Will the sickness ever end???

I was interrupted this morning during my snooze/nursing time with Josiah to Ace fussing. When I went in to check on him, he said he wasn’t feeling good (a common term he uses for general complaints) and that his belly was hurting (again common for him to say). I started reassuring him and trying to coax him back to sleep when he started to heave. Aggghhh! We made it to the bathroom and he threw up and continued to do so until about 8:30 this morning. He even threw up water. Yuck. He was so pitiful about it. He slowly ate a toaster strudel (probably not the best choice, but that’s what we had since it’s the end of the month and I was planning on grocery shopping) and swallowed down two glasses of milk (again all I had for an upset stomach) and then he was off to play. He acted fine the rest of the morning and was great when we went out to just get juice but also some coupon buys.

I think Josiah may have it too. He’s choked a couple of times and then has also spit up a lot and he threw up on me yesterday during supper (lovely). I just pray the rest of us don’t get it.

I’m becoming a germaphobe and washing hands every chance I get!


Men and Boys!

As we were walking into church on Wednesday night, Mark let out a large belch. Something I’m used to but he rarely does in public (he tries to refrain, really). There were two boys (about 9 or 10) playing on the playground and they heard him and were so excited. They kept saying that was a good one. I just laughed (haha) and kept walking. The two boys proceeded to come down out of the playfort and give Mark high fives for his belch.

He’s earned the respect of the boys on the playground. Now I know what he needs to teach his sons to get them to have the same ‘spect!

I’m still chuckling about it.


Josiah’s Five Months

Josiah’s now five months old! I remembered that it was the 28th and not the 29th. He’s getting so big. He’s somewhere between 17 and 20 lbs…I’m banking close to 20 just because he’s so heavy!! He’s very social. So much so that he doesn’t want to nap! Bedtimes are going easier and Mark and I are enjoying not having to tiptoe around the house. He is reaching out for everything, toys, our food, our drinks. And tonight after church, he rolled from his back to his belly. He’s been going to the side for awhile but tonight he went all the way over. He was a little shocked he was on his belly but quickly went to chewing on his favorite toy. Here are some pictures (told ya they were coming).

A visit with Ge and Granddaddy earlier in the month! He loved laughing and watching them.

His new bather! What fun! Really it is!


I promise

Pictures are coming. I have them all ready to go but just haven’t had the time to do them. I have three card orders that I’m trying to finish by the end of the week, plus school, getting ready for Christmas and my own personal Christmas cards…we’re busy as usual around here.

Josiah’s done good in his bed in the boys room. I’m still bringing him in bed with me in the morning to try and catch a few hours (I mean minutes of sleep).

Also, he’s outgrown the sink. His poor little knees were up by his ears when we went to bathe him in the sink the other day. We tried the baby bather from when Zoe was a baby but it didn’t work. Yesterday I got a pillow that sits in the tub and he loved it. He can still scoot down in it but at least he wasn’t scrunched up.

More later…sometime.


The time has come, the time is now…

Josiah’s now in his room with “the boys.” We’ll see how it goes. We did some “creative” rearranging to fit the glider in there to help with getting him asleep.

And, since he’s decided that grabbing for mom and dad’s food is fun and he’s starting to fuss when he sees us eat, we’ll start baby food on Saturday.

He started on Thanksgiving day intently watching Mark eat his yummy Thanksgiving dinner. Today at supper, he grabbed my hand and was pulling it and my food forcefully to his mouth! Definitely interested.

We’ll see how he feels about oatmeal and applesauce (at least the applesauce is homemade) come Saturday!

His little body is working so hard on that second tooth. I can see the outline of it but it still hasn’t broken through the gums. It’s making him grumpy and he’s not sleeping well with it.


Thanksgiving Come and Gone

We had a great, healthy Thanksgiving day. Lots of benefits to staying at home…mainly, I set the menu, I was able to spend more time with the kids and less time running around trying to keep the sleep deprived/travel logged children from totally losing it.

The cons included: more leftovers than we know what to do with, and all the dishes to clean!!!

Seriously, we had a great time. Mark and I went shopping on Friday (sort of) and actually finished our shopping up on Saturday, sans crowd. We also got all our Christmas decorations out and up. The tree will be up and decorated next Saturday.

We were the first in our neighborhood to have the Christmas lights out (high five…anyone?!…anyone?!). Granted, several people just got back into town today and tonight we saw a lot of lights up. But we were the first and don’t you forget it!


Our Thanksgiving Feast Part 2

So, I was going to make the tablecloth but I didn’t get a chance to since I was sick, but we ate off the fabric anyway. Surprisingly, my first attempt at cooking a Thanksgiving meal turned out good. The sweet potatoes were a little soggy and I didn’t care too much for the green bean casserole, but the turkey was excellent and nice and tender. The creamed corn and dressing were great too!


Our Thanksgiving Feast Part 1

It’s just us for Thanksgiving. This is our first Thanksgiving at home since we’ve been together (which is 11 years). This is the first time I’ve prepared anything for Thanksgiving. While I had visions of fun crafts and learning activities with the kids this week, unfortunately, my body had other plans in getting sick.

So, now it’s trying to keep it to the minimal and then watching the parade in the morning while I finish up the cooking.

Here’s what we’re having (if anyone wants a recipe, email me):
Herbed Turkey Breast (don’t even get me started on my feelings of raw poultry and handling it…gag! I tried to talk Mark into a ham but he wanted turkey…so I compromised…beside what we’d be eating a whole turkey for months on end.)
Green Bean Casserole
Creamed Corn (very yummy, made with cream cheese)
Southern Cornbread Stuffing (courtesy of everyone’s fav Southern chef, Paula Deen)
Sweet Potato Casserole
Dinner Rolls (homemade, thank you very much)
Watergate Salad (or affectionately known in my growing up circles as Green Stuff)
And for dessert:
Banana Pudding (very yummy and creamy recipe)
Apple Pie (with fresh apples from Grandmere and Papa)

We are going to be soooo full!!! But it’s all of Mark and my favorite Thanksgiving foods scaled down to our small family.


Answered Prayer

I’m better…much better. My fever went up during the night to only 99.5 and then came down on it’s own…now it’s off to cooking and preparing for tomorrow.

No more stomach bug and so far the kids are not showing signs of getting what I had. I pray Mark doesn’t get it either.
