Liam got busy and creative with the cuisinaire rods!We had a fever virus sweep through the kids for two months. When it was Emmie’s turn on a Sunday, no less, I took her out for a sno-ball and chocolate. It was just too much for her and she had to nap.Hanging out under my brothers bed.I’ll spare the gory pictures of her foot, but Zoe earned her first ER trip when she stepped on a piece of glass and her foot got infected. Streaks ya’ll. It was not pretty and was quite scary. A betadine bath for the foot and several days of a super strong antibiotic…she was good to go.Kids with glasses. Ugh.Our summer puzzle project was finished at some point in August.We celebrated Emmie’s 3rd Halo-versary with cake, of course!Grandmere found an absolutely adorable ice cream stand for Emmie’s birthday and saved it for when her big sisters were away at Grandparent Camp. It was perfect. She made all of her brothers (and mama and daddy) buy ice cream but only watermelon and cherry.Tobin and blueberries. Yummy.A wonderful friend and scoliosis mama told us about Brace Buddies for undershirts for kids. We purchased one and quickly fell in love with them. They aren’t cheap but they are worth every penny when our kiddo has to wear this brace every day. Plus, they’re fun making her into a baby burrito! Our kids are always up for surprise trips to Pelican’s Snoballs…ya’ll the best sno “cones” in our area! If you have one near you, you have GOT to try it!Ignore the hydrocortisone beside the popcorn. Feast your eyes on this! When I picked up the girls from Grandparent Camp, I found a popcorn place. Hundreds of flavors and we had so much fun tasting them and picking out the one we wanted! It was all so good!More cuisinaire rods creations!Is it any surprise that Tobin likes playgrounds and has no fear when on them.I won! We love The Green Ember series and when S.D. Smith offered a giveaway, I wholeheartedly entered. And won! We now have a full signed set of the series. The kids were beyond excited.Humidity is this curly girl’s friend. Her hair this day was absolutely adorably curly!Behold! The Tobin Creature! But Beware! He bites.The girls were twinsies in their tie-dye.