August In Instagram

Since I spent most of August searching for…well, for everything (our life packed in boxes), my phone served as my camera.  And here’s what I got…

 No, it’s not a zombie hand.  But paint.  As in, I was up to my eyeballs in paint for a full week.  We took the week after we closed to move in small boxes (the kitchen mainly), and paint rooms something other than flat paint.  Not many people could understand this but those with small children and those who have visited and seen my stairway (which is still flat paint because I can’t decide on a color and there is no way I’m paying a painter to come paint until I know for sure that I want the wall that color for at least ten years, okay, five.  Why would I pay someone to paint?  Well, because it’s a two story stairway.  I digress) will understand the need for at least a semi-gloss.

So, the kids had boxes of toys, I had my paint and Malachi had his playpen.  We were happy.  I (along with Mark and a few other friends) painted the kids’ bathroom, the boys’ room, the girls’ room, the schoolroom/dining room and the kitchen.  Needless to say, I was covered in paint all week.  But it got done.

Our house has a fence.  Yeah, you probably figured that with the amount of kids and animals we have.  Well, behind the fence is greenspace.  And the kids love it!  That was one of the main reasons we choose the house.  We wanted them to be able to explore and pick up ticks and other various bugs and do kid things.

 Lunch after the first day of school.  We all survived.
 Josiah being Josiah!  I just have to share.  We’re battling a fly invasion (despite all my efforts to keep food put up and the house tidy…they keep coming in.  As a result of the the invasion, Mark and the boys are enjoying chasing and killing the flies (trust me, all flies were harmed in the typing of this story).  Some times they just don’t get swept up. This past weekend, Josiah stepped on one of the twenty plus flies Mark killed in less than an hour (I kid you not).  The kids were saying how gross it was but he just very cooly walked up to us.  Mark asked if he had a dead fly on his foot.  
“Yes sir,”  he replied.  “But I got it off.  It’s gone.”  And he kept on going.  Wish he was that laid back about working on schoolwork!
Malachi mush.  Yum.  Yum.  This was avocado and squash and zucchini with a bit of applesauce.
We’ve been blessed with quite a bit of rain this summer.  Not enough to pull us completely out of a drought but just enough to keep the searing heat at bay.  One afternoon it was sprinkling just enough after a thunderstorm that the kids wanted to play.  In the gutter.  And they did for a full hour or so.
And finally.  Bryant.  In his underwear.  One day I will work on potty training him.  One day.  Until then, he has decided that some nights he needs to wear his underwear to bed.  Over his diaper.  Over his pjs.  Mark and I realized it didn’t matter much.  I mean who’s going to see it?  It’s not like we’d post it on a blog.  Or Facebook.  Or broadcast it over the World Wide Web.  One day, I’ll look back on this picture and remember why he is in therapy.


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