And here comes…

Well, we went a day early to the ultrasound.  Apparently, not exercising and then going full force can cause a muscle to pull (in my leg) which can lead me to worry about a blood clot…just a muscle pull though.  Dr. J said that spinning would be great for me to do…umm, except it hurts my rear…

But I guess you don’t really care about my exercise woes…I guess you all want to know what we’re having.

Well, it’s a healthy baby.

But, I guess you might want to know whether the baby is a healthy boy or girl huh?

First, you have to look at the cutie feet…

Aren’t they precious?!  (Let me just say we were less than thrilled with the attitude nor abilities of our ultrasound tech…I guess because we’ve had so many u/s we’ve seen better)
Oh, so you still want to know if the baby is a boy or girl…
It’s a boy!!!
Bryant Judah will be making his debut into the Bunch of Characters this summer.
So, why Bryant Judah???  I know we said we’d use Ian as a middle name but it just didn’t flow.  This has been the hardest name to pick out…I’m glad we had at least 16 weeks to decide on something…actually, I know we had longer but I like to be able to call the baby a name as soon as possible…so game on.
Mark felt that he wanted a namesake this time.  We stumbled on Bryant which means  “son of Brian.”  Brian is Mark’s middle name so the namesake was taken care of.  Ian, like I said, just didn’t work.  We tossed around Silas as a middle name or first but if you try to say Silas and ‘Siah in the same sentence, it just doesn’t work.  And, if you put Silas as a middle name…well, you can figure out the initials.  We also tried Malachai as a middle name, which is pretty cool…but then figure out the initials there.
So, I found Judah while searching for a hip/cool middle name and it fit.  Judah means “praise.”
So, Bryant Judah means…Son of Brian (which means high/noble) Praise.  Pretty cool, huh???
And, because my doctor rocks, he said I don’t have to come back in for another seven weeks.  AND, he told me that if I fail my glucose one hour then we could talk about doing the glucometer and that he never had a problem with that…in fact, he has had several moms who request that.  I said he rocks, didn’t I?! 


2 thoughts on “And here comes…

  1. Congratulations you guys. I am so happy for you. Now we will have another set of kids real close in age. I believe that makes 3 huh? Anyway, congrats again and I really like the name you chose.

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