End of July brought our last two of the four birthdays that we celebrate within a month’s span. Ace’s birthday fell on a Sunday this year and he was super excited to be able to celebrate with Y the Brave here.
Ace has requested a camera for the last few years and this year, we felt he was old enough to handle one. He received an older camera that he had put up for him. But he is thrilled! We also signed him up for a photography class.
Breakfast of choice, homemade sour cream donuts. I’ve been told that these are way better than any we can buy. I may be lacking in somethings but making extremely unhealthy but yummy breakfast foods is my forte.
Activity choice was laser tag and bumper boats. He wanted to do putt putt but when we reminded him the temps were pushing 100 degrees without humidity, he agreed to the other two activities.
Now to the cake:
My kids, did not go easy on me this summer. First there was Josiah’s cake. And then there was Ace’s.
“Mom, I want a minion cake.”
Um, okay. Pinterest and I became mighty good friends this year.
Getting started. Might I just say that I am in love with marshmallow fondant. It is so easy to make and work with and it keeps well even after made.
It wasn’t midnight and I was done. And still smiling.
So was this little guy. I used a buttercream icing for the main part and decorated with the marshmallow fondant. The cake was my chocolate cake recipe.
And, of course, the birthday boy approved so that, to me, is all that matters.