After the vows were said and we rejoiced in their new covenant, we danced the night away. Well, until everyone was exhausted.

After the vows were said and we rejoiced in their new covenant, we danced the night away. Well, until everyone was exhausted.
Getting there was our motivation to keep trudging and not stop except to fix sandwiches for lunch.
We got there early and decided to trek over to the botanical gardens and try out the new splash area. It did not disappoint but we made a few mistakes. First of all, it is a far, far walk to the botanical gardens. Sure, they have a tram but there was a line and we thought, “Oh we can make it.” We had a large shopping bag full of swimsuits and towels, an umbrella stroller and a 4 year old who was too tired to walk the whole way. Mark carried him. I pushed the stroller. A kid carried the massively heavy shopping bag.
We made it to the gardens and then had to search through the gardens to find the splash area. The gardens were beautiful but there was absolutely nothing telling us how to get to the kids area.
Then Ceili Rain stubbed her toe on the brick edging in the garden. It ripped the skin off one of her toes. Did you know that toes can bleed about as bad as lips? Well, they can. Her flip flop was covered. We probably left her dna all over the garden. I had zero band-aids because we left everything in the car but the basics. A brief stop and we wrapped the foot in one of the towels, Mark picked her up (she’s 7 ya’ll…not a light toddler) and made it to the splash area. Mark went with the big kids while I searched for a first aid station only to be told that I had to find a person in a green shirt. In the meantime, Ceili Rain found a sweet park attendee with a band-aid. After she was bandaged up, and everyone was changed, we were all set to go.
We made a pit stop at the carousel.
And there were lots of tears. Every time we went to the zoo when Emmie had the halo or brace, she refused to ride the animals. She loved the carousel but she was content to sit on a bench and ride around in a circle. So, we would sit and smile at others and wave. But, then we went this time. I started to sit with her on the bench and she said, “No.” And pointed to the animals. She chose a panda bear and smiled and laughed and waved. Mark and I both about lost it. Our little Super Ems was gaining even more confidence. I had to look like an idiot crying while she rode, but if we could only show everyone how far she has come. How many battles she has fought. It was definitely a triumphant moment for us to witness.
I don’t think any of us ever outgrow the carousel!
Then, we finally headed to the sea lion exhibit. And ya’ll. This was so spectacular. They have a viewing area above and below the water and some very social sea lions who were swimming right by the viewing window over and over.
There were some other sea lions who just wanted to sun bathe.
We had a wonderful time, made some great memories and headed home completely exhausted.
This was the first time Emmie had gotten down on her knees and just “sat” there. As soon as she moved in to the cervical collar, we started immediately seeing her gain confidence and become more independent.
Hot dog time.
As soon as we arrived, I was sequestered to the bedroom to participate in a panel for an NF study.
Emmie was super excited about getting to the water.
Putt Putt time.
While the kids ran around with clubs, Mark and I watched another large family come up and play some too. Of course, we had to visit. They were a sweet family with nine children and one on the way. I love how we can have an instant connection with total strangers because of the sheer number of kids that keep following us around.
Cuteness abounds with this girl right here.
It was such a great trip because for once, we were able to get away and just relax and breathe after all Emmie has overcome and before heading into adoption stuff again.
They had an awesome time though! And we loved the meals!
We arrived early to check out the souvenirs and watch the pre-show. It turned out to be very entertaining, especially when the giant sea lion meandered up on stage.
The kids are already talking about going again. Mark and I have to let our pocket books recover first!
We were able to take a mini-vacation the day after Emmie’s birthday. Mark is saving up vacation for Y the Brave trips. But, we managed to squeeze in a three day getaway.
Although it was a little cold, we had a blast!
This girl thought the sand and waves hitting her feet were awesome.
On Sunday, Zoe and I were not brave enough to get in the cold water. So, we headed down the beach for a walk and then hit the outlets for a quick trip (our gigantic skillet needed to be replaced and the outlets were conveniently close by).
While we were walking, we noticed a large group of people. As we got closer, we realized it was a baptism. The congregation was Spanish-speaking. We stood close by and listened to them praising God and watching the new believers be baptized. It was such a beautiful scene!
We also saw several dead jellyfish. Pretty neat being able to see them close up. We studied ocean animals this year in Science. Now we got to study them up close.
