Mark, the kids, and I all attended a beautiful wedding this weekend. It was a wedding of a young lady who attended the church I was a youth minister at during my college days. During the course of my ministry work there, she became not just a member of the youth (it was a small, “country” church) but also a great friend and one whom I was able to sort of mentor…at least I hope! She’s always been precious to me and through email we’ve been able to stay in touch. She even served as a bridesmaid in my wedding.
I can not count the number of times I cried!!! While I was at the church working, she had signed a True Love Waits card. She presented her groom with the ring she wore to symbolize her commitment to purity! They had beautiful vows that not only reflected their love for each other but also their commitment to follow the biblical covenant marriage roles. They also had a beautiful symbolism of their lives intertwining with Christ. They braided a rope with three strands. Each strand was a different color. The gold represented Christ. The purple represented the headship of the husband and following Christ’s leadership. The white represented the purity of the bridegroom as she waits for Christ’s return. I was so moved by seeing such a sweet girl grow into such a beautiful lady and beginning a new life as a beautiful wife!
We were also thrilled to see people who had been such a special part of my life during my college years.
And after the beautiful sweet ceremony…we headed to a barn! She had her reception at a cute little barn and it was just so her! We loved it! The kids didn’t like us dancing, but that’s okay…we danced anyways! The food was great and the cakes were pretty.
Thanks so much Krystal and Zach for letting us come and witness such a special beginning to your new life together. Continue to grow to love one another and never forget the looks in each others eyes as you made your commitment to each other in front of Christ and His church! We love you both (even if we just met you Zach) and are always here for you!!!
Oh, and if the rest of you are wondering where the pictures are…we left the camera at Mark’s parents’ home!!! Ughhhh!