I took an adventure on my own in June. I texted Mark throughout my travels. This is how it went down:
Me: Mark, I’m waiting to board the plane. There is a guy sitting near me with shifty eyes and he keeps landing on me. Please pray he isn’t sitting next to me.
Me: Oh my goodness, there is a lady carrying an urn…AN URN!!!! There’s a dead body flying with us.
Mark: Not a body. Just ashes.
Me: She has it casually tucked under her arm like it is a book.
Mark: Maybe it’s her security urn, like a blanket for some people.
Me: “Oh this? This is Bob. He travels everywhere with me. Dontcha Bob?”
Mark: Such a nice traveling companion, so quiet, a good listener.
Me: The flight attendant at the gate says, “I hope you all are flying some place cooler than Georgia.” Texas Ma’am. I’m flying to Texas. It’s the second level of hell in Dante’s inferno. What in the world made the forum planners choose Texas in summer? “I know guys! What wouldn’t be more fun than hanging out in Texas in the middle of summer?”
Mark: Can you see me at the gate?
Me: Nope. I see a wall of plane.
When I made it to my layover this went down:
Me: Grabbed breakfast and made a cat friend. Guy on tram grabbed the two poles between him and proceeded to lean forward as far as possible. Got to his stop, stood straight slowly with eyes closed and got bags and walked off. Guy beside him kept looking at him and shaking his head. I had to bite my lip not to laugh.
Mark: A cat friend?

After finding a frappucino to ease my weight…
Me: Did you know that while you wait for your flight you can practice your CPR skills?
Mark: CPR?
Me: Yes. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation.

And I scored an upgrade on my car!

I don’t think Mark will ever let me travel alone again. He missed out!