My partner in crime on the beach.
Given our exciting and super hero filled passed two years with Super Ems, I knew I wanted her second birthday to be super hero themed. When I mentioned it to my friend, Tracy, she said, “Oh, and you could have the super hero emblem with an E instead of an S.” Um, yeah, but I would be the one who had to make it like that.
After a lot of thinking, and youtube tutorials, I came up with a plan.
Sketch the design on paper.
Then, I traced the design on parchment paper and cut it out.
Using a utility knife (clean blade, of course), I scored the fondant with layer after layer. Then, I ever so carefully did the “E.” I did not want to have to re-trace the “E.” I think I held my breath the whole time I cut it out.
First try! Phew! I slapped the pink onto a purple background and then stuck it all in the freezer to harden and stay that way before the party. Then, I realized I had extra fondant and borrowed a neighbors star cookie cutter to cut out star decorations.
I think it turned out really good and is one of my prouder projects.
Emmie seemed happy with it too! Well, at least eating the frosting part.
We celebrated Emmie’s birthday just a few days shy of her actual birthday. She didn’t seem to mind too much. Since she could get in water with a swap of neck braces, we decided to head to a local park along with about ten other families who had the same idea for a party. Thankfully, the park is big and we found a wonderful spot under the shade of a tree. This girl thought she was pretty hot stuff! Okay, we all did.
Papa and Grandmere came over to help us celebrate.
It looks like she has bodyguards. Well, she does. I guess this picture is pretty accurate.
Yeah, I don’t know. Teenagers!
Cake and picture time.
We kept the guest list small inviting our church family, our “family” family and our close friend family.
I thought this cake was pretty fun. While I was decorating it, I saw the idea of icing the center in atlernating colors to make a polka dot effect. Um, yeah, that was cool. I’ll post more on the cake tomorrow.
Emmie was still getting used to her neck freedom and was a touch shy of the water.
Papa and Grandmere present time!
She loves her new “home” that she got for her birthday.
Taking a peek at gifts from Ge and Granddaddy.
In May, we finished up and submitted our second dossier. A few weeks later, we heard from the powers that be and in a few weeks, we’ll see our Y the Brave!
Yes, this has taken awhile. No, it’s not over yet. We’ll have our second “first” visit and then wait somewhere around a month and have our court date. After that, it’ll be around ten days before the last trip and to officially pick up our son! We’re praying everything moves quickly and smoothly from here on out.
We would love your prayers for
I can not wait to see our son. I can not wait to visit his beautiful home country!
We’re keeping a close eye on our funds but, there is a good chance that even with the added trip, we should be okay. Our God has provided so much for us this past year through friends, donations, gifts and grants. We are trusting in His provision as we continue.
Here’s the photo dump for April! Beware: Cuteness is about to be unleashed.
Emmie decided to try out her confidence in a play place. Mark and I both may have had a little tear in our eyes.
Emmie and her bodyguards. These boys will drive her batty but protect her fiercely.
She was feeding her baby apples!
Two little girls with piggy tails is too adorable.
PDQ, free food, happy family.
Did you know strollers also doubled as shopping carts?
Ceili Rain rarely wears hats but when she does, they are cute.
This is our craft closet. It’s in the garage. When we moved in to the house four and half years ago, I really did just throw all craft things in the closet. Every time I opened the door, I whispered a prayer that paint would not cover my head. One afternoon, Zoe and I got brave and decided to attack it. Our result is wonderful and so much better.
Emmie loved the Chewi puppet. Yeah, I know I should have gotten a Chewbacca mask.
April brought a bunch of newness for Emmie. She finally started letting her physical therapist from the previous eight months walk with her, hold her hand, and work with her. I love seeing her confidence grow.
Daddy and his girl. These two have such a special bond.
Braces are great to hold dresses while climbing stairs.
Superhero Day! Free doughnuts!
Sweet, silly, sophisticated
Emmie has the cutest sleeping positions that I just have to take pictures.
She was super sick one day and refused to nap without me. So, I got to hold her hand for two hours.
It was a hard day.
We call this Baby Yoga Tree Pose with Praying Hands.
She has our heart!
A few days she had to hold her baby’s hand to sleep. She would get baby all settled, tell her night night and grab her hand.
And morning hair. Well, it’s just too fun not to get a picture of.