love. I was leaning towards a sweet little black and white playful and large 10 month old. But, nope, Kenny stole his heart. And every one else’s too.
So, we welcomed a little 10 week old kitten and he quickly became Smudge (he has a smudge of white on his forehead and smudge of black on his chin).
Smudge is very playful and he loves attacking big sister, Winter until she tells him it’s enough. And feet are never safe if they get near a dresser or couch or are covered with blankets.
Two cats again meant we needed a place for them to escape the silliness of Ginger the dog.
So, we ordered a cat tree and the boys went to work building it.
In case you can’t tell, it’s Winter approved.
The box was equally as cozy. It’s very evident she does not have high end tastes.
Winter is also a sewing cat. Anytime I sit for a good length at the sewing machine, she ventures over to see what I’m doing, sit in my lap for a purr and to help a little with the stitching.
Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.-James Herriot
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” -Margaret Atwood
March brought in some pretty amazing weather and we gladly soaked it up! The weather was so nice that I begged an ouutdoor bell from Ge so that I could call the kids when they have adventures up on the hill. May starts snake season and they don’t like to venture up there during those times. So, the bell will have to wait to be used until the fall.
with dad…
is awesome!
Mark had jury duty a week before Emmie got the halo off. He had called and explained our situation to the court person and she assured him that nothing big was coming up and he needed to come on in. He had to go in on Tuesday, got called back and then promptly sent home. He was home by 11 and we got bonus time with dad. The kids introduced him to our picnics on the front lawn. We have been doing these even before we moved in to this house.
Emmie decided she needed to take daddy on a walk and show him the place.
Emmie loves her little red wagon. One day, she decided that she didn’t want to be pushed anymore. Instead, she wanted to pull me. She showed me right where to sit and promptly walked to the handle and grunted and heaved trying to pull me in it. Imagine how upset she was when she realized it wouldn’t budge.