Sicko Updates

I’m still feverish. I’ve depleted my magazine supply and have successfully surmised that there is nothing worth watching on tv during the day. I’m frustrated because I want to be up doing things but have no energy nor feel like moving much. I’m up more today than yesterday. If I’m running a fever tomorrow, then I’ll go to the doc. Since my fever has been so high (up to 103 a personal all time best), I more than likely have a virus which means it can’t be treated with antibiotics and it’ll just have to run it’s course. I’m hoping the kids don’t get it though.

On the stomach bug front, Ace is almost over it. Liam had a little bit of diarrhea yesterday, so we’ll see.

Keep praying that none of the kids get it. Especially little Josiah.



We’ll have a happy Thanksgiving. Not sure it’s going to be the ideal one that I was hoping for. I’ve been running a fever since Sunday and been achy all over. Today, Ace has successfully had an upset stomach that leaked all the way on to his undies. I guess we’re fulfilling my family’s tradition of having someone sick on a holiday. Ace and I like to go together.

Thankfully (since it’s Thanksgiving), Mark took off today to help me out. He only has half a day tomorrow but I’m not sure if he’s going to go in or not. Then he’ll be off from Wednesday on which will help a tremendous amount.


Tea & Tutus

Zoe and I had a fun afternoon out at Tea & Tutus. This is an event put on by Columbia County Ballet the weekend of the Nutcracker. It’s a fundraising event and a lot of fun for moms and daughters (well, someone brought their son, but I wanted it to just be a mom/daughter thing for us). That night we went to see the Nutcracker. We being Mark, me, Zoe, Ace, and Liam. Josiah hung out with our babysitter/friend.



My carpets are cleeeeaaaannnn! What a great hubby I have. The kids were pretty good. Now I’m all yelling at them to stay off the carpet with their shoes…that’ll last about five seconds 🙂

Oh well, it’ll be nice to allow Josiah to roll around all over a clean floor.


Precious Moments

*When Josiah finishes eating, Mark will grab him and ask him if he’s “tanked” up. I just think that’s cute. Josiah always grins so I guess he thinks it’s cute too.

*My dad calls Josiah, J.B. Which is a good thing because this past weekend, he introduced him as Joshua…oops! I like the nickname, and again, Josiah thinks it’s great because he grins at my dad all the time.

Gotta run get my floors ready to shine! I sure hope they’re able to get them clean…they need to be cleaned so badly.


It’s my birthday!!!

Well, today is the day I surprised my mom and came into this world. As story goes, I couldn’t wait to get here and she delivered me within 30 minutes of getting to the hospital. I’ve been rushing about ever since. I wish one of my babies came out that fast.

Anyway, I digress. Mark has been treating me like a queen this week including gifts for every day of the week. Since my birthday is on a Wednesday, we will be celebrating at church tonight…which is good because all of our friends will be there. So for my cool gifts:

On Monday, I got some Edy’s LOADED Double Fudge Brownie Ice Cream…we shared that all around with friends who came over, thankfully!

On Tuesday, I got a new cell phone. My old one would turn off at odd times, including when I have emergencies. I love this new one. For those that don’t know, we don’t use the expensive plans for cell phones because we just don’t use them frequently enough. We have VOIP (don’t ask me to explain, I still don’t understand…but I know it’s cheap), so I don’t have to use my cell to make long distance calls. So, we go with prepaid cell phones and our cell bills total about $20 a month or less and sometimes (when we take long trips) are a little more. This is a nice flip phone and he even got me a carrier for it…very convenient.

Today, I got a nice certificate for my carpet to be cleaned (yes, that’s what I asked for…I’m old, bear with me). I also got my hubby home from work early, to work out at the gym, and some cards, and a sweet cd from my in-laws.

Tomorrow, I get to go hang out with some MOPS moms in the evening and on Friday, my carpet will actually be cleaned and Mark is staying home from work to help with the kids since the carpet people will be here at 8:30!!!

Needless to say, I am having a great birthday…if it weren’t so hot!!!

Life is good 🙂


Ummm…double gross!!!

We had some friends over tonight for supper and while they were playing after supper, Ace came up to me.

This is what I thought he said, “Mommy, can you get the boogie out of my nose.”

When I asked for him to repeat it this is what he actually said, “Mommy, can you get the mawble out of my nose.” And then he proceeds to dig where the marble is.

I lean his head waaaay back and sure enough…tiny bead in nose.

Luckily, our visiting friends said to plug the other side and get him to blow. That did the trick and it slowly came out. I gagged!

Double Gross! No, I didn’t get a picture of the marble or Ace because I thought he was fixing to push it all the way down his throat and that’s just plain gross! After he got it out, he asked for it back. I asked him how it got there.

“I pushed it there.” Duh!


This weekend and Aceisms

To kick off my birthday celebrations…the big 3-0 on Wednesday…We visited with my family, watched my dad’s team when the regional championships, and played with my niece and nephew. Pictures to follow. Now the Aceisms:

As we were walking down to greet my dad after the game, Ace told Mark, “Granddaddy’s my hero!”

He ran up to my dad and patted him on the leg and yelled up, “You did a great job, Granddaddy.”

All unprompted and sweet as can be. Do ya think he looks up to my dad?


Daddy’s Football

The weekend before my birthday we traveled to my parents’ house and got to see their regular season ending game. They won! They made it all the way the way to the quarterfinals before being beaten by North Gwinnet. They did great even up to the last two minutes of the game when they scored a touchdown, got a two point conversion, recovered an on sides kick, and kicked a field goal. Dad’s still not sure if this is his last year or not.
