About the Bunch

Thank you for stopping by for a visit.  We love meeting new people and hearing their stories.
Meet our gang:
Mark and Abbie
We were married in 2000.  We love to read, spend a lot of time with family.  Abbie homeschools and Mark works hard to care for and lead our family.
Zoe made us mom and dad and is our guinea pig.  She was born in 2002.  She’s an amazing first born daughter and we are really enjoying the tween years…well, some moments are harder than others!
Ace came quickly after Zoe in 2004.  He’s the spitting image of Mark but has his own goofy personality!
Liam is our passionate extrovert who came along in 2005.  He is so caring for his younger siblings and is willing to engage in conversations with anyone no matter their age.  He goes at life in full gear!
Josiah has a heart of gold.  He’s the quiet, contemplative one who stole our hearts in 2007.  He is the total opposite of Liam which means they play very well together.  While Ace looks just like Mark, Josiah acts just like him!
Ceili Rain made her way in to our world in 2009.  We thought we were done with having children after Josiah but we trusted God and He had other plans.  I’m so glad He did!  She’s all girl, this one.  But don’t cross her!  Her older brothers have taught her well.
Bryant, “Mr. Awesome,” came along in 2010.  He has the funnest quotes and loves his barely big sister so much it hurts….sometimes literally.  His smile and hugs will melt you.  I promise.
Malachi has heart melting powers as well.  He was born in 2012 and keeps us all in stitches with his silly wit.  He’s also sworn protector of baby sister (well, all the siblings are but he’s very verbal about it).
We were blessed with Emmie in 2014.  Our latest edition has made us realize that we are NOT experts in kids just yet.  She’s broken all our “well the other kids did this” rules and taught us who is really in control…no, not her, but God.  Emmie was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) at three months old.  You can read all about her journey through this disorder here.  She’s got lots of personality and isn’t afraid to let us know what it’s all about.  She loves to say anything loud.  After all, she has seven siblings to out yell.
We hosted our Y the Brave in the winter of 2014 with New Horizons for Children.  He instantly won our hearts and made his place in our rather silly family.  We are currently working to bring him home for good through the wonderful avenue of adoption.  Read all about our journey on our Adoption page!

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